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单词 contempt
释义  Related topics: Lawcon·tempt /kənˈtempt/ ●○○ noun [uncountable]  1  HATEa feeling that someone or something is not important and deserves no respect 轻蔑,轻视,鄙视contempt for The contempt he felt for his fellow students was obvious. 他对同学的蔑视是显而易见的。utter/deep contempt The report shows utter contempt for women’s judgement. 这份报告显示出对女性判断力的极度蔑视。open/undisguised contempt She looked at him with undisguised contempt. 她以毫不掩饰的轻蔑目光看着他。 The public is treated with contempt by broadcasters. 公众受到了节目主持人的轻蔑对待。 How could she have loved a man who so clearly held her in contempt? 她怎么会爱上一个明显看不起她的男人呢?beneath contempt That sort of behaviour is simply beneath contempt (=does not deserve respect or attention). 那种行为简直为人所不齿。2  SCT law disobedience or disrespect towards a court of law 藐视法庭 He was jailed for seven days for contempt of court. 他因藐视法庭被关押了七天。in contempt of something He was found in contempt of the order. 他被判藐视法院裁决的罪名成立。3  BRAVEcomplete lack of fear about something 毫不畏惧,藐视contempt for his contempt for danger 他对危险的全然不惧n COLLOCATIONSverbstreat somebody/something with contemptThe opinions of the public should not be ignored or treated with contempt.have contempt for somebody/something (also feel contempt for somebody/something)He had a deep contempt for contemptHer face showed clearly the contempt she felt for them.hold somebody/something in contempt (=have a low opinion of something or someone, and show it)He was one of those men who hold in contempt those who do not share his point of view.adjectivesutter/total contemptSally looked at him with utter contempt.the utmost contemptMany people regarded the government with the utmost contempt (=that you do not try to hide)Her expression was one of open contempt.deep contempt (=great contempt)There is a deep contempt for the commercialism in the West.cold/icy contempt (=that shows in a very unfriendly way)I noticed the icy contempt in his voice.withering contempt (=that makes you feel very inferior)She treated some of her staff with withering contempt.phrasesa look of contemptHe gave her a look of contempt that made her want to hit him.have/feel/show etc nothing but contemptThe public should have nothing but contempt for bad journalism.treat somebody/something with the contempt they deserveShe treated these accusations with the contempt they deserved.familiarity breeds contempt (=used to say that if you know someone very well, you may respect them less)Examples from the Corpuscontempt• We should not allow that, because that would be a contempt of democracy.• I feel nothing but contempt for people who are obsessed with fast cars and designer clothes.• He never tried to hide his contempt for those who were not as intelligent as him.• And they all hold supply-side economics in contempt.• She remembered the contempt, the ice in his glance.• The contempt for Daley was pouring down from all directions.• This contempt for others is a denial of humanity.• The teachers were very old-fashioned, treating any new ideas with contempt and scorn.• I did not tell you lies but I do deserve your contempt.beneath contempt• They are considered beneath contempt in the system, but at Grendon everyone has equal status.• Paperback publishing was considered beneath contempt.• He can treat Mr Flynt as a figure beneath contempt, and ignore contempt of something• Nor can they be found to be in contempt of court in relation to words spoken in the course of proceedings in Parliament.• If he fails to appear, he will be in contempt of tribal law, Foster said.• The New York City officials were found in contempt of court for failing to find shelter quickly enough for needy families.• McSpadden ruled that Lenhart had no such privilege, held her in contempt of court and ordered her jailed.• Disclosure of the material would put anyone who violated the order in contempt of court.• Breach of these undertakings would place the parties in contempt of court.Origin contempt (1300-1400) Latin contemptus, from contemnere “to think of with contempt”, from com- ( → COM-) + temnere “to despise”con·tempt noun →n COLLOCATIONS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable   Corpus and someone a deserves important is feeling not that something or




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