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单词 Oilman
1. He started off his career as a Texas oilman.
2. It may be time for oilmen to cheer up.
3. These are oilmen talking, on the make.
4. The disaster at sea which took the lives of 165 oilmen is still the subject of inquiry.
5. Bud Adams, the Houston oilman who owns the Oilers, wanted a new stadium, not a renovation.
6. Mr Bush, a former Texan oilman[/oilman.html], must remember such practices well.
7. Craig Deans, 21, a rigger from Elgin, was one of the first oilmen to arrive back at Aberdeen Airport.
8. He decided to be an independent oilman.
9. For Texas oilman T. Boone Pickens, energy efficiency means using the right fuel in the right way.
10. Another is a Texas oilman who paid $44 million for 45, 000 acres five years ago.
11. Some scientists like Donald Oilman, chief of the National Weather Service's long-range-prediction group, think that the cooling trend may be only temporary.
12. A smart oilman told me yesterday over lunch that the rise of China was never going to be like the rise of Japan in the 1980s.
13. The Dallas Cowboys are owned by Jerry Jones, an oilman with an ego that would dwarf a gusher.
14. It is the reason why the wildcatter, the independent oilman whose test drillings might come up dry 20 times before gushing in the end, is an enduring Texas symbol.
15. Galaxy Securities report, due to state and local taxes are not the total oil data, oilman usually reduce fuel tax increase of non-oil taxes.
16. Forty - six women made the list, including the three granddaughters of oilman J . Paul Getty.
17. British actor Daniel Day-Lewis received an Oscar nomination for his lead role as the ruthless, power-hungry oilman.
18. Celia's younger sister, Janet, flew to Philadelphia for the funeral, though leaving her busy oilman husband and their two small children in the Middle East.




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