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单词 contrite
释义  con·trite /ˈkɒntraɪt $ ˈkɑːn-/ adjective formal  REGRET/FEEL SORRYfeeling guilty and sorry for something bad that you have done 悔罪的,悔悟的,痛悔的 a contrite apology 深感悔悟的道歉 —contritely adverb —contrition /kənˈtrɪʃən/ noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpuscontrite• Her tone was contrite and I thought Puddy was going to get all choked up.• Grimly, Auguste marched back through the tent into the kitchen, with a contrite Boris trailing behind.• Mercy should be shown to the contrite, but the community needed to be reassured that the contrition was genuine.• Immediately contrite, Mike crouched by Adam and lifted his head: it lolled sideways.• Another kid might be contrite or repentant or maybe subdued.• She was not contrite or sorry or any of the things she should have been.• His touch was contrite, perhaps ashamed, but running hot beneath its gentleness.• A few days later, I received a contrite telephone call from the store, saying there had been a mistake.Origin contrite (1200-1300) Old French contrit, from Latin, past participle of conterere “to rub together, bruise”, from com- ( → COM-) + terere “to rub”con·trite adjectiveChineseSyllable  bad that for have you something feeling sorry and guilty Corpus




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