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单词 cookhouse
释义  Related topics: Militarycook·house /ˈkʊkhaʊs/ noun [countable] old-fashioned  DFCPMan outdoor kitchen where you cook food, especially in a military camp 〔尤指军营的〕露天厨房,野营厨房,伙房Examples from the Corpuscookhouse• The ablutions, cookhouse and accommodation are checked for cleanliness, these jobs being a major headache in a platoon location.• A sack of empty tins lay beside each aircraft: accumulated cookhouse waste.• They could eat in the main cookhouse, but tonight they prefer their own culinary efforts.• At 0630 hours the first of the early risers entered the cookhouse for breakfast.• No fuss or bother let the cookhouse with the mess.• Then we went to the cookhouse to have dinner.• The cookhouse - for snacks or full meals.• The cookhouse was coming to life.cook·house nounChineseSyllable   Corpus especially food, where kitchen outdoor cook you an




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