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单词 defy
释义  de·fy /dɪˈfaɪ/ ●●○ verb (defied, defying, defies) [transitive]  1  DISOBEYto refuse to obey a law or rule, or refuse to do what someone in authority tells you to do 违抗〔法律或规则〕;拒不服从〔有权威者〕 → defiance people who openly defy the law 公然抗拒法律的人► see thesaurus at disobey2  defy description/analysis/belief etc DESCRIBEto be almost impossible to describe or understand 无法描述/分析/相信等 The beauty of the scene defies description. 景色之美简直无法形容。3  defy logic/the odds etc to not happen according to the principles you would expect 不合逻辑/出人意料等 a 16-week premature baby who defied the odds and survived 奇迹般活下来的早产16周的婴儿4  I defy somebody to do something ASK FOR something/ASK somebody TO DO something spoken formal used when you ask someone to do something that you think is impossible 我倒要看某人能否做成某事 I defy anyone to prove otherwise. 我倒要看看哪一位能提出反证。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusdefy• Billy defied his mother, and smoked openly in the house.• For the song of the suffering servant helps unlock the mystery that defies logic.• It is an industry that, recently anyway, almost defies logic.• Through their various plights, the drama questions a world where feminine ideals regularly defy rational explanation.• Only deer slots in the mud have defied the access restrictions.• The conservatives surprised everyone by agreeing to defy the government and overspend by almost as much ... ten million.• Scopes was forbidden to teach Darwin's theory of evolution, but he defied the law.• She said she would defy the party leader and vote against him.• Its meteoric ascent defied the usual explanations.• This celebration of Thanksgiving defies tradition.Origin defy (1300-1400) Old French defier, from Latin fidere “to trust”de·fy verbChineseSyllable  rule, law to or refuse to Corpus or a obey refuse




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