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单词 Incorporate
1. We shall try to incorporate some of your ideas in our future plan.
2. The new cars will incorporate a number of major improvements.
3. We had to incorporate the company for tax reasons.
4. We can incorporate this information into our report.
5. Queensway Quay will incorporate shops, restaurants and other amenities.
6. We will incorporate your suggestion in the new plan.
7. The party vowed to incorporate environmental considerations into all its policies.
8. Paints incorporate with oil.
9. Some designs incorporate a two - piece bonnet and yoke.
10. They may also incorporate a transposition device.
11. Various design and control systems which incorporate intelligent processes.
12. The plans incorporate several revolutionary new concepts which, for obvious reasons, must be kept top secret.
13. Like most romance fiction, Medical Romances incorporate a number of standard romance conventions.
14. A successful unified theory must therefore necessarily incorporate this principle.
15. These incorporate a very long run which promises high speed.
16. The only way in which one could incorporate such fine-grained information from the Text710 would be to completely re-tag the LOB corpus.
17. Rules incorporate more traditional expertise in handling situations like bumping and alternate carrier vouchers.
18. The further particulars given must incorporate the request or order.
19. Many hotels will incorporate leisure facilities in the form of fitness centres or nightclubs, or both.
20. Treaties, like any other form of agreement, characteristically incorporate both rights and duties as part of an interlocking bargain.
21. He has become more venturesome this season with dress designs that incorporate a variety of ethnic influences.
22. People are likely to create at least one piece of paper when making an agreement of sufficient complexity to incorporate expert determination.
23. No doubt Eliza spent hours scouring the beds and walkways for native plants to incorporate in her bird drawings.
24. Much of the growth, however, is now in systems that incorporate pre-packaged criteria.
25. Some new-home builders are revamping their standard home design to better incorporate the needs and desires of immigrant buyers.
26. But we know it can not be quite right because it doesn't incorporate the uncertainty principle of quantum mechanics.
27. Some boots may be insulated with Thinsulate or a fibrepile lining and others may incorporate breathable, waterproof membranes.
27. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
28. Made from a mixture of egg white and icing sugar, it involves vigorous beating to incorporate as much air as possible.
29. Two departments rely mainly on a single source for their forecasts with perhaps slight alterations to incorporate their own views.
30. The Country Club has only recently been expanded to incorporate even more amenities ... a delightful children's pool.
1. We shall try to incorporate some of your ideas in our future plan.
2. The new cars will incorporate a number of major improvements.
3. We had to incorporate the company for tax reasons.
4. Paints incorporate with oil.
5. Some designs incorporate a two - piece bonnet and yoke.
31. Many purchasers will acknowledge that the vendor will wish to limit its liability and incorporate these basic provisions in the initial draft.
32. Teachers lack the skills necessary to incorporate and transform ethnic or gender cultures into a form which is educationally relevant.
33. However, some verbs are inflected spatially in order to incorporate information on person.
34. All its letters are in lower case and the picture cards incorporate both approaches.
35. What you hear will incorporate high-fidelity sound, speech synthesis, and speech recognition.
36. One is that it should incorporate Feynman's proposal to formulate quantum theory in terms of a sum over histories.
37. The purchaser will incorporate an express right of set-off in the sale agreement.
38. Perhaps the working poor should threaten to incorporate in order to get local leaders to seriously address their plight.
39. The houses have been built to incorporate as many energy saving features as possible.
40. All rail stations should be developed or moved to incorporate bus stations and car parks.
41. A general right of recovery of overpaid tax could not incorporate any such restriction.
42. Other verbs incorporate size into movement and provide additional meaning by their inflection.
43. In varying degrees, they incorporate into their own attitudes and actions the dysfunctional beliefs their organizations seem to be advocating.
44. It has to incorporate a wide range of factors and develop methods of investigation other than laboratory experiments.
45. Some of the windows incorporate mediaeval work, but the interior is unattractive and not helped by the masses of dreary pews.
46. Some comms packages incorporate it in software but usually it's found in the modem itself.
47. Requirements of this sort mean that any system must incorporate a report writer which is intelligible to ordinary users.
48. These are features that simple word processors were never designed to incorporate but which low-end desktop publishing packages find simple.
49. This allows us to write programs which incorporate instruction modification.
50. For example, the attempt in the past thirty years to incorporate more divergent factors changes the emphasis towards inductive and creative abilities.
51. Fourth, the fund may lack the accounting systems and performance measurement techniques to incorporate futures, so discouraging their use.
52. Loan terms incorporate details on grace periods, repayment and prepayment.
53. Some new chips incorporate tiny electromechanical or electrochemical devices to do jobs that used to be done by more expensive electronics.
54. The research does suggest that in Dermakot at least they can incorporate our findings into their fire prevention methods and techniques.
55. Any workable theory of visual perception must incorporate this discovery.
56. Organizational and ideological affinities may also lead state elites to incorporate and protect certain interests.
57. Harris will incorporate the PowerPC into the Night Hawk line.
58. The fax side as many features; you can store your signature and incorporate it in faxes, for example.
59. It allows a manufacturer to incorporate its suppliers' efforts toward eliminating waste in the upstream portion of the manufacturing cycle.
60. Sight deposits are, in the main, cheque account funds while time deposits incorporate an element of withdrawal restriction, i.e. notice.
61. The company needs to be sensitive to local preferences and tastes, and such things as company logos should incorporate local preferences.
62. Any attempt to incorporate it after the contract is made will be unsuccessful.
63. Computer simulation models which incorporate random effects have been described in this chapter.
64. In the circumstances, programmes to alter reproductive patterns might incorporate special provisions for reaching individuals of lower socio-economic status.
65. However, most leases incorporate a rent review clause which provides for the periodic raising of the rent.
66. Present-day computer or digital organs incorporate new and complex technology, and this has led to some impressive developments.
67. Several schools are trying to incorporate ethnic foods into their menus.
68. Poem Videobox is a software developers kit that enables programmers to incorporate the company's decompression techniques into their own products.
69. The Sassanians expanded eastwards to incorporate into their state the northern part of the disintegrating Kushan empire.
70. Thankfully, like Feynman himself, they incorporate many diagrams to explain his findings in quantum electrodynamics and quantum chromodynamics.
71. Slowly add lemon juice-sugar mixture to egg-cream mixture and whisk to incorporate completely.
72. It is normally circulated under covering letter and will incorporate a confidentiality agreement.
73. Which activities would you like to incorporate in your life?
74. Please advise us of any updating or errors, which we can incorporate until 11 August.
75. One solution is for Dorman Oil to summarize key points in employee training sessions that incorporate multimedia and other technologies.
76. His role of mutant son extended itself to incorporate pervert as well.
77. Some colleges are starting to incorporate the concept into their curriculum.
78. Both songs incorporate traditional Qawwali drumming and use of the harmonium.
79. His whimsical creations incorporate the antique wood letters and foundry type from a Montana newspaper he published in the 1960s.
80. The need to incorporate non-teaching staff into all aspects of effective institutional management. 8.
81. A ceiling fan can help ventilation but can also incorporate lighting and be decorative.
82. And more public schools incorporate hands-on learning that educators say can help children better absorb some concepts.
83. Businesses often seek to incorporate their terms, or individual terms, by using a rubber stamp.
84. In late April 1967, plans were begun to incorporate the company as the not-for-profit Dance Theater Foundation.
85. Corporate divisions can incorporate more than one or, indeed, less than one separate economic entity.
86. Since the computer database does not incorporate visual images, corresponding photographs are kept on file.
87. This price includes adapters, which incorporate dedicated circuitry, for the four sizes of battery.
87. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
88. This will incorporate retail developments, hotels, houses and half-a-million square feet of commercial development.
89. I also tried to incorporate a strong element of freedom so that a long term eating habit could be created.
90. Not only do these verbs inflect for person, they very often incorporate the person and/or object of the sentence.
91. But this does not diminish the importance of the provisional discoveries which it contains, which the writer has moved to incorporate.
92. Where more than one channel is provided for, the device is question will incorporate some form of analogue multiplexer.
93. The launcher for the medium-range version will incorporate a projector that produces a beam of infrared radiation.
94. The law and legal rules incorporate and build upon perceptions of reality.
95. All the Wilsons ladies' clubs incorporate features designed to help women players improve and enjoy their game.
96. It may incorporate a shock-absorbing layer, avoiding the necessity of a mid-sole.
97. Can they, however, satisfactorily incorporate the changes in societies which now determine the existence and practices of the present media?
98. New schemata do not replace prior ones; as in accommodation, they incorporate them, resulting in a qualitative change.
99. One version of the Am586 chip will incorporate special features for portable computers.
100. We recorded some spoken word with Burroughs to incorporate directly into a remix of the song.
101. Nor was Britain the only colonial power to incorporate existing native rulers into a system of colonial administration.
102. Typically, developers build new public facilities and incorporate their cost in the base price of their homes.
103. Some recent models even incorporate an integral filter which is intended to clarify the water rather than just catch debris.
104. Einstein's general relativity is what is called a classical theory; that is, it does not incorporate the uncertainty principle.
105. Many models now incorporate a thrust race below this bearing to reduce this effect.
106. The household production approach extends the neo-classical framework to incorporate the time input into consumption.
107. In the other areas the larger cities and conurbations proved difficult to incorporate in a wider uniform pattern.
108. These leaders need to recognize the need to be highly selective about what to incorporate into their operations.
109. All the tragedies and happiness in my life are something I am lucky to be able to incorporate into what I do.
110. One obvious development is for the empirical studies to incorporate behavioural relationships.
111. During the 1970s sociologists were beginning to think about how to incorporate gender divisions into sociological theory.
112. Statistical Reports Future annual statistical reports will adopt the same format and will incorporate information similar to that contained in this Update.
113. Alternatively, it may be possible, and preferable(), to establish procedures to incorporate terms by reference on the telephone.
114. Incorporate this understanding into the marketing planning process.
115. What incorporate does computer radiate have to cutaneous harm?
116. I will incorporate the new findings in my report.
117. The need to incorporate a staircase prevented perfect symmetry.
118. We will incorporate your suggestion in this new plan.
119. Prepare basic financial statements for incorporate and unincorporated entities.
120. Many large companies incorporate with small ones.
121. Eat fresh food and incorporate exercise into your lifestyle.
122. We'll incorporate the new plan with the old.
123. Remark - ably, standard macroeconomic models did not even incorporate adequate analyses of banks.
124. This module incorporate system call anomaly detection modeling methods and monitor file systems and Registry accesses.
125. But analysts say that any lasting peace deal in Darfur will also have to incorporate the main factions of SLM.
126. We're predicting Apple will incorporate new multitouch gestures, and maybe even the accelerometer, to trigger functions of the traditional QWERTY keyboard.
127. Wolff wants organized sports -- recreational, amateur and professional -- to incorporate divisions that include athletes with disabilities.
128. Incorporate several cardio techniques ? Use a combination of continuous, interval, circuit and Fartlek training.
129. Learners' dictionaries incorporate in them many associative pictorial illustrations to fulfill other functions as well, one of which being facilitating associative learning.
130. The actuators incorporate sophisticated electronics that provide - intrusive set - up and interrogation via an infra - red hand held remote.
131. AA places orders to BB to purchase The orders shall incorporate this Agreement automatically.
132. The new car design incorporate all the latest safety feature.
133. The smaller Popular Party voted to incorporate itself into the larger Democratic Movement Party.
134. The preparation and electrochemical characteristics of poly ( Eastman AQ 55 ) film incorporate with methylene blue was described.
135. But the dojo is a great way to get people to think about and incorporate clean coding techniques into their own work.
136. The theme park would incorporate a range of Chinese legends and myths.
137. Conclusion: The prognosis were baddish of acute cerebral hemorrhage patient with early hyperglycemia whether here is incorporate diabetes mellitus or not.
138. By 2010, manufacturers may be able to incorporate the crossbar communications system into commercial chips.
139. Silanes can also incorporate the same functional groups as alkanes(), e. g. –OH to make a silanol.
140. XML namespaces allow XML documents to incorporate elements and attributes from different vocabularies without ambiguity and processing conflicts.
141. Yeap, but the characteristics of our companies are totally different, how could we incorporate with each other?
142. Do you use or incorporate into devices animal material or derivatives ( gelatine, collagen )?
143. Japan, which in the 19th century took on board western notions of the sovereign state, absorbed Ryukyu (now Okinawa) and went on forcibly to incorporate much of Asia into its short-lived empire.
144. Wells and Company are about to incorporate with National Steel.
145. The building and the environment landscape shall embody the concept of "Future of Canal and Qiangjiang Times". The conceptive design is suggested to incorporate the following aspects.
146. Soon we hope to incorporate a proper coffee bar counter, with a coffee machine.
147. Run it through the wood chipper,(http:///incorporate.html) and then incorporate the bits into various food items.
148. Volume holographic imaging (VHI) systems incorporate a volume hologram as one of the optical field processing elements in the system.
149. In this case it is desirable to incorporate additional oxidizer into the composition.
150. This video explains what pronation is, how it works, and how to incorporate it into your serve to help you improve your game.
151. Incorporate English learning as part of our school yearly effectuation.
152. The RMP will incorporate an Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) antenna with more-supportable radar electronics.
153. Air dusting is used by the exhaust gas flow of air pump mixing Cup incorporate both.
154. Moreover, what motivates Hollywood to incorporate "Chinese Style" into movies is the interplay of global film market and Chinese domestic system.
155. Each individual hydrant and valve shall incorporate a label to designate its function.
156. The challenge is to incorporate the quebradeiras into larger-scale mechanised harvesting systems, enabling them to benefit from a leap in productivity and profits as the bioenergy industry grows.
157. Absorption spectra of three novel coumarin sensitizer incorporate benzylidene cyclopentanone moiety were studied.
158. And how to incorporate It'so it didn't become swashbuckling. That it a precision about it.
159. Inside, his Mercury train has a contemporary and flexible, open-plan design with traditional commuter seats which incorporate movie, music and games entertainment systems.
160. The Loma stand will also incorporate the X4 X-ray machine, which the company states is able to detect non-metallic contaminants, together with monitoring the weight, size and shape of products.
161. XP proponents practice continuous, incremental refactoring as a way to incorporate change.
162. Incorporate figures , tables, and equations appropriately into the text.
163. Drum brakes have more parts than disc brakes and harder to service, but they are less expensive to manufacture, and they easily incorporate an emergency brake mechanism.
164. To incorporate the interdependency of the two problems, a LRP overall decision model, which is a NP-hard integer programming problem, was proposed.
165. Fortunately, it is possible to incorporate altimeter in the system and practically eliminate this difficulty entirely.
166. Other things that you may like to consider is to incorporate a dishwater and a washing machine.
167. Cancellous allografts incorporate to host bone, as do autogenous cancellous grafts.
168. The PR shall require the vendor to incorporate the appropriate Quality Program requirements into sub-tier procurement documents.
169. To incorporate ( territory ) into an existing political unIt'such as a country, state, county, or city.
170. Thirdly, except for considering uncertainty of the coefficients of a linear optimization model, we also incorporate implementation error of the obtained solution into the model.
171. She wanted to incorporate a Cuban theme, so Arriaga suggested finding real tobacco leaves and lacquering them to the wall.
172. An ideal measure of market - wide liquidity should therefore incorporate elements of depth, breadth, tightness, and resiliency.
173. A hierarchical storage system extends the storage hierarchy beyond primary memory and secondary storage to incorporate tertiary storage — usually implemented as a jukebox of tapes or removable disks.
174. It can be served and eaten in just a simple spread, comb chunks mixed over a breakfast cereal and fruits or even incorporate with a more complicated gourmet dishes that give in a very delicate flavor.
175. Even the pros incorporate hitting the cue ball on its centre line into their practice routines.
176. In belief revision system, when facing new information it is essential how to incorporate it into a consistent knowledge base and to keep the knowledge base consistent.
177. We may always incorporate the information into the signal flowgraph.
178. In my view, you incorporate a cognitive system called the executive control system(Sentence dictionary), whose job it is to resolve competition and focus attention.
179. Monoculture practices can incorporate multiple cropping systems by using rotations, borders, and cover crops.
180. It would incorporate all leading Otis technologies across the world and was being built to leadership in Energy and Environment Design (LEED) gold standards.
181. Many skincare products designed for oily skin incorporate green tea extract.
182. Lohan cautions that the company has only been able to incorporate anammox bacteria in the lab.
183. Most joints, including synovial ( fluid - containing ) joints and those Between vertebrae, which incorporate a disk, can move.
184. Incorporate into your diet more shitake mushrooms, figs, beets, beet tops, papayas, mung beans, licorice, sea cucumbers, garlic, walnuts, litchi fruits, mulberries, and dandelion greens.
185. Incorporate several cardio techniques? Use a combination of continuous, interval circuit and Fartlek ( speed play ) training.
186. The new ideas gradually incorporate with the existing religious beliefs to form a philosophy.
187. In addition to safekeeping, a central securities depository may incorporate comparison,() clearing and settlement functions.
188. The pet litter materials imported acrylic, the use of modular assembly, no screws, easy to incorporate and cleaning, can be placed indoors and outdoors, there are a variety of sizes, colors.
189. For the cyclo-cross bicycle the width of the tyre shall not exceed 35mm and it may not incorporate any form of spike or stud.
190. One way of overcoming this problem is to incorporate logic circuitry.
191. The Web messaging service library is used to incorporate the publish/subscribe feature in the application.
192. In order for MDD to achieve comparable improvements in development productivity,[http:///incorporate.html] it must incorporate the same level of automation; models must be automatically translatable into executable code.
193. We now incorporate this condition into the analysis of the hydrogen atom.
194. Each place airline can choose to join of one's own accord among them either group company, also can not incorporate with any companies and self-existent.
195. The National Electric Code, in Article 690.5, requires that any PV array installed on the roof of a dwelling must incorporate a ground-fault protection device to reduce fire hazards.
196. Along with the advantages of the spring-loaded diaphragm valves, tied-diaphragm valves incorporate features which provide additional benefits.
197. With AIX uDAPL, you can incorporate the features provided by the API, including the capability to do remote direct memory access (RDMA).
198. Maya now provides shader files that developers can incorporate into their own CgFX shader.
199. The life education program was feasible to incorporate into the Integrative Activities Learning Area.
200. Although conventional models can incorporate these, ABMs may be better tailored to modelling specific sectors.
201. But we can incorporate some of their approach which will strengthern our areas of weekness.
202. Design should incorporate provisions to avoid any accidental collapse of a bed full of solids.
203. These creatures could incorporate raw meat in their diet and process food more efficiently.




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