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单词 dredger
释义  Related topics: Waterdredg·er /ˈdredʒə $ -ər/ (also dredge) noun [countable]  TTWa machine or ship used for digging or removing mud and sand from the bottom of a river, lake etc 疏浚机,挖泥船Examples from the Corpusdredger• Would it be possible, for example, to have a dredger clear all the silt, rubbish and vegetation?• A dredger was sunk due to the defendant's negligence.• The plaintiffs could not afford to buy a new dredger and had to hire one.• To move over long distances the dredger has to be towed by a tug.• The owners of the dredger required it to complete a contract which contained an onerous penalty clause.• The dredger represents a major technological advance for the miners.dredg·er nounChineseSyllable  ship for or machine a Corpus used digging




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