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单词 daredevil
释义  dare·dev·il /ˈdeədevəl $ ˈder-/ noun [countable]  RISKsomeone who likes doing dangerous things 喜欢冒险的人 —daredevil adjectiveExamples from the Corpusdaredevil• World famous daredevil Evel Knievel will attempt to cross the Grand Canyon on a rocket-powered motorcycle.• Slowly the network fanned out, a loose, far-flung affiliation of daredevils and mavericks.• Spectators watched in horror as the 19-year-old daredevil smashed into the ground from the top of a crane.• This was not a musical, and there were no deliberate dangers or daredevil stunts.• Comet forecasting is notoriously risky, but some daredevils say the unusually large Hale-Bopp could be the brightest of the century.• Are we worried that our child will take daredevil risks on her bicycle?• There are enormous alpine bowls, moguls and plenty of craggy outcroppings to challenge the daredevils.• There was also talk that these daredevils flew with their rotor blades overlapped by several feet, just for fun.dare·dev·il nounChineseSyllable   Corpus someone things doing who dangerous likes




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