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单词 critically
释义 Word family  noun critic criticism adjective critical ≠ uncritical verb criticize adverb critically ≠ uncritically  crit·i·cally /ˈkrɪtɪkli/ ●○○ adverb  1  critically ill/injured SERIOUS SITUATIONso ill or so badly injured that you might die 病危/重伤 → fatally Ten people died and thirty were critically injured in a rail crash yesterday. 在昨天的火车相撞事故中,有十人死亡,三十人重伤。 She is still critically ill in hospital. 她在医院里,病情仍然危险。2  important 重要的 in a way that is very important 极为重要地;很大程度上 SYN crucially The success of the project depends critically on the continuation of this funding. 该项目的成功很大程度上依赖于这笔资金的继续提供。 This is a critically important meeting. 这是个至关重要的会议。3  serious/worrying 严重的/令人担心的 in a way that is very serious and worrying 严重地;令人担忧地 SYN dangerously Food supplies are at a critically low level. 食物供应水平极低。4  criticizing 批评的 in a way that shows you are criticizing someone or something 批评地,批判性地 Mike looked at her critically. 迈克挑剔地打量着她。 He has spoken critically of the government’s refusal to support the industry. 他谈到政府拒绝支持这个行业时颇有微词。5  JUDGEmaking judgments 作出评价 thinking about something and giving a careful judgment about how good or bad it is 评判性地,慎思明辨地 We teach students to think critically about the texts they are reading. 我们教学生要带着批判性思维去阅读课文。6  art/literature 艺术/文学 according to critics who give judgments about art, films, theatre, and books 评论性地 The play was critically acclaimed (=praised by critics) when it opened in London last month. 这出戏上个月在伦敦公演时受到好评。Examples from the Corpuscritically• Such publications must be treated critically.• College taught me to think critically about religion.• She tried to stop the children visiting their critically ill father.• As a result, planning the future has become even more critically important.• The size and length of an irrigation ditch depend critically on the number of people who use it.critically important• As a result, planning the future has become even more critically important.• That became a critically important factor for Nixon.• Further, whatever subjects were chosen, it was the tutor who was the critically important factor in success or failure.• Awareness of such differences is critically important in creating Great Groups.• The first five years of life are critically important in shaping every person's unique individuality.• That this critically important service is badly needed for all media use goes without saying, and here is a model.• Those individuals will form the critically important vanguard of a new workforce.think critically• The government can not tell its citizens not to think critically of the law or the government.critically acclaimed• Collins also played Valentine in the critically acclaimed 1989 movie.• From the outset, they were critically acclaimed.• Alexia was critically acclaimed, and several major galleries purchased her, but she did not become immediately collectible.• But the colliery band played on-providing the story behind the critically acclaimed film Brassed Off starring Ewan MacGregor.• It started late last year with two critically acclaimed gigs in London.• She dies in 1963, years before the critically acclaimed work was being adapted for the silver screen.crit·i·cally adverbChineseSyllable   Corpus injured you ill or might so badly so that




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