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单词 presenteeism
释义  pres·en·tee·is·m /ˌprezənˈtiːɪzəm/ noun [uncountable]  a situation when people spend a lot of time at work, even if they are ill or could take a holiday, because they want their employers to see that they are working very hard 全勤主义〔指为讨好老板不请病假、不休假的行为〕 → absenteeismFrom Longman Business Dictionarypresenteeismpres‧en‧tee‧is‧m /ˌprezənˈtiːɪzəm/ noun [uncountable]HUMAN RESOURCES when employees spend too much time at work, or come into work even when they are ill, and this has a bad effect on their performanceThe investigation will attempt to study the impact of presenteeism on Australia’s economy.pres·en·tee·is·m nounChineseSyllable  of spend situation a a people when Business lot




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