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单词 counsel
释义  Related topics: Lawcoun·sel1 /ˈkaʊnsəl/ noun [uncountable]  1  SCTa type of lawyer who represents you in court 辩护律师counsel for The judge asked counsel for the defence to explain. 法官要求被告的辩护律师作出解释。2. keep your own counsel writtenSECRET to keep your plans, opinions etc secret 不透露自己的计划[观点等]3. literaryADVISE advice 忠告Examples from the Corpuscounsel• Emperor Constantine was said to visit the wise hermit for counsel.• And more unusually for counsel, George will ask other observers, even journalists, how they think it's going.• I'll miss her because I value her counsel.• Some Democrats on Capitol Hill have joined in the call for an independent counsel to investigate campaign fund raising.• They were denied legal counsel or the right to call witnesses in their defence.• Not even George Herbert's counsel that the country-parson's rage might here and there be justified had comforted.• Could we deny any of them if they came seeking counsel?• David Turetsky, a senior counsel in the Justice Department.• The counsel for the defense gave her opening statement.• Later I was told that in criminal trials counsel are not permitted to talk to their witnesses during adjournments.Related topics: Psychology, psychiatrycounsel2 verb (counselled, counselling British English, counseled, counseling American English) [transitive]  1  formalADVISE to advise someone 建议counsel somebody to do something She counselled them not to accept this settlement. 她建议他们不要接受这个解决方案。2  MPADVISEto listen and give support to someone with problems 给…提供咨询,辅导 a new unit to counsel alcoholics 一个辅导酗酒者的新部门→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpuscounsel• He counsels against reading too much Isaac Bashevis Singer.• What, perhaps, she needs to do is to learn to counsel by doing counselling and by being counselled.• Carvalho counsels cancer patients at a Rio hospital.• But an expert who counsels male rape victims says a change in the law is needed.• They also may counsel students on personal, educational, or vocational matters.• In small colleges, they may counsel students.From Longman Business Dictionarycounselcoun‧sel /ˈkaʊnsəl/ noun [countable usually singular]LAW1a lawyer who represents a client in a court of lawSYN BrE barristerMy defence counsel destroyed his evidence on that fact alone.The prosecuting counsel told the jury that there was no further evidence to consider.the counsel for the defendant2American English a lawyer or group of lawyers who give legal advice to a company or organizationOrigin counsel1 (1100-1200) Old French conseil, from Latin consilium, from consulere; → CONSULTcoun·sel1 nouncounsel2 verbChineseSyllable  of type Business Corpus who court lawyer in you represents a




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