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单词 Socrates
1 Socrates laid the foundations of logic.
2 Socrates flourished about 400 B.C.
3 Socrates was simply its most magnificent expression.
4 Socrates and Plato get mentioned, as do Mars and Apollo.
5 Platocaptured this dilemma in a dialogue between Socrates and Meno about virtue.
6 Socrates could not have had in mind the moral compromise peculiar to a nation like our own.
7 The mistress of Socrates deigned to Cast her smile on this unknown poet.
8 As Socrates so philosophically put it, since we don't know what death is, it is illogical to fear it.
9 Socrates finds satisfying, gut-wrenching answers to these and other universal questions without resorting to violence or to 911.
10 Socrates was accused of corrupting young men.
11 Socrates The unexamined shit is not worth shitting.
12 Is Socrates an ideal citizen for Arendt?
13 Socrates wants his pay doubler tuition.
14 An unexamined life is not worth living. -- Socrates.
15 Major premise: Socrates is a person.
16 Socrates...orders his discussion in a sequacious argument.
17 Socrates refused to flee and died by drinking hemlock.
18 Minor premise: Socrates is a human.
19 I'm sorta like Socrates in a Prada tee, he raps; You can't kick it, your pockets thinner than soccer tees.
20 Now at the outbreak of the Peloponnesian War Socrates was just under 40 years of age.
21 How does Socrates answer these charges of, in a way being not just an abstainer but he kept putting his own private moral conscience or integrity over and above the law?
22 It would seem far from being unrealistic, Socrates engages what we might call maybe a kind of Socratic realism.
23 The conclusion that Socrates reaches from his examination of change, invisibiltiy so forth and so on, and compositeness verses simplicity is that the soul is indestructible or nearly so.
24 We don't know the real Socrates, all we know of Socrates is what we read in Plato and Aristophanes and a small number of others who have sketched various different pictures of him.
25 One thinks of Amos the sheepherder, Socrates the stonemason, Omar the tentmaker .
26 We all know those clergymen and their choirboys, don't we? Eat your heart out, Socrates!
27 I've got an awful feeling this deadness will creep up and up and kill me - like Socrates.
28 I would trade all of my technology for an afternoon with Socrates. Steve Jobs 
29 His teachings harked back to what he regarded as the real Socrates, not the one whom Plato had immortalized.
30 ' It was the story of an Athenian boy who grows to manhood during a 25·year war, but great, real figures such as Socrates and Alcibiades also strode through the novel's pages.
1 Socrates laid the foundations of logic.
31 Socrates was the greatest practitioner of this analytical search for fundamental assumptions.
32 Socrates seems to be saying not that Kallipolis it will simply be Socratic poetry and music.
33 We can discover from documents many well-known writers, Herodotus, Plato, Xenophon, Socrates, etc. , were involved in the same- sax relation.
34 The Socratic method is nominally retained; and every inference is either put into the mouth of the respondent or represented as the common discovery of him and Socrates.
35 The Clouds was written in 423 when Socrates was in his mid-forties and the Aristophanic Socrates is essentially what we call a natural philosopher.
36 The first great dramatists (Aeschylus, Sophocles, Aristophanes), the greatest sculptors in history(Phidias), and Socrates all lived in Athens in the 5th century BC.
37 Yet, given the site, the pentagonal design had one overriding virtue, draftsman Socrates Thomas Stathes remembered later: "It fit."
38 The piecemeal engineer, like Socrates, knows how little he knows.
39 The trial of Socrates takes place in the year 399 and all of these refer to before the common era 399.
40 The opposite is nearer the truth. One thinks of Amos the sheepherder, Socrates the stonemason, Omar the tentmaker . Jesus probably had his first revelations while doing humdrum carpentry work.
41 Socrates' pupil Alcibiades was suspected to have been involved, and Socrates indirectly paid for the impiety with his life.
42 Aristophanes is the one who created the original or the initial prejudice against Socrates.
43 According to his biographers Plato and Xenophon, Socrates did not just search for the meaning of life, but the meaning of our own lives.
43 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
44 Plato, as a dualist, portrays Socrates as being a dualist and that's just taken for granted.
45 This is the moment Socrates appears, and he succeeds where others have failed: He will make Alcibiades submit, but in a different sense.
46 At Johns Hopkins School of Medicine's Asthma and Allergy Center, clinical director Peter Socrates Creticos is studying what is essentially a ragweed vaccine.
47 In the first book we have more of the real Socrates, such as he is depicted in the Memorabilia of Xenophon , in the earliest Dialogues of Plato, and in the Apology.
48 Socrates seems, or could be seen, to be speaking not just ironically but provocatively in describing himself as a gift of the god.
49 Oedipus, Antigone and Socrates were the tragic figures mainly - concerned by Hegel.
50 Socrates was found guilty as charged and was sentenced to death.
51 So if what Socrates means by invisibility is the first notion: can't be seen with your eyes, then the argument is not any good, harmony is a pretty compelling counterexample.
52 He found her sitting in an oriel window reading Plato's beautiful account of the death of Socrates.
53 And for this reason, because Socrates was constantly turning the tables on his confident opponents in argument, he was considered by many Athenians to be just another Sophist.
54 Socrates uncovers the true distinctions, as befits one who knows what ought to be known and given justification---as befits, in other words, the dialectician.
55 We know Socrates primarily from the accounts of other writers: from his student, Plato, from Xenophon, the historian, as well as from the plays of Aristophanes.
56 The son of a stonemason, born around 469BC, Socrates was famously odd.
57 Socrates (c. 470–399 B. C. ), who was also a soldier during the Peloponnesian War and a stonemason after, was renowned as a philosopher and educator.
58 We can percept the mission of philosophy as well as of intellectuals by Socrates.
59 However, the failure of austerity program, so that Socrates discredited to the "villagers again."
60 Alexander and Gaius and Pompeius , what are they in comparison with Diogenes and Heraclitus and Socrates?
61 But Plato's Socrates is necessarily poles apart from Aristophanes' Socrates depiction of him as a sort of sophist who makes the weaker argument the stronger.
62 There were two or three slaves for every adult, so leisured citizens, Socrates included, spent most of their time at the gym honing their bodies or in discussions sharpening their minds.
63 In that relationship, why should Alcibiades be concerned with himself, and why is Socrates concerned with that concern of Alcibiades?
64 Since the time of Socrates, education has been a major issue in every society.
65 Socrates Plato and Aristotle were called the troika of the western education thought.
66 This article is based on the analyses of the comedy The Cloud which is written by Aristophanes, and has a discussion about the Socrates whom we can see in this comedy.
67 At this point of intersection and transformation, Socrates intervenes and declares his love for Alcibiades.
68 No one is above suspicion. Socrates himself had been a close associate of a man named Alcibiades probably the most prominent Athenian in the generation after Pericles.
69 For the world, we benefit from European philosophers, including Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, and Erasmus, for the ideas on democracy and reason.
70 Between these two extremes – Socrates and Gregory of Nyssa – taking care of oneself constituted not only a principle but also a constant practice.
71 A mixture of Socrates, Pericles, Mahomet, Pliny the Younger and Augustin Thierry.
72 Socrates died when Golden Age Athens – an ambitious, radical, visionary city-state – had triumphed as a leader of the world, and then over-reached herself and begun to crumble.
73 According to his pupil Xenophon, Socrates felt that, at age 70, he would be better off dead than to linger in exile or confinement.
73 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
74 In the Phaedo, the dying Socrates discusses the possibility of the immortality of the soul.
75 It is Adeimantus again who volunteers the criticism of common sense on the Socratic method of argument, and who refuses to let Socrates pass lightly over the question of women and children.
76 Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Galen, and many others were translated into Assyrian, and from Assyrian into Arabic.
77 When Socrates finally stood up to face his charges in front of his fellow citizens in a religious court in the Athenian agora, he articulated one of the great pities of human society.
78 His complex relationship with Socrates is Alcibiades by the way recounted in the drunken speech that Alcibiades gives in Plato's dialogue Symposium.
79 This is an abuse of the Socratic Method although I suppose that it can be forgiven in part because Socrates himself sometimes used it.
80 Socrates asks Alcibiades about his personal capacity and the nature of his ambition.
81 Socrates covered his head when he gave the untrue panegyric,[] and only in the retraction is he once again entirely himself.
82 This view on the good life however is in direct contrast with what Socrates, Plato and Aristotle preached.
83 There is a story that near the end of his life, Aristotle was himself brought up on capital charges, as was Socrates, due to another wave of hostility to philosophy.
84 a democracy that produced Socrates and allowed him to philosophize freely until his seventieth year.
85 Socratic irony had its particular meaning in the context of ancient Greece. It was just an "act" put on by Socrates which demonstrated his nature, when he spoke to people.
86 Once the meaningful lexical items are taken away - "Socrates" and "man" - what is left is the pseudo-sentence, "S was a M".
87 When the water got up to their necks, Socrates took the young man by surprise and ducked him into the water.
88 My teaching approach is rooted in the ancient Socratic Method (Socrates). This means that I am sensitive to learners' unique needs and have high expectations of my students.
89 Socrates should enter into Adam and produce Marcus Aurelius; in other words, the man of wisdom should be made to emerge from the man of felicity. Eden should be changed into a Lyceum.
90 Soren Kierkegaard believed this play was a more accurate representation of Socrates than those of his students.
91 So Socrates has what he wants, once we give him premise number two, that the eternal, non-physical can only be grasped by the eternal, non-physical.
92 In mental temperament Plato was of an altogether different type from Socrates.
93 Socrates ( gre ) adversity is the test of highest institution of higher learning.
94 Hughes spends less time exploring Socrates’ relationship with Plato than the one he had with Alcibiades.
95 The Delphic Oracle is interpreted by Socrates at least to command engaging with others in philosophical conversation.
96 In the popular imagination, Socrates may be the first deep thinker in Western civilization, but in Mr. Johnson's view he was also an anti-intellectual.
97 Socrates has been accused by three Athenian citizens of certain offenses.
98 Socrates never says Simmias, here's what your objection goes wrong: harmony is not really invisible or can't be destroyed, whatever it is, so we don't have a counterexample.
99 Herakles , Alexander, Socrates, and Helen are ancient names that bring to mind images of Greek heroes and legends.
100 Socrates! You're under arrest on charges of corrupting the youth! And some other stuff.
101 Socrates: A warrior is not about perfection or victory or invulnerability. He's about absolute vulnerability.
102 Socrates tells us repeatedly that justice in the city consists of each member, each citizen fulfilling his task in the social division of labor, in the social hierarchy.
103 Something embeded in the actions Socrates has done, what he was pursuing is never can be arrived, and the truth of our world is always ongoing, we can be with it,(http:///socrates.html) but can not define it.
104 Socrates, Maimonides, King Solomon, Einstein, Goethe, Gandhi, Ani DiFranco, and even Yoda have held justified, false beliefs about what they did and did not know.
105 EU diplomats said Socrates had privately reassured other leaders that no matter which government emerges after new elections, it would stick to the austerity program.
106 Socrates assumed the existence of "pre-existent essence" behind some phenomenon.
107 The " midwifery " of Socrates occupies an important status in human history of education. It is regarded as the source of heuristic education.
108 One guy said he'd like to be a gadfly, like Socrates.




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