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单词 constrain
释义 Word family  noun constraint verb constrain  con·strain /kənˈstreɪn/ ●○○ AWL verb [transitive]  1  LIMITto stop someone from doing what they want to do 阻止,妨碍 SYN restrictconstrain somebody from doing something Financial factors should not constrain doctors from prescribing the best treatment for patients. 经济因素不应该妨碍医生为病人制订最好的治疗方案。2  LIMITto limit something 限制,束缚 SYN restrict Poor soil has constrained the level of crop production. 贫瘠的土地限制了农作物的产量。 Women’s employment opportunities are often severely constrained by family commitments. 女性的就业机会常常受到家庭责任的严重限制。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusconstrain• Third, as a government becomes less committed to democracy, the freedom and independence of the media are increasingly constrained.• Wealth, however, is not similarly constrained.• They have also been constrained by Britain's geographic location and limited resources.• However, a real plant will be constrained by the amount of already existing plant material and its needs.• Poor economies abroad may constrain demand for U.S. exports.• In the boiler overhaul, for example, Taylor found that a worker lost much time because of his constrained position.• The bill actually constrains the legislature from doing what they are elected to do.• They assume, that is, that the principles of analogy and local interpretation constrain their experience.• Nature abhors the superfluous, yet is constrained to produce the seemingly extravagant.Origin constrain (1300-1400) Old French constraindre, from Latin constringere “to constrict, constrain”, from com- ( → COM-) + stringere “to pull tight”con·strain verbChineseSyllable  to doing Corpus they from stop someone want to what




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