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单词 avoid
释义 Word family  noun avoidance adjective avoidable ≠ unavoidable verb avoid adverb unavoidably  a·void /əˈvɔɪd/ ●●● S2 W1 verb [transitive]  1  AVOIDto prevent something bad from happening 避免,防止 Road safety is taught to young children to avoid road accidents. 小孩子受到道路安全知识的教育,以避免交通事故。 It is important to take measures to avoid the risk of fire. 采取措施避免火灾风险很重要。avoid doing something The refugees left to avoid getting bombed. 难民为躲避轰炸纷纷离去。 Alan narrowly avoided an accident. 艾伦险出事故。2  AVOIDto stay away from someone or something, or not use something 躲避,避开 Everyone seemed to be avoiding Nick. 似乎所有人都在躲着尼克。 She carefully avoided his eyes (=did not look directly at his face). 她小心地避开他的目光。 Pregnant women should avoid certain foods such as raw eggs. 孕妇应当戒吃生鸡蛋之类的食物。 Why did you speak to him? You usually avoid him like the plague (=try hard to avoid him). 你怎么同他说话了?你平时像躲瘟神一样躲着他的。3  AVOIDto deliberately not do something, especially something wrong, dangerous, or harmful 逃避 There are ways of legally avoiding taxes. 有多种方法可以合法避税。avoid doing something You should avoid over-spending in the first half of the year. 上半年你应避免超支。n GrammarAvoid is followed by an -ing form, not an infinitive. You say: They are able to avoid paying taxes. ✗Don’t say: They are able to avoid to pay taxes. THESAURUSto avoid a person or place 避开某人或某地avoid to deliberately not go near a person or place 躲避〔某人〕,避开Why have you been avoiding me? 你为什么一直躲着我?We avoided Park Street because of the traffic. 因为交通状况我们避开了公园街。stay away/keep away to avoid a person or place, especially a dangerous one 远离〔危险的人或地方〕She walked along the path, keeping well away from the edge of the cliff. 她在小道上走着,离崖边远远的。That man is trouble – I’d stay away from him. 那家伙很麻烦——我要离他远点。steer clear of somebody/something informal to avoid a person or place, because there could be problems if you do not 避开某人/某事〔以免麻烦〕I usually steer clear of the kitchen when Alan’s cooking. 艾伦做饭时我一般都避免进厨房。nI’d steer clear of Matthew if I were you.make a detour to avoid a place by travelling around it instead of through the centre 绕行We had to make a long detour because of the floods. 因为发大水,我们不得不绕了很长一段路。to avoid doing something 避免做某事avoid to find a way of not doing something that you should do 逃避Some people will do anything to avoid work. 有些人会千方百计逃避工作。get out of something to avoid doing something you should do or something you promised to do. Get out of is more common than avoid in everyday spoken English 逃避某事,逃过某事〔在日常英语中get out of比avoid更为常用〕We promised we’d go – we can’t get out of it now. 我们答应过要去的——不能现在又食言了。wriggle out of something (also wiggle out of something American English) to avoid doing something you should do by making up excuses – used to show disapproval 〔找借口〕逃脱(应做的)某事〔含贬义〕He always seems to wriggle out of helping with the kids. 他好像总是推三阻四,不肯帮着照看孩子。evade formal to avoid doing something that legally or morally you should do – used especially about taxes or responsibilities 逃避,规避〔法律或道德责任〕It is an offence to evade taxes. 逃税是违法的。The US cannot evade its responsibility for the war. 美国不能逃避对这场战争应负的责任。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusavoid• We take every precaution to avoid accidents.• The company is anxious to avoid an expensive court case.• To avoid any possible embarrassment the receptionist should show the lady to a seat in the lounge.• Police were anxious to avoid any ugly scenes when the two boys made their first appearance in court nine days ago.• Civilian casualties must be avoided at all costs.• Penny jumped out of the way to avoid being hit by the falling branch.• The book is intended to help students avoid common errors.• She's a good manager, because she never avoids dealing with the problems of her staff.• Hoping to avoid delays and embarrassing publicity, in July the council started quietly pressuring Pike to disengage from the venture.• Except when they were filming, the two actors avoided each other like the plague.• Drivers are advised to avoid Elm Street today due to heavy traffic and long delays.• Import duties on some goods can be avoided if you know how.• Journalists now subject him to the scrutiny he avoided in his stealthy rise.• We must, above all, avoid involvement in the war.• I'm sure Sarah's been avoiding me recently.• Have you been avoiding me?• He avoids mentioning Home Office research that suggests that there is a relationship between deprivation and crime.• Children quickly learn how to avoid punishment.• Try to avoid subjects like sex or religion that might offend people.• But as they minded their church business, they could not avoid taking political stands as well.• Do you think he's gone away to avoid talking to the police?• The driver of the car said he tried to brake to avoid the accident, but it was already too late.• Typical politician! He just kept avoiding the question.• I switched ends on the stretcher to avoid the stain from the piece of meat.• I had to swerve to avoid the truck.• I managed to avoid the worst of the traffic.narrowly avoided• An assault on the office building angered the men in the yard and violence was narrowly avoided.• The torpedo was only narrowly avoided.• And Chrysler narrowly avoided a major strike in August at its Detroit axle plant, another aging factory targeted for shutdown.• Two children in the car were rescued unhurt, and a woman inside the house narrowly avoided being hit by debris.• This was narrowly avoided by producing a new programming scheme, involving local sponsorship as the future funders of individual exhibitions.• A narrowly avoided divorce scandal involving a prominent Member of Parliament.avoid ... like the plague• Avoid cliches like the plague! 6.• As you know, the best commercial travel pictures avoid people like the plague.• But if you just want to use your computer for word-processing or web-surfing, avoid it like the plague.• If not, avoid like the plague.• The place has given off a bad odour for years and I have always avoided it like the plague.• The Profitboss avoids committees like the plague.• Trees evenly spaced, at regulation height, and all plumb vertical, must be avoided like the plague.• I guess I have avoided it like the plague, without much wanting to admit my cowardice.From Longman Business Dictionaryavoida‧void /əˈvɔɪd/ verb [transitive]TAXLAW if you avoid tax, you manage to not pay it legally, for example by the way that you enter profits or losses into your accountsInvesting in this way allows savers to avoid tax upon withdrawal. → compare evade —avoidance noun [uncountable]There is a very thin line between tax avoidance and tax evasion.→ See Verb tableOrigin avoid (1300-1400) Old French esvuidier, from vuidier “to empty”a·void verb →n GRAMMAR1 →THESAURUS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable   Corpus from something bad prevent happening Business to




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