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单词 Unclear
1. The ownership of the painting remains unclear.
2. The marking on the road is unclear.
3. The terms of the contract are very unclear.
4. The overall extent of civilian casualties remained unclear.
5. It is unclear whether the meeting will go ahead as planned.
6. It is unclear how to mitigate the effects of tourism on the island.
7. It is unclear how much popular support they have among the island's population.
8. To this day, it's unclear whether he shot himself or was murdered.
9. Some of your diagrams are unclear.
10. It is unclear why some people develop arthritis.
11. What precisely triggered off yesterday's riot is still unclear.
12. Our plans are unclear at the moment.
13. I'm unclear about what you want me to do.
14. He is still unclear about his own future.
15. Legal writing is often unclear and verbose.
16. I'm unclear as to what you mean.
17. It is unclear whether there is any damage.
18. I'm unclear about a couple of points in your proposal - could you go over them again?
19. The real cause of the riot was unclear(), but the occasion was the arrest of two men.
20. It's unclear whether he arrived before or after the shot was fired.
21. I'm unclear whether we're meant to stay here or not.
22. The monograph is conceptually confused, unclear in its structure and weak in its methodology.
23. I'm rather unclear about what I'm supposed to be doing here.
24. "Things are moving ahead."— I found that statement vague and unclear.
25. Easy to hurt others and self, always to the edge of the distance unclear person.
26. Just what the soldier was doing in Bireij is unclear.
27. The witness statements contradict each other and the facts remain unclear.
28. The article made so much use of euphemism that often its meaning was unclear.
29. I am happy to clarify any points that are still unclear.
30. An open verdict was the only appropriate one ,(sentence dictionary) given the very unclear evidence at the inquest.
1. The ownership of the painting remains unclear.
2. The marking on the road is unclear.
3. The terms of the contract are very unclear.
4. The overall extent of civilian casualties remained unclear.
5. It is unclear whether the meeting will go ahead as planned.
6. "Things are moving ahead."— I found that statement vague and unclear.
7. It is unclear how to mitigate the effects of tourism on the island.
8. It is unclear how much popular support they have among the island's population.
9. To this day, it's unclear whether he shot himself or was murdered.
10. I am happy to clarify any points that are still unclear.
11. An open verdict was the only appropriate one , given the very unclear evidence at the inquest.
31. It is unclear whether it has recently changed hands.
32. Why the animals have contracted the disease remains unclear.
33. She said it was unclear who the aggressors were.
34. Unfortunately, getting to it remains unclear.
35. The full scale of destruction remains unclear.
36. Which of the many recent changes played the major part in the university disturbances of the early 1860s is unclear.
37. To many, the distinction between rote memorization and understanding is unclear and leads to confused teaching and learning.
38. Strange though it may seem, the origin of all the citrus fruits is unclear.
39. Whether or not he seriously contemplated stepping down is, in fact, unclear.
40. It is unclear as to whether the making of an administration order crystallises a floating charge.
41. But many statutory duties are couched in quite vague terms which leave it unclear what the duty-bearer must do in concrete situations.
42. It takes imagination to understand what is needed when sounds become muffled, distorted, unclear or even non-existent.
43. Exactly how big a chunk those outsiders take is unclear, because most tribes jealously guard their internal finances.
44. The precise means whereby these contacts and cross-currents were established in individual cases are often unclear.
45. It is unclear whether the Act applies to trespass to the person but apparently it does.
46. Thus, although people do change their behaviour, habits, beliefs and lifestyles, why they do so is unclear.
47. The reason for the affray is unclear, though a police spokesman played down any suggestion of feuding between criminal gangs.
48. But the precise size of the spill and the incumbent environmental damage remained unclear Saturday.
49. But funding problems have halted work at the site, and it is unclear when it will resume.
50. He has gained a new identity, but its nature is unclear to him.
51. But distinctions between the definitions of tenancies and licence are unclear and need to be clarified legally.
52. Mr Greenspan is famously hard to interpret, and the motivation for his rate cut will no doubt remain unclear for now.
53. Whether his fainting goats were a new mutation or part of an older breed remains unclear.
54. It is even unclear whether the individual contributors see their particular expertise being subsumed into this new academic category.
55. Chronic dietary insufficiency is thought to be the single main cause but the mechanism is unclear.
56. In those days we still were unclear about how the work would develop and whether we would move towards independence or not.
57. Details of budget Many details within the 1,600 page budget document remained unclear.
58. It is unclear whether the country has the capability to produce nuclear weapons.
59. It was unclear for hours after the crash how many people had died.
60. Who they will talk to following the collapse of the Synagogue Council remains unclear.
61. His motives are unclear.
62. Although the political future remains unclear, the new circumstances have allowed much more room to manoeuvre than in the past.
63. It is unclear the extent to which the 12 need form a cohesive group.
64. The entry criteria were usually unclear, and the symptom criteria of Manning, Kruis, and Rome are recent innovations.
65. In terms of economic welfare, as in terms of economic incentives, the picture is again unclear.
66. In relation to affirmative action, it was felt that the Act is very unclear about what is and what is not permitted.
67. Also unclear is whether execution by lethal injection will have any effect on the death penalty as a crime deterrent.
68. However the research has been of variable quality, there are conflicting findings, and the full implications for practice remain unclear.
69. It is unclear, for example, whether the tobacco industry is involved in the discussions.
70. It is unclear if there are any informal arrangements though the expansion of the Dealerco network would suggest that there are.
71. How far Gloucester built up a local following is unclear.
72. He is certainly ill, but whether he is too ill to determine policy and control his subordinates is unclear.
73. In these cases A is to a greater or lesser extent unclear, ambiguous.
74. It is unclear whether Mrs Clinton made such a disclosure.
75. As intriguing as these results are, much remains unclear about the impact of low doses of alcohol on the immune sys-tem.
76. Maya has been released from the hospital but her medical condition is unclear.
77. But Tisaby, while acknowledging that such witnesses exist, said it was unclear what they saw.
78. None the less many writers seem to imply that it is, and as a result their position is unclear.
79. The outcome of this demonstration is unclear because little information was passed on and most foreigners were busy with their Christmas celebrations.
80. But it was unclear Wednesday what caused the victims' ailments.
81. Many things have been written and will be written for dream. Dreams are nothing but our unclear expectations. Santosh Kalwar 
82. The relationship between a company's size and its technological capabilities is unclear.
83. The barriers are clear enough, what remains unclear is why some people are able to surmount them when others fail miserably.
84. Some bosses are control freaks, while others are too unclear about what they want and need from you.
85. Without a constitution, the powers of the legislative council are unclear.
86. When words become unclear, I shall focus with photographs. When images become inadequate, I shall be content with silence. Ansel Adams 
87. Whether this boosted his morale or irked him is unclear.
88. What they want to do is find a way to use the technology to make money, a prospect that remains unclear.
89. BStill, to this day, it is unclear how Moon finances his costly operations.
90. The place of geriatric medicine within the new arrangements for the National Health Service also remains unclear.
91. It is unclear, too, whether any plan would satisfy the poorer districts.
92. It is unclear whether Perot will be allowed to participate in the three scheduled presidential debates, as he did last time.
93. But it remains unclear how far the plan will go in dismantling an entrenched system.
94. It was unclear why the last man in the age category did not get tested.
95. The future roles of medical and pharmaceutical advisers are unclear.
96. The feasibility studies were very hastily carried out, however, and financial assumptions which district planners were working on were unclear.
97. But if the general were the unclear, we could with reason abandon all science and inquiry.
98. The general situation with regard to such counter-indemnities granted by businessmen was also unclear.
99. However, the goal line may be unclear and the rules of the game are constantly being revised.
100. While full commercialization is probably inevitable, how the Internet will evolve is unclear.
101. It's still unclear how the new law will impact health care.
102. The line that the Inland Revenue has hitherto drawn between investment and trading has been exasperatingly unclear.
103. Some bosses are control freaks, while others are too unclear about what they want from you.
104. It was unclear whether a meeting would be scheduled before Congress adjourns next week.
105. The issue had been complicated by unclear statements from the DoH.
106. The number of bodies that will be left standing is unclear but could be as few as 10.
107. It was still unclear last night, however, which party would assume control of the House.
108. If an expert clause is unclear, it may have to be clarified by the court.
109. Their dispute there hinged on the right to collect customs duties, a matter left unclear in the Fontainebleau agreement.
110. My youth seemed interminable because my personal identity was unclear, and in the resulting fog the gauge of time became unmeasurable.
111. There was a voice - accusatory, though unclear - a jumble of words inducing a strong feeling of guilt.
112. And it is unclear how certain individuals, namely Marxists[], transcend false consciousness.
113. By contrast, legalising something may either clarify the law where it was previously unclear, or introduce or extend rights.
114. As we have said, the exact form of union activity in Work-place 2000 is unclear.
115. Ownership is unclear responsibilities of buck-passing between departments, prevarication, Lee indisputable responsibility for, the management of protected areas is not charged, and so on.
116. The main deficiency lies in the areas such as obsolete advertisement strategies, confused fee charging modes, unclear orientation of the role played by advertisers, delay of legal norms, etc.
117. It's unclear why that's true. But again(http:///unclear.html), that means we need to look at whether minocycline has the same effects on women as in men.
118. The shoe was not tossed devil-may-care, but was, for unclear reasons, placed deliberately in the pit, which was carefully lined with yellow clay.
119. New Tristram has been in existence for several years, though the exact date of its founding is unclear.
120. The fields of observation were unclear, the blood stream was slow, granular and intermittent. Blood stasis was observed in the top loops of capillaries and venulae.
121. A long time to wear glasses inappropriate, causing eyestrain , things look unclear, resulting in a decrease visual acuity.
122. Self-starter; motivated to solve design problems: An architect's day-to-day goals are often unclear.
123. She knows what she likes — dancing to hip-hop, in group face-offs at an underground night spot — but beyond that her aspirations are unclear.
124. Ganglioside GM3 has been proved to be a physiological cell differentiation inducer in several human leukemia cell lines. However, the inducing differentiation mechanism of GM3 remains unclear.
125. There were 4 patients with cryptococcal meningitis, 3 with suppurative meningitis, 5 with tuberculosis meningitis, 1 with encephalopyosis and 1 with unclear diagnosis.
126. Because the Senate seats a regional basis, the final balance of power there remains unclear.
127. Pudendal neuralgia syndrome, also called testicular or reproductive neuralgia syndrome, has a high incidence and an unclear pathogenetic mechanism.
128. Officials in Beijing had refused to discuss the issue, and it remains unclear what action they might take against [gm99nd].
129. It is unclear what the median price point will be for paid software.
130. The situation has led to the establishment of dozens of semi-official agencies whose legal status remains unclear.
131. Teacher's professional standards could not be too high, abstractive, extensive, general or unclear.
132. For many patients, it is still unclear what advantages pregabalin has oer gabapentin for DPN.
133. But side effects are a problem, and it's unclear whether the findings will make a dent in an addiction that affects millions of Americans.
134. To that end, you should avoid using big words, steer clear of run-on sentences, and avoid any unclear phrasing.
135. Whether this is due to shape factor of scatterers corresponding to the applied high frequency remain unclear to date.
136. English ambiguity refers to unclear meaning and equivocalness. It is an obstacle to reading and understanding.
137. Conclusion Transverse testicular ectopia is a rare anatomic abnormality. The etiology of TTE is unclear. The excellent management is operation.
138. Cause of the accident is unclear, but a survivor said, may be the vehicle transmission and brake failure, the driver lost control during operation, turn a Shen Jian, who hit a tree and a big stone.
139. Glossopharyngeal neuralgia is a disease that is difficult to treat. the mechanism of it is unclear. There are a variety of methods to treat the neuralgia.
140. UPS.N), the world's largest package delivery service, beat Wall Street's earnings forecast despite a profit decline but said the outlook for the crucial holiday season remained unclear.
141. Plus, as much as I love solar tech and think that there have been a lot of impressive improvements in it lately, the actual cost-benefit ratio here remains unclear.
142. It is still unclear when stock-index futures will be officially permitted, especially given past delays.
143. Exactly how the sleeve affects glycemia is unclear, as the case for bypass surgery.
144. In situation unclear situation, if China's financial organ still in the elephant invested the black stone, Morgan Stanley such conduct, the final result is not extremely optimistic.
145. Against that, however, it is unclear how robust the logistics networks those companies depend on would be in such a scenario: Why would mailmen venture out to work if everyone else was housebound?
146. But in fact, Zhuangzi's reasons are round and traceless , chaotic and unclear.
147. The config file modules solves the problem of unclear process control structure and improves real time response, it makes process more clear, better supports controlling of navigation.
147. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
148. Aid groups say unclear rules on duties, lack of available warehousing, and a requirement that every container be unloaded and inspected by navy officers have led to the dockside pile-up.
149. More recently, PLSCR1 was found to translocate into the nuclei under certain conditions, though its nuclear function remains unclear.
150. Statute law hasn't prescribed the indemnification of servant identity in our country owing to unclear identity of civil servant and indistinct relation between judicature and administration.
151. But it left unclear whether the country would be a secular democracy, with equal rights for all, or an Islamic state with Islamic law.
152. What was also unclear was where the fake store had got the Apple products on sale - whether they had come from an Apple distributor or a grey market source.
153. Research cost capitalization in new Enterprise Accounting Standard is that the division between research and development expenses is unclear and lack of operability to some degree.
154. International Security Assistance Force in Kabul, a spokesman for Jilei (Gregory Keeley) said it was unclear whether the two-star generals Fu Leer or alternates will leave his post in Afghanistan.
155. Whether Merck would donate the extra amount of ivermectin needed is unclear.
156. Cloud beginning snow heart is unclear embarrassment, to the Jin natural selection, she actually nowise understands and knows not a entity.
157. All pictures taken by real items, pictures may appear a little bit chromatism or unclear.
158. Conclusions: The deletion of P16 protein may be have closely connection with the formation of medulloblastoma, but concrete mechanism is still unclear.
159. It is unclear what factors determine whether each blue jay or family decides to migrate.
160. Background: Indications for the treatment of osteochondritis dissecans of the humeral capitellum have remained unclear.
161. At present there are some multiple-misunderstandings on the concepts of maritime literature, like tautology, unintelligibility, unclear definition.
162. How such a dense planet formed is unclear, the researchers say, but it's probably the crystalline vestige of a white dwarf star whose atmosphere was stripped away by the parent pulsar.
163. But it remains dauntingly unclear where new leadership will come from.
164. Why some people choose to act altruistically is unclear, says lead study investigator Dharol Tankersley, a graduate student in Huettel's laboratory.
165. It was unclear if Jobs, who is now chairman, will take the stage at the event.
166. Leptospirosis is an important world widespread zoonotic disease caused by the spirochete Leptospira. Its pathogenesis is still unclear.
167. How the government will go about doing that is unclear.
168. It's unclear what the cops planned to had they happened to corner a Wall Street rally instigator at a Shanghai nightspot.
169. Now, it is unclear whether we will ever succeed in making a fusion reactor working.
170. The sender of this 1937 telegram is unclear: Stephen was one of many pseudonyms used by Howard Hughes, the reclusive businessman who courted Ms. Hepburn.
171. It was unclear what convinced China to finally approve the deal after years of off-again, on-again talks.
172. Previous studies showed agmatine receptor ligand , prevents morphine dependence, but the mechanism remains unclear.
173. It is unclear why in Chinas present civil procedure law there is a compulsory requirement that parties with joint and several liabilities or claims thereof be united in a single lawsuit.
174. This paper analyzes the occupation condition of the instructors in the colleges and universities first: Unclear official duties, unoriented develop mechanism, unreasonable salary system.
175. Functional gastrointestinal disease is one of the most common disorders seen in clinical practice with rather complicated pathophysiologic mechanisms and unclear etiopathogenesis.
176. Objective Pay attention to repair of unclear philtrum dimple and deviation, so to improve result of unilateral cleft closure.
177. Why pork was proscribed by Hebraic law is still unclear, and some scholars believe that the Torah merely suggested not eating pork at certain restaurants.
177. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
178. Because of we are still unclear the legal nature of vehicle consumptive loan guarantee insurance, there are much confusion in relevant cases.
179. The unclearness of law and uncertainness of law application surely will make the right and obligation of the parties unclear and uncertain.
180. Though Japan is now showing signs of economic recovery, economists say the long-term forecast remains unclear, as exports remain weak.
181. The function of the rule for distribution of evidential burden is to help the judge to decide who is going to undertake the disadvantage judgment when the fact of a case is still unclear.




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更新时间:2025/3/15 5:45:37