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单词 budge
释义  budge /bʌdʒ/ verb [intransitive, transitive usually in negatives]  1  MOVE/CHANGE POSITIONto move, or to make someone or something move (使)移动,(使)挪动 She leaned on the door, but it wouldn’t budge. 她靠在门上,但是门纹丝不动。budge from Will hasn’t budged from his room all day. 威尔一整天没出房门了。 The horse refused to budge an inch. 那匹马寸步都不肯走。► see thesaurus at move2  CHANGE YOUR MINDto change your opinion, or to make someone change their opinion (使)改变主意,(使)让步 The government has refused to budge. 政府不肯作出让步。budge on He won’t budge on the issue. 这件事上他不肯妥协。budge from Treacy refuses to budge from his principles. 特里西坚持自己的原则,不肯让步。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusbudge• He desperately tried to drag his hand away, but it wouldn't budge.• Immanuel Kant sat in Konigsberg and never budged.• The threats were dire enough to make the Republicans look reckless when they refused to budge.• They can not be shot or netted since they refuse to budge and will be sitting tight underground.• But prices had budged by only-pennies at a time, and mostly they went down.• Gandhi would not budge from five.• The car was stuck in the snow and we couldn't budge it.• I told my boss this but he refused to budge on it.budge an inch• Once on the ground again she tried pulling the horse, but still it would not budge an inch.• Richard would not budge an inch: I began to think he must be mad or wicked - or both.budge on• We offered more money for the house, but they wouldn't budge on the price.Origin budge (1500-1600) French bouger, from Latin bullire; → BOIL1budge verbChinese  to someone or or something make to Corpus move move,




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