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单词 astray
释义  a·stray /əˈstreɪ/ adverb  1  go astray a) to be lost or stolen 迷失,迷路;丢失;被盗 The letter had gone astray in the post. 这封信寄丢了。 b) if a plan or action goes astray, it goes wrong 〔计划或行动〕出错 The best-laid plans can go astray. 再周密的计划也有可能出错。2  lead somebody astray a) to encourage someone to do bad or illegal things that they would not normally do 把某人引入歧途 The older boys led him astray. 那些年长的男孩子将他引入了歧途。 b) to make someone believe something that is not true 误导某人 It’s easy to be led astray by the reports in the papers. 人们很容易被报纸上的报道误导。Examples from the Corpusastray• But their recording finds them in less than top form, and Solti sometimes leads them astray.• He says that when burning oak powder it's possible that a spark could have gone astray.• She said that sensible people weren't led astray by infatuation.• In catering to the largest possible audience, producers and reporters are led astray from their social and civic responsibilities.• Conversations with Maisie had a habit of going astray like this.Origin astray (1200-1300) Old French estraié “wandering”, from estraier; → STRAY1a·stray adverbChineseSyllable  to or be lost stolen Corpus




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