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单词 decompress
释义  Related topics: Engineering, Computersde·com·press /ˌdiːkəmˈpres/ verb [transitive]  1. TEto reduce the pressure of air on something 使减压,减少…的气压2  technical to change the information in a computer document back into a form that can be easily read or used, when the information was stored on the computer in a special form that used less space in the computer’s memory 解压缩 Most Macintosh computers can decompress files automatically. 大部分苹果电脑都能自动解压缩文件。 —decompression /-ˈpreʃən/ noun [uncountable]→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusdecompress• The fire caused the plane's cabin to decompress.• Going outside would be a shock: I needed some time to decompress before facing the real world.• After you download a compressed file, you must decompress it to get it to work.• Before you can decompress it you need the right program to do the job.• The.exe files are usually self-extracting archives, which means they can decompress themselves.From Longman Business Dictionarydecompressde‧com‧press /ˌdiːkəmˈpres/ verb [transitive] computing to change the information in a computer document back into a form that can be easily read or used, from information that was stored in a form that used less space on the computer’s memoryMost Macs decompress files automatically. → compare compress→ See Verb tablede·com·press verbChineseSyllable  to the Business of air reduce Corpus something pressure on




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