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单词 Erasmus
1. He attended dame school and Erasmus Smith's School in Galway and at sixteen he was earning his living as a tutor.
2. The Reformers might be followers of Erasmus; but they had no hesitation in drowning the dreadful Anabaptists.
3. Erasmus Darwin published his Zoonomia in 1794, which was partly a medical textbook, partly a treatise in biology.
4. Erasmus was certainly a man to appreciate that sort of point.
5. The EU has launched the Erasmus Mundus China strand project which recruit Chinese students and scholars to study in Europe.
6. Albert Osterhaus, professor of virology at the Erasmus Medical Center in the Netherlands, says however that without further study it is difficult to rely on the link between survey answers.
7. Sir Thomas More, friend and supporter of Erasmus, led a dangerous but incorruptible political life which would earn him the death penalty from the same King who once knighted him, Henry VIII.
8. Theo Luider, of the Erasmus University Medical Centre in Rotterdam, and his colleagues think they have found one—but it works only in women.
9. The poet-physician Erasmus Darwin and the industrial potter Josiah Wedgwood were close friends among a circle of mechanical-minded Dissenters from the Anglican Church.
10. Erasmus . Julius Excluded From Heaven ( all ) ( CR ).
11. Erasmus, his chief bookkeeper , waited uncertainly just beyond the entryway.
12. Darwin's grandfather Erasmus believed life evolved from a single ancestor.
13. After the Erasmus bridge we are in need of a real skyscraper of European scale of which Rotterdam can be proud.
14. Caroline Klaver, at Erasmus Medical Centre in Rotterdam, found another strand, also on chromosome 15, linked to short sight.
15. Researchers at Erasmus MC in the Netherlands used DNA and hair color information from hundreds of Europeans, and studied genes known to influence hair color.
16. Professor Kayser's team at Erasmus University has already developed a test for eye colour based on DNA markers.
17. He was strongly influenced by Desiderius Erasmus in favor of church reform.
18. Fisher spent some time here and it is believed he entertained Erasmus, his great friend, at the Palace.
19. Have you ever wondered what life is like for an Erasmus student?
20. Sie studiert normalerweise in Regensburg , nach Dublin ist sie f ü r ein Jahr als Erasmus - Studentin gekommen.
21. "We identified 13 'DNA markers' from 11 genes that are informative to predict a person's hair colour," said Professor Kayser, chair of the Department of Forensic Molecular Biology at Erasmus.
22. For the world, we benefit from European philosophers, including Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, and Erasmus, for the ideas on democracy and reason.
23. When Tyndale went to Cambridge in 1517, the university was already bubbling with the new learning which had recently been introduced by the Dutch scholar Erasmus.
24. And the idea crops up again in the works of Thomas Hobbes, a 17th-century philosopher, and Erasmus Darwin (Charles's grandfather), who lived in the 18th.
25. In the Renaissance, such leaders of the revival of learning as Montaigne and Erasmus made lists of the books they read.
26. In 1516 he read a Latin translation of the Greek New Testament published by the Dutch humanist Desiderius Erasmus,[ ] which he later transcribed into notebooks and memorized verbatim.
27. "It is actually what is happening now, what is happening in the real world, " said Albert Osterhaus, head of virology at the Erasmus Medical Center, who designed "The Great Flu" game with colleagues.
28. What's more, it seems that mucus could be trapping the virus, which is then expelled before it can replicate, says Thijs Kuiken of the Erasmus Medical Centre in the Netherlands.




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