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单词 Widen
1, The surgeon will widen her arteries.
2, They decided to widen out the river to avoid the flooding.
3, He had an operation last year to widen a heart artery.
4, They are trying to widen the discussion to include environmental issues.
5, They may have to widen the road to cope with the increase in traffic.
6, Students should take every opportunity to widen their experience.
7, You need to widen your circle of friends.
8, He wants to widen his knowledge of the industry.
9, Widen your stance for greater stability when hitting the ball.
10, Why not widen the discussion to include the Muslim and Jewish points of view?
11, Mr Dobson promised to widen the organisation's scope of activity.
12, We would now like to broaden/widen the scope of the enquiry and look at more general matters.
13, In order to widen the road they had to narrow the pavement.
14, Many students register for these courses to widen skills for use in their current job .
15, We plan to widen the scope of our existing activities by offering more language courses.
16, They want to widen the market.
17, The split between science and theology threatens to widen.
18, No money was budgeted to widen the freeway.
19, When are they going to widen the road?
20, Know how to overspend it to widen your choices,(http:///widen.html) but do not overspend recklessly.
21, In fact, many recent developments have served to widen the gap between North and South.
22, As the rifts widen, their side effects spring up across the countryside.
23, Her almost flat nose tended to widen at the nostrils, flaring over a tidal wave of a mouth.
24, The new interest in growth is sure to widen that gap.
25, There is a plan afoot to pull down the old building so as to widen the street.
26, As it approaches the sea, the river begins to widen .
27, I really do see this age as a time to widen horizons.
28, With recruitment, too, comes the opportunity for redeploying existing staff soas to widen experience.
29, Many new varieties are currently being evaluated in order to widen the range of suitable varieties. requirements 1.
30, To its opponents, however, the poll tax will reduce civil liberties and widen the gap between rich and poor.
1, The surgeon will widen her arteries.
2, They decided to widen out the river to avoid the flooding.
3, He had an operation last year to widen a heart artery.
4, They are trying to widen the discussion to include environmental issues.
5, They may have to widen the road to cope with the increase in traffic.
31, Arizona seed growers suspect the infestation may widen because the state ships its seed to many other states and countries.
32, Secretary of the Amateur Rowing Association from 1893 to 1901, he tried unsuccessfully to widen its narrow definition of an amateur.
33, A lot of local residents are against council plans to widen the road.
34, The net impact of the cuts, they conclude, has been to widen disparities in economic well-being.
35, Charles's animated eyes widen to reveal familiar dramatic rings of white around the blue as we exchange a silent look.
36, The more I try to explain, the more I feel the language gap widen, leaving me isolated and estranged.
37, They want to widen the law under which under-14s can be jailed only for murder or manslaughter.
38, Whilst being very happy in a secretarial role I would like to widen my scope.
39, In effect, this is to widen the sense among practitioners of what is reasonable within a mode of thought.
40, The size of the camp when they came in sight of it made Rostov's eyes widen with surprise.
41, She watches her lead the second-string players as they widen the margin of victory to thirty-nine points.
42, The Law Society, which represents solicitors, welcomed the report, which would widen solicitors' scope for fee-earning.
43, She had read the words, widen your scope, in a phrase book.
44, This raises the question whether these words widen the scope for challenge.
45, If you add keyboard skills, you could widen these horizons.
46, The omnipresent mountain cliffs gave way suddenly, and I could see a dry valley widen diagonally to the road and sand.
47, We have a range of initiatives which are designed to promote owner-occupation and to widen choice for tenants.
48, The disparities in the rates of unemployment between socio-economic groups widen during periods of high unemployment.
49, Tropicana will launch its own marketing blitz Monday, trying to widen its extensive lead in the ready-to-drink juice segment.
49, Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
50, Roberts' eyes widen, as if Gibson was the school bad boy and had just told off the principal.
51, The Conservative government has set out to achieve this by selling council houses and also by attempting to widen share ownership.
52, The report will therefore try to widen the knowledge of the school's decision-makers.
53, The net result of war making by way of symbols is to widen the actual gap between luxury and poverty.
54, Today, the gap between rich and poor continues to widen.
55, Ministers aim to widen interest by running a host of smaller competitions alongside the £1 million-a-week prize draw.
56, They fear plans to widen the availability of alcohol licenses could see off many traditional pubs.
57, Many argue that the inequality in wages will only widen as new computer and telecommunications technologies sweep the workplace.
58, Can there remain any public consensus on the social structure if divisions between the well-off and the poor widen?
59, The gap between rich and poor has continued to widen into the 1990s, according to a new think-tank study.
60, The IMF expects the imbalances to widen again this year and next.
61, This was seen as part of an attempt by the government to widen economic reform to include democratization as well as liberalization.
62, It will also widen the chasm between North and South.
63, It would widen the chink in her armour - and she didn't want it widened.
64, If lifetime employment is so limited, to what extent have labour unions fought to widen its coverage?
65, The Government said it would widen choice for viewers and listeners, safeguard quality programming and bring greater competition and efficiency.
66, They have to widen their skills to sell and market their produce.
67, For those who wished to widen their horizons there were educational influences outside the classroom.
68, The company also saw nearly a halving of complaints against it and is hoping to widen the number of people using meters.
69, The differences widen even further when account is taken of the more satisfying nature of professional occupations.
70, His prescriptions sound modest: Cushion people against economic shocks, widen the circle of prosperity, reduce inequality.
71, When are they going to widen the streets?
72, Widen one's field of vision.
73, We should widen the opportunities for adequate medical care.
74, The television can widen our field of vision.
75, For one thing ,() these activities can widen our knowledge.
76, When Pete was helping Gena, he tried to widen a window by dragging the right edge.
77, The falls will either push down steel prices or widen steelmakers'profit margins.
78, Junction Produce front valance, air dam, front fog lamps, side rocker panels, rear valance apron, widen door panels and roof wing adorn the exterior of this M35.
79, The features cirrhotic portal hypertension were within liver,(/widen.html) larger in spleen and widen in portal vein.
80, If time permits, we may read Mini Chellonese-English dictionary carefully from cover to cover, whelloch may help us widen our sight and master knowledge in all aspects.
81, If time permits, we may read a mini Chinese-English dictionary carefully from cover to cover, which may help us widen our vocabulary.
82, Also, the distribution of grain size tends to widen with the density of th...
83, Medicine is always intervenient means of conquering diseases from its beginning to now. It shows a tendency to widen and develop from repair to replacement gradually.
84, It is often desireable to widen the interference null width in an adapted pattern to impart robustness into the realized adapted pattern in some real environments.
85, The gulf will widen between your son and everyone else.
86, BD additive used in this technology can widen the polarization of the cathode, expand the range of the current density in the black area, improve the ability of the deep plating and even plating.
87, Peripheral blood cell′ acount and splenic vein′ widen and the splenic thick were observed after treatment in 1 weeks and 4 weeks and 6 months.
88, Addition of heavy metal thallium, bismuth, silver, mercury and lead will greatly widen potential zone of activation dissolution of gold and significantly improve the anodic current density.
89, Increasing the desired confidence level will widen the confidence interval.
90, Thirdly, adopt the appropriate financial policy leniently, widen the channel for investment and financing.
91, If time permits we may readvertising Mini Chinese-English dictionary carefully from cover to cover which may help us widen our sight and master knowledge in all viewpoints.
92, Also, the distribution of grain size tends to widen with the density of the sintered product.
93, We '; ll try our best to widen our business relationship with you.
94, The Beige Book is likely to reveal some improvement in activity with little sign of inflation, whilst the trade deficit is set to widen further due to a higher oil import bill.
95, Third, for the very same reason, the international disparity in incomes would widen farther.
96, And now the stamp tax has still some shortage, we should widen the base of the tax, charge the paying method to one-wayly paying and levy the stock exchange tax.
97, Otherwise the gap between aspiration and reality will continue to widen with each passing year.
98, Secondly, the rate will further widen the investment channels, reducing the opportunity cost of funds, it will have more capital flows securities market.
99, Learn how to appreciate others can make your eyeshot widen, and appreciate yourselves will make your life be fillde with fun.
100, It is urgently necessary to widen the application channel of the insurance fund and increase the insurance value.
101, d. Newspaper as good reading materials can widen our sight and richen our knowledge.
102, To create a civil state, Blond would reduce the power of senior government officials and widen the discretion of front-line civil servants, the people actually working in neighborhoods.
103, With the development of science and technology, the theory and application of non-Gaussian stochastic signal processing gain widen regards and developments.
104, The indirect effects added to the direct effects of Figure 1 widen the gap between the true efficiency and the apparent efficiency.
105, Positivism relates scientific problems and their verification, and its methods can widen our vision.
106, Further studies should widen the scope of this interesting method.
107, Other circumstances also helped to widen the distance between the group.
108, The reasonable development and utilization of Caragana feed can widen feed resource in arid and sandy area, relieving the stocking pressure on grassland and improve ecological environment.
109, We do not intend to deepen the engagements or widen the confrontation.
110, Results Gallium chloride could increase the bone density of mandibula, widen the average width of the bone trabecular,(http:///widen.html) and decrease the ration of the bone trabecular contents.
111, If time permits: we may readvertisements Mini Chinese-English dictionary carefully from cover to cover: which may help us widen our sight and master knowledge in every details.
112, Bringing the sense of nativeness into the study of foreign literature can widen our vision of foreign literature appreciation.
113, After that, this paper briefly introduced the Optical splitter's characteristics of amplication by calculate a uniformly widen three energy level ratio equation and transmission equation.
114, Iran had worked hard to widen the opposition to sanctions, but Mr Ahmadinejad seemed untroubled.
115, John McCormick, RBS Asia Pacific chief executive told the paper the bank was looking at several ways to widen its Chinese exposure.
116, Information resource could increase technology service value and widen management function.
117, Results The CT features included involved in iliac side mostly, cartilage calcification, joint space narrowing or widen, articular surface and undersurface erosion, ligament calcification.
118, Yield spreads against Germany, the euro zone's benchmark economy, could also widen.
119, Cabell speculated that it might be possible to widen the access some, and thereby increase the chances of additional creatures reaching the surface.
120, I take up a second foreign language to widen my sphere of knowledge.
121, Over time the price/performance gap between these two technologies will widen.
122, To improver the process ofright of claim, we should widen of the administrative redress.
123, The first reinforcement plan is to widen the pillar of store on the ground floor, which leads to narrower doorway, and block up the opened door in load-bearing wall.
124, The plateaus gradually widen northward, epassing the valley of the Yukon River in Alaska. Inparison, much of central Alaska is a broad, flat lowland that is poorly drained.
125, Economic prosperity brought the widen gap between the poor and the rich in the Jazz Age.
126, This script is to widen the video player in youku. com. See below.
127, The branchial filament clearly widen and whose holes become smaller and closely arranged.
128, The most important message Mr Roh can take to Pyongyang is that those cracks have narrowed, and no amount of wheedling or bluster from Mr Kim will allow them to widen.
129, These findings may widen agricultural income in the flood-sensitive region and can be used as the technical pattern for avoiding flooding disaster in the region.
130, The real test will come when spreads start to widen again.
131, Compares with the tradition processing method, this plan processing craft scope was more widen, moreover the engine bed, adjustment was more convenient, and higher processing efficiency.
132, The purpose is to widen train thought, edify somewhat to the reader.
133, Results Gallium chloride could increase the bone density of mandibula , widen the average width of the bone trabecular,() and decrease the ration of the bone trabecular ...
134, D. One specific field will attract more people and widen their view.
135, So Red Eagle seized the opportunity to widen the gap.
136, The city's housing market in some ways symbolizes the new communist China -- a society in which the gap between rich and poor continues to widen.
137, Speaking of the highway, Grandpa Tian's blue-grey eyes widen and he grows increasingly animated.
138, The passive countermeasure proposed here can replace the heavy decoy with the energetic mini corner reflector and widen the option for reentry ballistic missile passive countermeasure penetration.
139, Avoid wide-angle lenses, which will widen the appearance of your face.
140, It is important to widen our global vision as an international community of scholars.
141, Inflation will climb higher and financial imbalances will widen, running the risk of a hard landing.
141, is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
142, To improve the active contour model's sensitivity to its initial position, some methods must be applied to widen the image force scope.
143, I do think, sir, we would be advised to widen our inquiries.
144, This enabled snakes to widen their jaws and expand the capacity of their mouths.
145, I liked the work. However, the firm is too small for me to widen my experience.
146, If time permits, they can read Mini Chinese-English dictionary carefully from cover to cover, which may help them widen their sight and master knowledge in all aspects.
147, With the help of modern marketing method, broadly utilizes commercial retail network, establishes monitor system to agents and widen marketing channels.
148, The crack he has opened, some argue, will widen inexorably.




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