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单词 conspiratorial
释义  con·spi·ra·to·ri·al /kənˌspɪrəˈtɔːriəl/ adjective  1  SECRETa conspiratorial expression, voice, or manner suggests you are sharing a secret with someone 〔表情、说话声音或态度〕诡秘的,神秘的 His voice became low and conspiratorial. 他压低了声音,显得很神秘。 Pat whispered to Maggie in a conspiratorial tone. 帕特语气诡秘地对着玛吉低声耳语。conspiratorial whisper/smile/wink etc Britta gave him a conspiratorial smile. 布丽塔对他心照不宣地一笑。2. PLANrelating to a conspiracy 阴谋的,密谋的 —conspiratorially adverbExamples from the Corpusconspiratorial• I don't want to make the novel sound wacky, let alone conspiratorial.• The answers range from the technical to the vaguely conspiratorial.• They were worn with one end thrown across the shoulder high under the chin, giving the wearer a conspiratorial air.• The behaviour of firms need not be conspiratorial in the legal sense.• Nick and I shot a conspiratorial look at each other: this time we would refuse to fight.• A friendly, conspiratorial smile for Bernice, a sympathetic glance for Defries, a half-angry, half-amused growl for Daak.• Britta gave him a curiously conspiratorial smile.conspiratorial whisper/smile/wink etc• Britta gave him a curiously conspiratorial smile.• The waiter gives us a conspiratorial wink.• A friendly, conspiratorial smile for Bernice, a sympathetic glance for Defries, a half-angry, half-amused growl for Daak.con·spi·ra·to·ri·al adjectiveChineseSyllable  expression, suggests you voice, manner or Corpus are a conspiratorial




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