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单词 Corporate
1 The company is moving its corporate headquarters from New York to Houston.
2 The corporate giants try to drive down wages in order to make superprofits.
3 Increasingly, corporate clients are seeking to outsource the management of their facilities.
4 The hotel is used for corporate entertaining .
5 They disincorporated the corporate company.
6 The law applies to both individuals and corporate bodies.
7 Her second husband was a steady, unimaginative, corporate lawyer.
8 Increased emphasis is now being placed on corporate image.
9 The number of corporate bankruptcies climbed in August.
10 This established a strong corporate image.
11 Corporate executives usually have high salaries.
12 The government has imposed restraints on corporate mergers.
13 The BBC is a corporate body.
14 Vince is vice-president of corporate communications.
15 Stevens slowly worked his way up the corporate ladder.
16 The present system does little to deter corporate crime.
17 She worked her way up through the corporate hierarchy to become president.
18 The owner opened a corporate checking account at the bank.
19 Corporate owners often find themselves strapped for cash to pay taxes.
20 Coincident interests with the corporate rich and political directorate are pointed out.
21 A reduction in corporate tax should act as a stimulus to economic activity.
22 Corporate dress codes don't give workers much room for self-expression.
23 Corporate crime?committed by businesses?should not be confused with white-collar crime, which refers to the occupation of the perpetrator and may be directed against a business.
24 He was a successful corporate lawyer who numbered among his clients J.P. Morgan and Standard Oil.
25 Their company organizes corporate hospitality tents at major outdoor sporting events.
26 He is the sort of well-groomed man you expect to inhabit an executive-size corporate office.
27 The more recent members of staff regard the change in corporate culture with a certain indifference.
28 Investment in new product development is an essential ingredient of corporate success.
29 Once he started at Paramount in 1967, he moved rapidly up the corporate ladder.
30 The directors of the railway company could be charged with corporate manslaughter.
1 The company is moving its corporate headquarters from New York to Houston.
2 The corporate giants try to drive down wages in order to make superprofits.
3 Increasingly, corporate clients are seeking to outsource the management of their facilities.
4 The owner opened a corporate checking account at the bank.
5 Our newspaper and our printing business form separate corporate entities.
6 Corporate crime — committed by businesses — should not be confused with white - collar crime, which refers to the occupation of the perpetrator and may be directed against.
7 The corporate planning department made a synthesis of all their studies for the future.
31 The company's guests at Ascot are entertained in the corporate hospitality area.
32 The trend towards downshifting, where employees swap the stress of corporate life for more quality time, tempted 6% of the UK workforce last year.
33 The university is a corporate body made up of several different colleges.
34 Corporate memory loss is a major problem for some businesses who cut their staff in the early 1990s.
35 Changing the corporate culture is a long and difficult process.
36 Many corporate methods have been adopted by American managers in imitation of Japanese practice.
37 Protesters have called the building a monument to corporate greed.
38 There needs to be a greater recognition of corporate crime as a social problem.
39 Our newspaper and our printing business form separate corporate entities.
40 Corporate America is not about to be converted to the environmentalist cause.
41 Without generous corporate sponsorship(http://), the ballet company would not have survived.
42 Corporate crime — committed by businesses — should not be confused with white - collar crime, which refers to the occupation of the perpetrator and may be directed against.
43 The corporate planning department made a synthesis of all their studies for the future.
44 Corporate America has embraced the Web as a new vehicle for advertising.
45 All adults take corporate responsibility for the upbringing of the tribe's children.
46 The cowboys traded bonds, corporate and government bonds.
47 Corporate adverts, of course, present no such dangers.
48 Numerous companies also have reshuffled their corporate organizational charts.
49 Corporate funded artworks are often advertised as public service.
50 Instead we angled for lower-paying jobs in corporate finance.
51 He carefully planned his exit from corporate life.
52 Corporate management is accountable to the company's shareholders.
53 Ironically, corporate downsizing may actually work to your advantage.
54 Clearly, the company has been a good corporate citizen.
55 Lower rates mean lower borrowing costs, increased spending and growing corporate profits.
56 A number of other institutions have recently applied for corporate membership.
57 As a result, brand name activity is no longer permissible whereas corporate is, or at least still goes on.
58 Council approved a five-year Corporate Plan for the Institute, and this was circulated to members.
59 However, for income-seeking investors, corporate bonds are a much more attractive bet.
60 This extreme version of the distrust of government has often been manipulated by the corporate sector to block passage of government regulation.
61 Five months ago, 32-year-old Richard Simpson was a corporate financier with merchant bank Morgan Grenfell.
62 I never negotiated a corporate prenuptial agreement and never received a golden handshake.
63 Companies with more than 5, 000 employees nationwide could choose to insure their workers directly by creating their own corporate alliance.
64 This astonishing question was asked by a corporate medical department nurse who should know better.
65 Unix Expo delivered what it said it would, counting a record 28,722 attendees and characterising them as primarily corporate buyers.
66 A consensus between powerful corporate interests is regarded as more important than the sovereignty of elected representatives.
67 As women get higher and higher in powerful corporate ranks, the pressure to conform increases proportionately.
68 He became a nationally prominent horse breeder, fostered charities, sat on corporate boards, served in the Connecticut legislature.
69 Since corporations can no longer demand or offer loyalty, corporate loyalty can not motivate people.
70 They can no longer lend at a profit to well rated corporate borrowers.
71 There are now clear signs that the commercial development of the net and a take-over by corporate conglomerates is under way.
72 The Centre for Corporate Strategy and Change also tends to implicitly adopt this model.
73 There will be no outcry from the corporate sector about the disarray in the accountancy profession.
74 Critics who decry regulatory costs are dismissed as deluded apologists for corporate rapacity.
75 Porter Monday and begin advising corporate clients on how to lobby the government.
76 The board selects the president and approves the appointment of all corporate officers.
77 There is also a growing sense of dismay that attempts to contain and control corporate crime are largely absent or ineffectual.
78 The company claims the machines are aimed at the bulk-buy corporate market, schools and home buyers.
79 That definition, which is taken from Box's study, is rather long-winded, but corporate crime is a complex issue.
80 Unsecured loan stocks are corporate bonds that are not secured by either a fixed or a floating charge.
81 Do not be tempted to dismiss such corporate homilies as boardroom hokum.
82 Since going public in late 1994, Corporate Express has made two additional offerings in order to finance its acquisitions.
83 Corporate bodies Numbers in brackets indicate that a corporate body or its activities are discussed in the document concerned.
84 Quentel are bustling with a dozen lawyers handling a roster of some three dozen corporate lobbying clients.
85 The Prime Minister I agree with my hon. Friend about the importance of clear-cut and low corporate and personal tax rates.
86 Apple is also closing in on completing Rhapsody, aimed mostly at corporate users.
87 In Brussels, the market set an all-time high, topping the record set last Wednesday, following encouraging corporate sales reports.
88 So for the next few days this column will present several different ways of assessing corporate performance for 1989.
89 It will specialise in corporate, insurance litigation and private client work.
90 Hospitals, which used to be almost exclusively not-for-profit institutions, are being taken over by large corporate chains.
91 But all other things being equal, the gay and lesbian community has responded well to examples of perceived corporate goodwill.
92 The consortium is breaking out education, customer support, computer facilities, corporate communications and sales.
93 Yesterday, the joint shop stewards committee of Corporate Jets said a loss of production would be a mortal blow.
94 Those items in italics are particular issues which you should address in deciding whether a client is a corporate finance client.
95 Last year he successfully introduced the concept of market segmentation into a major corporate division.
96 He shared a popular corporate dream: Opening a restaurant in some beautiful country town.
97 Recession has concentrated the minds of car buyers both private and corporate on the economics of running costs.
98 Some challenge the notion of corporate culture as the primary culprit.
99 Individual circumstances differ but corporate ownership of major capital assets may provide worthwhile advantages.
100 Some well might advance further in corporate life than the OLs.
101 It may thus be that a client is a corporate finance client for some activities but not for others.
102 So check with your hotel or corporate sponsor in advance about possible child-care arrangements.
103 Corporate union becomes a priority only when translated into the life and goals of local congregations.
104 Their business now is to provide banking and financial services to the corporate as opposed to personal sectors.
105 As a result, corporate cash flows have been expanding apace, and profit margins have improved.
106 So can a person caged in corporate life begin to assume huge anxieties about petty annoyances.
107 Corporate leaders were planning to close it unless they could get significant wage concessions from the workers.
108 But this example of corporate induced injury pales beside one which followed closely afterwards.
109 The evaluation of investment risks is generally accepted to be a corporate responsibility.
110 As a body corporate, a building society can only act through the human agency of its officers and employees.
111 The legislation would require corporate health plans to treat mental illnesses the same as physical ailments.
112 Corporate culture is not something easily amenable to management control or manipulation.
113 They strongly urge the assorted presidents, prime ministers and corporate chieftains to come without their staffs and guards.
114 Of course, corporate crime is actually carried out by individuals; organisations can not themselves plan and commit crimes.
115 Milken devised a way to transform the bonds of the most stable companies to junk: leveraged corporate take-overs.
116 Higher interest rates often raise concern about slower economic growth and weaker corporate profits.
117 Sales to corporate accounts will begin in August, with retail sales by December.
118 It will begin with a brief survey of the corporate economy.
119 Many layoffs, such as Tenneco Automotive's cutbacks in marketing, would have happened anyway as corporate restructuring ploughs on.
120 Corporate leaders also have championed the need for higher academic standards, most recently at the National Education Summit in 1996.
121 Such increases could renew corporate efforts to cut medical costs by passing them on to employees, thus further arousing consumer anxiety.
122 He represented major corporate clients, from BankAmerica Corp. to Crowley Maritime.
123 It is very difficult to assess accurately the costs of corporate crime.
124 Managers would do better to think of just two kinds of business strategy - competitive and corporate.
125 A battle between the traders and the corporate financiers caused the firm to collapse in early 1984.
126 In recent years -- not withstanding a recession-induced slowdown in 1992 -- corporate spending on culture has experienced a small boom.
127 Flocks of executives entered the company from competing firms, bringing different styles, values, and corporate cultures with them.
128 The repurchased shares will be used for employee-benefit programs and general corporate purposes, Merck said.
129 This task is actually easier outside the old hierarchical corporate structure, where information was compartmentalized and unrelated contexts kept strictly separate.
130 After years of fiscal gloom, they hope Brown will bring his political clout to the corporate realm.
131 All businesses were examined except those where the technical complexity was too great to be understood by central corporate staff.
132 No surprise, then, that the airline stands accused of corporate arrogance and customer neglect.
133 The money saved there will be transferred to develop the private client business and research which is corporate based.
134 Presumably the Democratic National Committee checked the guest list with due diligence as to foreign corporate connections.
135 The law is a special boon to those, like top corporate honchos, who are due large sums of deferred compensation.
136 A large corporate bond trader was waiting for me, like an unfed house pet, when I returned to the office.
137 It tells us foolish bedtime stories in exchange for our promises to purchase the latest corporate goods and corporate services.
138 Government regulation did not end inequality or banish corporate influence in politics.
139 He expects stocks to continue to march higher, benefiting from falling rates and decent corporate earnings.
140 Four questions for corporate finance One man's efficient, interconnected global market is another man's arbitrary and nationally divisive casino.
141 Ned is a corporate planner in a large electronics products company.
142 A fat ego can blind a corporate executive to reality like a bad cataract.
143 An intellectual entrepreneur stands a much better chance of getting a new initiative off the ground than a corporate Republican.
144 We aim to ensure that managers will be more effective, achieve personal growth and contribute to corporate development.
145 We will monitor the further developments and pronouncements of the several bodies presently addressing the subjects of corporate governance and accounting standards.
146 Most big city newspapers, bought up by chains, were operated from out of town as bottom-line corporate businesses.
147 You gain a whole new sense of financial responsibility the moment you leave the corporate expense account behind.
148 Seemingly the safest of all securitised corporate lending is the market for commercial paper.
149 He managed over $ 500 million in municipal and corporate bonds for Mackenzie.
150 There is considerable rivalry between banks and accountancy firms when it comes to giving corporate financial advice.
151 Corporate intranets, immensely popular in the business world, may prove too confusing to use and too expensive to maintain.
152 On July 20-21 the Congress approved the lowering of the maximum corporate tax from 50 percent on operating profits to 30 percent.
153 Companies had long been the domain of commercial bankers and the corporate finance and equity departments of investment banks.
154 Moceanu has written an autobiography, had book signings and cashed in on corporate and commercial appearances.
155 He stresses that formal planning can only be one of the many building blocks which determine corporate strategy.
156 Marriott will remain chairman and chief executive officer with law, finance and corporate relations departments continuing to report to him.
157 Large corporate customers pay interest on overdrafts at the bank's base rate plus 1%.
158 They can not at the same time absorb and spread the credit risks of their corporate clients as well.
159 In these circumstances such corporate wealth begins to take on an almost abstract quality.
160 The plan's backers are confident that there is substantial corporate demand to join Lloyd's.
161 Even so, dismissal should never come as a bolt from the blue,() however exalted your place in the corporate hierarchy.
162 Demand for junk bonds has been strong because investors continue to pour cash into corporate bond funds.
163 Nor are the problems confined to the rarefied atmosphere of corporate boardrooms.
164 Taylor offered his group a rare opportunity: the freedom to do basic research for a handsome corporate salary.
165 And very generally, the interests of lenders in New York take a back seat to the interests of the corporate borrowers.
166 Finally, the divisions are grouped into the total corporate entity.
167 In their pure form they have neither corporate nor competitive strategies as defined above.
168 A corporate financial analyst then pointed out that the compensation formula Dave had developed would be impracticable on a company-wide level.
169 Lower interest rates designed to pep up the corporate sector threaten to add more fuel to the consumer boom.
170 But in the corporate bond market, some say the government shutdown is putting a drag on issuance.
171 But Clinton said he vetoed that bill, partly because Republicans removed restrictions on corporate raids on pension funds.
172 The cost would be offset in part from repeal of corporate tax breaks.
173 The Black-Scholes model also is widely used for valuing the stock options in the compensation packages of corporate executives.
174 We talked earlier about the computer marketing firm that had badly botched one of its first major corporate sales.
175 As Arkansas governor, he had built public support for key legislation with television advertisements largely financed by corporate donations.
176 Christians had been compelled to give up meetings for corporate worship, but still kept up small prayer meetings in houses.
177 Froke said he has kept sales healthy despite competition from the superstore six blocks away by focusing on corporate sales.
178 Corporate diversification may often be due to a sense of needing to use up cash surpluses, rather than risk-spreading.
179 Section 0403 below sets out the procedures to be followed in determining if a client is a corporate finance client.
180 Most corporate headquarters and bank branches in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh were open Tuesday after partial closures yesterday.
181 By then junk bonds were 25 percent of the corporate bond market.
182 Journalists and economists justifiably bemoan the obscene compensation packages awarded to corporate officers.
183 Spreads between corporate junk bonds and Treasury bonds have risen to their widest since the recession of 1990-91.
184 And the faster corporate bonds are issued, the speedier will be the development of an active secondary market.
185 The Corporate Plan, recently approved by Council, will greatly assist in the focusing of future budgets.
186 Part of this process requires the team to reach conclusions as to how the corporate centre will relate to the operating businesses.
187 Development aid, international monetary assistance, transnational corporate investment are all geared towards integrating Third World economies into a global market.
188 The corporate income tax base was broadened while the tax rate was reduced.
189 How does he sound populist without offending his supporters in the corporate boardroom?
189 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
190 I even became so desperate that I thought of returning to corporate life.
191 It sounds like you are overly concerned about being branded as a corporate crier if you go to management.
192 Kantner and Palmer participated in a media conference call Wednesday and sounded as if they had undergone proper corporate indoctrination.
193 Did he raise a deregulated glass of cheer with his corporate buddies?
194 Demand for most bonds is high because investors keep putting money into corporate bond funds.
195 Scores of less famous graduates ascended to the top levels of the financial and corporate worlds.
196 They may be displayed in cars, on lawns and in corporate boardrooms.
197 And politicians and bureaucrats, not to mention corporate lobbyists and advocacy groups, thrive on their abilities to influence tax policies.
198 Emma, who presently works in corporate finance, was awarded the IoT medal and Butterworth prize for the highest overall marks.
199 These linkages provided a source of new competitive advantage for the entire corporate system and threatened the foundations of powerful national firms.
200 Most laws against corporate criminal behaviour require that intention be proved before guilt can be established.
201 But it is becoming increasingly important that an accord on foreign corporate investment is negotiated between leading industrial nations.
202 The acquisition by the corporate purchaser may be the purchase of the vendor's entire assets and undertaking.
203 By the end of 1994, MCSNet had over 2200 individual customers and nearly 50 corporate and public-sector clients.
204 The room has corporate gray carpeting and a conference table.
205 Like all agencies operating in a squeezed market, it faces the challenge of achieving corporate growth.
206 And higher rates also tend to crimp corporate profits, by raising the cost of borrowing.
207 I cast my net wide enough to find parents who vary from house cleaner to fashion designer to electrician to corporate manager.
208 Both are using the power of privilege and big corporate money to compensate for their mediocrity.
209 A corporate role could just be confined to the provision of specialist services, such as marketing research and specialist advertising advice.
210 The technology was designed almost as an afterthought, and it was initially targeted at the corporate market.
211 Just about every night of the Games, one or more of the Dreamers was the featured attraction at a corporate event.
212 In the previous year only 53% of buyouts came from corporate restructuring.
213 Corporate Intranets hold information centrally in a Web server.
214 Fourth, the reduction in corporate tax burden.
215 Here, democracy is in cages, hidden in the boondocks, while alleged representatives sell their souls to the highest corporate bidder, to further the interests of imperial war.
216 The first issue raised when the development of the Corporate Document Repository started was finding the more appropriate format for document storage.
217 Therefore, the corporate management and improvement particularly rely on the cooperation and coordination among each stakeholder.
218 Examples might include a corporate president or an attorney who misused information regarding a planned but unannounced takeover attempt.
219 Contrarily speaking, researches on the disgorgement of corporation in the corporate law are of insufficiency, at least not systemic.
219 try its best to collect and make good sentences.
220 If I have to endure another corporate executive blindly praising China and reflexively trashing India, I might actually gag.
221 Secondly, the thesis analyzes it from the modern financial corporation institution seduction of its surrounding system, property right system, corporate governance and business system.
222 Friends Provident International and the Corporate Rose Logo are registered trade marks of Friends Provident Companies.
223 Historically, there have been few fundamental reforms in corporate power.
224 For multinationals that have established operations in the United States, the requirements of the L-1 visa can be met through simple corporate reorganization.
225 He is the man of our group and developed corporate bread-and-butter products.
226 Bonds are then issued ( backed by the assets ) by this corporate entity and sold to investors.
227 Smith , C . Raising Capital: Theory and Evidence . Midland Corporate Finance Journal 4, pp . 6 - 22, 1986.
228 With corporate profits robust and a one-year payroll tax cut set to start this month, there are reasons to hope for continued growth in 2011.
229 The Caymans have no corporate income tax for companies incorporated there.
230 Two years ago the consultancy firm Corporate Trust estimated that around 20% of German companies – mainly small and middle-sized businesses – had been the victims of industrial espionage.
231 Now, PALIC will provide its high-quality services to group insurance customers, offering an array of tailor-made life, medical, and accidental insurance-solutions to corporate customers.
232 If you are a good corporate citizen Yammer would look a bit career-threatening - for reasons explained below.
233 Applicable for:hotel, bar, fast food restaurant, chain store, studio for wedding photo, interior decoration, corporate sign, exposition of gift, show of shopwindow, exhibition, etc.
234 The new Law on Corporate Income Tax went into effect, and real estate taxes were unified for domestic and overseas-funded enterprises and Chinese and foreign individuals.
235 The second essay empirically investigates the relationship among the corporate governance, investment efficiency, and the excess value of diversified firms.
236 We wish to corporate with friends from all walks of life sincerely and collude development!
237 Mr Huckabee's weakness is that his protectionist and anti - corporate rhetoric appals economic conservatives.
238 These programs allow you to invest money tax-deferred, and many companies, as noted, provide a corporate matching program.
239 Hilti's corporate culture is based on integrity, teamwork, commitment and the courage Principality of Liechtenstein.
240 It is impossible to break down corporate income into interest on capital, rent on real estate, and profits of the enterprise.
241 Net proceeds not used in the tender offer, if any, will be used for general corporate purposes.
242 Effective work-life benefits encourage employees to work harder and discourage them from quitting their jobs, according to research by the Corporate Executive Board.
243 Or maybe you're an experienced corporate IT person, but up until now, you've worked in a UNIX environment.
244 French corporate executive was overheard lauding the merits of China's Five-Year plans.
245 Peter Wetherell, of the Mayfair agents Wetherell, argues that this change to corporate use saved the district's heritage stock.
246 Among those being touted are services such as Yammer, which produces a corporate version of Twitter, and Chatter, a social-networking service that has been developed by
247 By using shared data rule sets, teams can better collaborate and share information that is essential for meeting corporate coding standards.
248 For one night in Paris, you're not a corporate lawyer - you're a concert pianist turned milliner.
249 For example, if fly-in guests' share has decreased due to airline capacity cuts and declines in corporate travel, focus on your drive-in feeder market.
250 The Initial Price was adjusted pursuant to corporate action(s) of the relevant company.
251 The harm from insider trading is the interference with the disclosure of corporate information.
252 The requisition of personal guarantees from corporate officers as a condition of supplying credit has negative influence on the limitation of liability.
253 Contention for procuration, as a way of control power transfer on the market for corporate control, possesses unique connotations and distinctive characteristics.
254 But it's also an issue for corporate America, which makes a lot of FOIA requests, and for regular citizens in professions other than journalism who want to know a lot about their government too.
255 The financial company can't set the branches in principle, but it shall be handled separately if the corporate body is changed into branches as the result of reorganization of the enterprise group.
256 Dividend policy is one of the three corporate financial policies and has got much attention.
257 The company, which was listed in 2000, became a ST company in 2004, and the causes for which are many-sided, but the principle reason is the imperfect of its corporate governance mechanism.
258 Corporate governance of listed company directly affects the development of security market and financial market.
259 Greed is the impetus of corporate fraud, integrity, justice, limpidity and responsibility are basic to corporate sustainable growth.
260 Based on the Value Equilibrium Analysis of corporate strategy, this model was used to analyze the complex relationship among brands, enterprise's capacity and marketing expenses.
261 Internal Audit; Value - adding; Internal Control; Risk Management; Corporate Governance.
262 They want to see more women take their place higher up the corporate or professional ladder.
263 Among other things, we are working with Huaxin on issues of clean production, environmental protection, waste co-processing, energy efficiency, and corporate social responsibility.
264 When housing prices began to fall, the bubble burst, and consumer demand and corporate investment ground to a halt.
265 The fast-increasing salaries in corporate India and high attrition rate are other major costs that sometimes global companies haven't fully accounted for.
266 Part II about the basic issue of principle of sufficiency of corporate capital.
267 Both the broader economic recession and tight financing are weighing on companies, according to Andrew Hinkelman, a Senior Managing Director in FTI's Corporate Finance practice in San Francisco.




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