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单词 self-reliant
释义  ˌself-reˈliant adjective  INDEPENDENT COUNTRY OR ORGANIZATIONINDEPENDENT PERSONable to do or decide things by yourself, without depending on the help or advice of other people 依靠自己的,自力更生的 Our aim is to teach our son to become an independent self-reliant adult. 我们的目标是把儿子培养成为独立自主的成年人。 —self-reliance noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpusself-reliant• But you must also find ways of working alone and becoming more self-reliant.• Hearts hardened by the decline of corporate job protection, these workers are demanding, mobile and self-reliant.• Squats had become stocky, tough and self-reliant.• My parents raised me to be self-reliant, and not to depend on anyone.• Stories about her childhood suggest that she was shrewd, self-reliant, and unorthodox.• David learned to be self-reliant at a young age.• You can help give them a more self-reliant future.• Gruff and inordinately self-reliant, Gordon was highly conservative in attitude, theology, and lifestyle.• Finally, what looks like a determination to be patriotically self-reliant is simultaneously the opposite: the formalisation of complete dependency.• First, you should recognize that you need to be much more self-reliant than you've ever been before.ˌself-reˈliant adjectiveChineseSyllable  decide do able or to things by Corpus




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