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单词 oldie
释义  old·ie /ˈəʊldi $ ˈoʊldi/ noun [countable] informal  OLD/NOT NEWOLD/NOT YOUNGsomeone or something that is old, especially an old film or song 老人;〔尤指〕老电影,怀旧老歌 → golden oldieExamples from the Corpusoldie• But after ramming their words back down their throats his enormous smile shows how delighted he is to be a golden oldie!• Nor does anybody really expect a golden oldie like James Taylor to have much truck with contemporaneity.• Figures like that don't come on oldies, Nigel thought.• And the oldies get a consolation goal off the woodwork but the ref says it's all over.old·ie nounChineseSyllable  or someone especially old is Corpus old, that an something film




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