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单词 altogether
释义  al·to·geth·er1 /ˌɔːltəˈɡeðə◂ $ ˌɒːltəˈɡeðər◂/ ●●● S2 W3 adverb  1  COMPLETELYused to emphasize that something has been done completely or has finished completely 完全,全部〔用于强调完成或结束〕 an old custom that has vanished altogether 一个彻底消亡的古老习俗 Congress could ban the procession altogether. 国会可以完全禁止这次游行。2  [+adj/adverb] used to emphasize that the way you describe something is completely true 十分,全然〔用于强调对某事物的描述属实〕 In Canada, the situation is altogether different. 在加拿大,情况完全不一样。 This latest problem is altogether more serious. 这一最新问题实在是严重多了。not altogether (=not completely) 不完全 I wasn’t altogether happy about Mike staying over. 我对迈克在这里过夜并不十分高兴。 The results were not altogether surprising. 结果并不完全出人意料。3  TOTALused to show that you are referring to the total amount 总计,总共 There were five people altogether. 总共有五个人。 How much do I owe you altogether? 我总共欠你多少钱?4  LASTused to make a final statement about several things you have just mentioned 总的说来,总而言之 SYN all in all Lots of sunshine, wonderful food, and amazing nightlife – altogether a great vacation! 充沛的阳光,可口的食物,美妙的夜生活——总而言之,这是个完美的假期!Examples from the Corpusaltogether• He gave enough encouragement to the army command without losing control of the situation altogether.• Many farmers have adjusted to changing economic and social fortunes by taking a second job rather than leave their farms altogether.• What none of us know is whether this drop indicates that doctors are leaving medicine altogether.• It seems to have vanished altogether.• But fifty miles away in Gloucester the same laws have stopped Yvonne Bremer from setting up a female taxi business altogether.• But if the plea can be supported by a finding of guilt alone, a defendant might escape punishment altogether.• But inheriting the sponsorship of a competition to unearth the Old Masters of tomorrow is a different matter altogether.• But that, the reader may say, is a different matter altogether.• How this is to be achieved is altogether a different matter.• Rather than misdirecting attacks, they repel them altogether, as we shall see in the next chapter.• Eventually they chose an altogether different design.• Latin America is a world where primitive ways of life exist near ultra-modern cities. Altogether, it is a continent full of vitality.• There were five people altogether who attended the presentation.not altogether• The change is not altogether bad.• The Federals in the ranks were not altogether clear as to what was happening.• The history of this proposition is not altogether clear.• Corrada was not altogether comfortable with altar girls.• For example, the period 1945-51 has come to acquire a retrospective glow which it may not altogether deserve.• Mr Schuller's local congregation is not altogether happy with his imperial style and church finances are suffering.• The analogy was well meant, but did not altogether please him.• And now we have the unlikely and not altogether pretty sight of Bob Dole tearing up in public like a road-company Pagliacci.• The boy was not altogether sure the judge was talking to him.• Their bitterness then, is understandable and not altogether unfounded.altogether2 noun  in the altogether not wearing any clothes – used humorously 赤身裸体〔幽默用法〕 Several of the men were parading around in the altogether. 其中有几个男人正一丝不挂地在走来走去。Origin altogether1 (1100-1200) all “everything, everyone” + togetheral·to·geth·er1 adverbaltogether2 nounChineseSyllable  or has something completely used done that Corpus to emphasize been




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