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单词 avocado
释义  Related topics: Plants, Food, dishav·o·ca·do /ˌævəˈkɑːdəʊ◂ $ -doʊ◂/ (also avocado pear) noun (plural avocados) [countable]   HBPDFFa fruit with a thick green or dark purple skin that is green inside and has a large seed in the middle 鳄梨,牛油果 →4  See picture of 见图 FRUIT 1 →5 see picture at 见图 fruit1Examples from the Corpusavocado• Thus creating a succulently flavoured ham that goes perfectly with a watercress and avocado salad and a few slices of brown bread.• On the side, I enjoy the tortilla soup and a green salad topped with chopped avocado and jicama.• Stir in avocado and season with salt.• Ladle the broth into soup bowls and garnish with turkey strips, avocado chunks and cilantro.• They had not mentioned Kiwi fruit, nor the avocado and they definitely hadn't warned him about the pine kernels.• Sprinkle the avocado slices with lemon juice, then arrange them with Mozzarella and tomato slices. 2.• Her speciality was a kind of uncooked avocado mousse that was better avoided, although her martinis were good.Origin avocado (1600-1700) Spanish aguacate “avocado”, from Nahuatl ahuacatl “testicle, avocado”; influenced by Spanish avocado “lawyer”av·o·ca·do nounChineseSyllable  fruit purple a thick green or with a dark Corpus




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