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单词 cylindrical
释义  Related topics: Shapes, patternscy·lin·dri·cal /səˈlɪndrɪkəl/ adjective  CFin the shape of a cylinder 圆柱体的 a cylindrical oil tank 圆柱形油罐Examples from the Corpuscylindrical• Now imagine the jar no longer cylindrical but conical, like an ice-cream cone, the wider end at the surface.• The joints that hold the gold plated, cylindrical copper mirror are standard components.• The cylindrical glass jars are used for keeping spaghetti in.• He secured a single-burner gasoline stove and wrapped a cylindrical iron shell lined with fire-clay around it.• a cylindrical marble column• It was a cylindrical object, covered with fabric that had been roughly wound about it.• Beyond was a completely cylindrical room, its beamed ceiling some nine feet high.• The leading set can be rounded into a near cylindrical section while the rear set retains hard edges.• Roll the bread dough into a cylindrical shape.• Figure 3.1 shows one two-dimensional surface, a spherical surface; and Fig. 3.2 shows another, a cylindrical surface.• It meant three or four degrees of taper on most surfaces, cylindrical surfaces slightly·lin·dri·cal adjectiveChineseSyllable  the cylinder of shape a Corpus in




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