随便看 |
- not come to any harm
- not concern of concern
- not content with
- not content with something
- not content with sth
- not cut it
- not cut much ice
- not cut the mustard
- not do a hand's turn
- not do a stroke
- not do a stroke (of work)
- not do a stroke of work
- not do by halves
- not do for a moment
- not do for one moment
- not do something by halves
- not do something for a moment
- not do something for one moment
- not do sth by halves
- not do sth for a moment
- not do sth for one moment
- note
- notebook
- notebook
- notebooks
- Depressed area
- Audio tape
- Audiovisual
- Summit meeting
- Atomic energy commission
- Veto power
- Numbered
- Budgetary
- Eldritch
- Censored
- 心若美好,一切皆好
- 心若随喜,人生自然一片美好
- 心若静下来,福气自然来
- 心荡神驰·浮想联翩是什么意思
- 心血来潮·忘乎所以是什么意思
- 心血来潮的意思,心血来潮造句
- 心要如天平,称物时物忙而衡不忙,物去时即悬空在此,只恁静虚中正,何等自在。
- 心要实又要虚,无物之谓虚,无妄之谓实,惟虚故实,惟实故虚。心要小又要大,大其心能体天下之物,小其心不偾天下之事。
- 心要常操,身要常劳。心愈操愈精明,身愈劳愈强健。但自不可过耳。
- 心要有城池,口要有门户。有城池则不出,有门户则不纵。
- 心要虚,无一点渣滓;心要实,无一毫欠缺。
- 心超事外》原文|译文|赏析
- 心躁与心静
- 心身合一 悦纳自我
- 心软,留给心爱的人
- Ploidy句子
- Resurrection of christ句子
- Snapback句子
- ATC句子
- Saint bernard句子
- World-weary句子
- Palm reading句子
- Cyclamen句子
- Serious-minded句子
- Sided句子
- Leave word句子
- Coastwise句子
- Kraft paper句子
- Me-too句子
- On the assumption that句子