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单词 devout
释义  Related topics: Religionde·vout /dɪˈvaʊt/ adjective  1  RRsomeone who is devout has a very strong belief in a religion 虔诚的,笃信宗教的 a devout Catholic 虔诚的天主徒► see thesaurus at religious2  formalSTRONG FEELING OR BELIEF a devout hope or wish is one that you feel very strongly 〔希望或愿望〕真诚的,衷心的,诚挚的 It is my devout hope that we can work together in peace. 我衷心希望我们能一起和睦地工作。 —devoutly adverbExamples from the Corpusdevout• Louis became an extremely devout and ascetic man.• Inside the restored stone house, an altar crowned by a statue of Mary drew the devout and the curious.• Conley is a devout believer in specialty niches.• Only two groups of women who make up the Republican base gave Dole strong support: devout evangelical women and homemakers.• It is my devout hope that we can work together and solve this crisis.• For me, our passion was a devout involvement of heart, body and mind.• The shema is still repeated daily by devout Jews the world over.• Rachel's parents are devout Mormons.• a devout Muslim• Bernard was the most devout of all her sons.• The devout Roman Catholic said she got involved with Richard because he said he cared for her and he was single.• The devout, semiliterate Kasturbai stood aghast and uncomprehending.Origin devout (1100-1200) Old French devot, from Latin devotus; → DEVOTEde·vout adjectiveChineseSyllable   Corpus who very devout is has someone a




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