单词 |
Old Labour |
释义 |
Old Labour ˌOld ˈLabour an unofficial name used to talk about the British Labour Party before it was changed by Tony Blair in the 1990s. Old Labour was thought to be more left wing, and supported the idea of increasing taxes to pay for public services such as education and health. Today the Labour Party does not believe in increasing taxes, and many traditional Labour supporters think it has become too right wing. → compare New LabourˌOld ˈLabourSyllable |
随便看 |
- Order of the Thistle, the
- Order! Order!
- Order Order
- order out
- order out sb
- order out somebody
- order paper
- orderpaper
- order-paper
- orders
- order sb around
- order sb out
- order somebody around
- order somebody out
- order somebody ↔ out
- ordinal
- ordinal number
- ordinal-number
- ordinalnumber
- ordinal numbers
- ordinance
- ordinances
- ordinand
- ordinarily
- ordinariness
- Percussion section
- Sexual arousal
- Subcomponent
- Beyond number
- Cruller
- Revenue bond
- Eyes front
- Treble clef
- Insuline
- Gestational age
- 臧棣《喜鹊法典(组诗)》
- 臧榖亡羊是什么意思
- 臧穀(gu)亡羊是什么意思
- 臧穀亡羊是什么意思
- 自一身以至于天下国家,皆学之事也。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 自三峡七百里中,两岸连山,略无阙处。重峦叠嶂,隐天蔽日,自非亭午夜分,不见曦月。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 自不量力
- 自不量力·痴心妄想是什么意思
- 自不量力的释义|结构|用法|造句
- 自不量力的驴子
- 自中庸之道不明,而人之相病无终已。狷介之人病和易者为熟软,和易之人病狷介者为乖戾。率真之人病慎密者为深险,慎密之人病率真者为粗疏。精明之人病浑厚者为含糊,浑厚之人病精明者为苛刻。使质于孔子,吾知其必有公案矣。孔子者,合十圣于一身,萃万善于一心,随事而时出之,因人而通变之,圆神不滞,化裁无端,其所自为不可以教人者也。何也?难以言传也。见人之为不以备责也,何也?难以速化也。
- 自为墓志铭》鉴赏
- 自主选择与选择焦虑
- 自乡举里选之法废,而后世率尚词章。唐以诗赋求真才,更为可叹;宋以经义取士,而我朝因之。夫取士以文,已为言举人矣。然犹曰:言,心声也,因文可得其心,因心可知其人。其文爽亮者,其心必光明,而察其粗浅之病。其文劲直者,其人必刚方,而察其豪悍之病。其文藻丽者,其人必文采,而察其靡曼之病。其文庄重者,其人必端严,而察其寥落之病。其文飘逸者,其人必流动,而察其浮薄之病。其文典雅者,其人必质实,而察其朴钝之病。
- 自井田废而窃劫始多矣。饱暖无资,饥寒难耐,等死耳。与其瘠僵于沟壑无人称廉,不若苟活于旦夕未必即犯。彼义士廉夫尚难责以饿死,而况种种贫民半于天下乎?彼膏粱文绣坐于法堂而严刑峻法以正窃劫之罪者,不患无人,所谓“哀矜而勿喜”者谁与?余以为,衣食足而为盗者,杀无赦;其迫于饥寒者,皆宜有以处之。不然,罪有所由而独诛盗,亦可愧矣。
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- Incensed句子
- Gusto句子
- Wilt句子
- Waylay句子
- Wan句子
- Wayward句子
- Wean句子
- Wont句子
- Vernal句子
- Select committee句子
- Minority leader句子
- Seniority system句子
- Cloture句子
- Rehearsal句子