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单词 counterproductive
释义 Word family  noun produce producer product production reproduction productivity adjective productive ≠ unproductive counterproductive reproductive reproducible verb produce reproduce adverb productively  coun·ter·pro·duc·tive /ˌkaʊntəprəˈdʌktɪv◂ $ -tər-/ ●○○ adjective  FAILachieving the opposite result to the one that you want 产生相反效果的,适得其反的 Sending young offenders to prison can be counterproductive. 把少年犯送进监狱会产生适得其反的效果。Examples from the Corpuscounterproductive• Putting very young offenders in prison can be counterproductive.• Being too available can be counterproductive.• Is it not true that giving 17-year-olds fines does not work and sending them to prison is counterproductive?• Thus replication begets replication, until the costs of these counterproductive activities finally bring the organization to a long-delayed breaking point.• This is a false and counterproductive approach; it is to true open-mindedness what glib moral relativism is to genuine tolerance.• Constant correction by a teacher is often counterproductive, as the student may become afraid to speak at all.• Counterpoints may therefore be counterproductive, especially if they are obscure.• A confrontation is really going to be counterproductive for everyone.• It would be counterproductive to do otherwise.From Longman Business Dictionarycounterproductivecoun‧ter‧pro‧duc‧tive /ˌkaʊntəprəˈdʌktɪv-tər-/ adjective having the opposite effect from the one that you intendedIncreasing government spending too quickly can be counterproductive.coun·ter·pro·duc·tive adjectiveChineseSyllable  to Business achieving the opposite the one Corpus result




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