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单词 conservative
释义  con·ser·va·tive1 /kənˈsɜːvətɪv $ -ɜːr-/ ●●○ adjective  1  CHANGE/BECOME DIFFERENTnot liking changes or new ideas 保守的,守旧的 a very conservative attitude to education 对待教育非常守旧的态度 conservative views 保守的观点n2. → Conservative3  CONVENTIONALnot very modern in style, taste etc 〔式样、品位等〕不时兴的,传统的 SYN traditional a dark conservative suit 深色的传统套装4  a conservative estimate/guess GUESSa guess which is deliberately lower than what the real amount probably is 保守的估计/猜测 At a conservative estimate, the holiday will cost about £1,500. 按照保守估计,这个假期大约要花费1,500英镑。 —conservatively adverb a fortune conservatively estimated at 2 million dollars 保守估计有两百万美元的一笔巨额财产 He was conservatively dressed in a dark business suit. 他保守地穿了一套深色的商务套装。Examples from the Corpusconservative• June's parents were very conservative and wouldn't allow her to date till she was 18.• Despite Dave's quiet, conservative appearance, he has a wicked sense of humor.• They are as morally conservative as their parents.• middle-aged men in conservative business suits• Even conservative dressers should update their wardrobes from time to time.• On a conservative estimate, there are now about 5,000 books or articles that deal with it, at least in part.• a conservative newspaper columnist• Dear old staid, conservative, non-violent Britain.• a conservative rural community• The left is hardly vigorous today; and, for the moment, there seems little chance of mobilizing a conservative society.• But this latest phase has now also emboldened Bush to press forward with his agenda in strong, conservative strokes.• They're also fairly conservative when it comes to social attitudes.nConservativePPGbelonging to or concerned with the Conservative Party in Britain 〔英国〕保守党的 Conservative policies 保守党的政策 a Conservative MP 保守党下议院议员conservative2 noun [countable]  n1. → Conservative2  CHANGE/BECOME DIFFERENTsomeone who does not like changes in politics, ideas, or fashion 因循守旧者,保守者 an argument between reformers and conservatives in the organization 该组织内部的改革派和保守派之争Examples from the Corpusconservative• According to a recent poll, the governor has lost support among conservatives.• He, the apparent conservative, is the wild tiger, it turns out.• But there are conservatives, who, while acknowledging the successes of quantum mechanical methods, caution against complacency.• But the Rehnquist court is supposed to be composed of conservatives.• Phil Gramm of Texas made speeches in which they wholeheartedly embraced the agenda of religious conservatives.• They ranged across the political spectrum from rightwing conservatives to left-wing socialists.• Both men are staunch conservatives, but of the two Lott is the more ideological and aggressive.nConservativePPGsomeone who supports or is a member of the Conservative Party in Britain 英国保守党的支持者;保守党党员 → conservativeFrom Longman Business Dictionaryconservativecon‧ser‧va‧tive /kənˈsɜːvətɪv-ɜːr-/ adjective1careful to avoid taking risksHe would be better taking a conservative approach to his new mortgage and opting for a fixed rate.2careful not to state a value or amount to be bigger or smaller than it actually might beFor the purposes of our valuation we have used a conservative forecast of £8 million.Realization of the asset would bring in, at a conservative estimate, around £15,000 extra income.con·ser·va·tive1 adjectiveConservativeconservative2 nounConservativeLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  new Corpus or not ideas liking changes Business




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