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单词 Investing
1. I'm thinking of investing in a new house.
2. By investing wisely she accumulated a fortune.
3. Their move does not preclude others from investing.
4. We believe in investing in scientific research.
5. By investing in real estate, he was one of the richest men in the United States.
6. I called my broker for advice about investing in the stock market.
7. I'm thinking of investing in a new car.
8. She made her money from investing in property.
9. The company is investing heavily in new technologies.
10. Investing on the Stock Exchange is a chancy business.
11. Investing in airlines is a very risky business.
12. Investing in industry is money well spent.
13. Oliver made a fortune by investing in antique furniture.
14. The company has backed off from investing new money.
15. I tried to dissuade her from investing her money in stocks and shares.
16. A few lucky people have struck gold by investing in this company.
17. The company has been investing in new plant and equipment.
18. He rearranged his business affairs advantageously by investing his money overseas.
19. When people buy houses they're investing a lot of money.
20. As pension funds are investing for members' retirements, they can take the long view.
21. His only reason for investing in the company was to take it over.
22. The company misled hundreds of people into investing their money unwisely.
23. The company is investing $9 million to modernize its factories.
24. Many people are investing in a small way in the stock market.
25. By investing in education[sentence dictionary], we nourish the talents of our children.
26. By investing in efficient plant it could generate lots of valuable carbon credits to sell to wealthier, more wasteful nations.
27. The fund has a good track record of investing in the equity market.
28. He hoped to strike it rich by investing in ginseng.
29. Investing small amounts regularly is a good way of smoothing out the peaks and troughs of the stock market.
30. The government is prioritising the service sector, rather than investing in industry and production.
1. I'm thinking of investing in a new house.
2. By investing wisely she accumulated a fortune.
3. Their move does not preclude others from investing.
4. We believe in investing in scientific research.
5. By investing in real estate, he was one of the richest men in the United States.
6. The government is prioritising the service sector, rather than investing in industry and production.
7. I called my broker for advice about investing in the stock market.
31. The drop in stock prices serves as a reminder that investing is a form of gambling.
32. Investing in a unit trust reduces risks for small investors.
33. Companies are put off investing in poor areas because of the meagre pickings to be had.
34. Businesses are investing in tree plantations as a tax dodge .
35. They were leery about investing in a company controlled by a single individual.
36. By investing small amounts regularly, you can smooth out the effects of sudden rises and falls in the stock market.
37. Don't fall into the trap of investing all your money in one place.
38. The real pisser was investing so much time and effort for zero return.
39. There are rich pickings to be had by investing in this sort of company.
40. Investing in high-tech companies is a calculated risk.
41. Co. investment firm specializes in vulture investing.
42. The firm was investing in the whole insurance industry.
43. Tyrell conned several millionaires into investing in his business.
44. So shop around carefully before investing your cash.
45. Some were pensioners investing their life savings.
46. Saving and investing success depend on time.
47. Never let sharply falling markets discourage you from investing.
48. The Singapore government is interested in investing abroad.
49. The fund also has a long track record of global investing, having been established in 1953.
50. Ortiz is capable of investing the simplest melody with qualities of grandeur.
51. First, there is evidence to support the thesis that investing substantial public expenditure into declining areas will attract future private investment.
52. But it is hard to track funds that practice socially responsible investing.
53. The other company, a more recent entrant into the market,[] is investing on a considerable scale.
54. Could the slave-plantation economy bear the double cost of investing heavily in both mechanisation and slave workers?
55. The answer seems to be that there is a lot more looking than investing.
56. We believe in investing in scientific research because it enriches the quality of our lives and provides the feedstock of industrial innovation.
57. By investing products with meanings from other sign systems, Williamson argues that receivers are caught up in an ideological bind.
58. If you talk about people helping themselves, I guess the first thing is investing in education and health.
59. If one effect of recession is to bring back collecting, rather than investing, then the market will recover.
60. Liz sees the profit in investing two days' selection time to hire a top-flight sales person.
61. Several of the companies she is investing in are on-line services.
62. Finally, the corporation has become more interested in investing in social infrastructure.
63. Both have the choice of investing their dollar funds in domestic or in external money markets.
64. When the potential yield on investment begins to exceed the cost and trouble of investing, then money balances should be invested.
65. By investing in education, we nourish the talents of children and lay the basis for future success.
66. Investing institutions expect a net cash inflow of £30 billion-40 billion this year.
67. Whenever they can avoid the expense and trouble of employing a person by investing in another robot they do so.
68. Most economics textbooks skip over the subject of investing and financial markets.
69. Beyond that Spoornet will continue investing steadily to take capacity to 38 million tonnes a year by 2010.
70. Allergan also announced yesterday that it was investing $ 6 million in San Diego-based Acadia Pharmaceuticals.
71. We are reducing costs and investing for more effective operations.
72. Buyers acquire a 50 percent stake in exchange for investing a certain amount of money in the company.
73. By late last year, despite investing even higher premiums, the estimate had slipped to £550,000 - a substantial fall.
74. We stopped investing in new farm equipment, in production lines, in new products.
75. The longer the club goes, the more important the club becomes as a source of ideas for their personal investing.
76. By investing in public transport, we start to transform commuters' lives and create a cleaner environment.
77. The investors are investing in the management and need to be protected against the possibility of their leaving at will.
78. Some of the absolutism of the early days of social investing seems to have given way to a new pragmatic activism.
79. In fact, investing had been on my mind because of a modest sum of money that had unexpectedly come my way.
80. It's worth / remember, as well as safeguard your house investing in one with an / from electrical fires.
81. There are also funds investing in much smaller economies representing 1 percent or less of world capitalisation.
82. Normally this activity is not noticed by the investing public,[] only by those market professionals intimately concerned with the gilt-edged market.
83. Governments throughout the world are investing more in education and training.
84. Experience shows that investing in gambling and casino companies is itself risky, and the prospective multiple is a healthy 29.
85. The herd ad is intended to show that the company goes its own way in investing.
86. In a few cases, investing enterprises may have hoped to ensure supplies of scarce raw materials or energy supplies.
87. Familiarise yourself with the system of financial services regulation in the country in which you are saving and investing.
88. And the sooner you start investing, the greater that income - and other benefits - can be.
89. These are very well-educated professional women in Fog Bank who felt insecure about investing.
90. The rise and fall of this company is a cautionary tale for anyone investing in the property market.
91. Mr. Redwood Overseas undertakings investing in the United Kingdom often comment favourably on our regulatory regime.
92. Owners are granted this power in exchange for investing capital or assuming responsibility.
93. By investing in car transporter rolling stock the railway companies were able to offer the manufacturers a service economically beneficial to both.
94. The court has heard how some couples lost their life savings after investing with a financial advisory service run by Christopher How.
95. But no one is talking about the Government investing in a public-private partnership to keep Longbridge open.
96. The market return minus the risk-free return is the risk premium that investors expect for investing in the market portfolio.
97. This adds to the importance of investing in the development of managers of the right calibre.
98. The Duchy of Cornwall is investing £2.5m in the scheme to build 79 small business workshops in the city's Jewellery Quarter.
99. Investing in property is no longer as safe as it used to be.
100. Not only are we investing in capital equipment and premises, we are also building for the future by investing in people.
101. You can put together a pick-and-mix Isa, investing in as many as 14 different funds.
102. The new head of customer service and quality for example, fell into a classic trap by investing heavily in up-front training.
103. This moral hazard sent them lending billions to property developers and investing billions in junk bonds.
104. It is investing heavily in research and development, and is expanding its marketing operation this year.
105. Docherty declined to say how much the companies are investing together in expanding the network.
106. However, there is no point investing for the long term at the risk of being caned in the short term.
107. International book-building puts a premium on intermediaries' experience and ability to sell to 300-odd investing institutions around the world.
108. This is a particularly important issue for anyone saving and investing overseas to consider.
109. The growing number of people registering their interest in investing are being driven by the greed factor alone.
110. Juanita's plan is based on the proven formula of investing money to make money.
111. Middle-class families typically spend a lifetime saving, either by investing in securities or by building small businesses.
112. There is also talk of investing in flood defences and preventing building development on flood plains.
113. We are in thrall to the uniquely Western illusion of cheating time by investing the temporal with immortality.
114. Under a social compact which runs until the end of 1990,[http:///investing.html] the investing organizations will pay lower income taxes.
115. One television ad featured a live chicken to convey the message: Stop being one; start investing.
116. Here the National Coal Board is investing Government money to sink new deep mines, each costing about £50 million.
117. Nevertheless, it would appear that several local gentlemen are rather shy of investing their money in the three percent bonds.
118. A small rise in interest rates would be unlikely to dissuade the firm from investing in this case.
119. Some obesity researchers have clear conflict of interest, promoting or investing in products or programs based on their research.
120. This applies even more for expatriates who are getting to grips with saving and investing in a foreign country.
121. A mismatched, haphazard gang of pots looks terrible and it is worth investing some decent money in creating a cohesive style.
122. Work was halted in 1992 when one of the oil company partners investing in the development pulled out.
123. Mr Kern likens the current climate for microcap funds to the 1980s, when small-cap investing gained momentum with mutual-fund families.
124. By comparison, the average return from investing in stocks over long periods of time has been about 7 percent above inflation.
125. Chan became successful at investing and was making huge profits within several months.
126. After that there was little point in investing money or effort into the land because there was no chance of financial recovery.
127. Members also agreed that investing some surplus Social Security funds in the stock market ought to be seriously considered.
128. Additionally, Harman is investing $ 10 million to build a computer speaker manufacturing line that will generate 200 jobs.
129. He pointed out that large groups such as Hilton and Holiday Inns were already investing in fire protection beyond the minimum requirements.
130. At Dunsdale, around £17m of investors funds have gone missing, and again the investors thought they were investing in gilts.
131. Investing in specialist advice to squeeze more from fertiliser inputs now could help you stay in front of those changes.
132. Often the deciding factor when choosing whether to take a lump sum is the problem of investing it.
133. First, whether you are investing a lump sum or saving from income, you can never start too soon.
134. It plans to open one new store a week and is investing heavily in new technology as competition gets stiffer.
135. What is missing from the various reform proposals is any recognition of the importance of investing in human capital as well.
136. The economic outlook is so uncertain that I would think carefully before investing any money.
137. Dura, is investing about $ 13 million in Spiros, giving it a total of about $ 41 million.
138. Price Waterhouse, it seems, was not just investing in the Prudential by dropping the audit fee by 14%.
139. Many people think that they can enjoy the losses generated by an S corporation simply by investing in an S corporation.
140. Unit Trusts Like PEPs, unit trusts are a convenient means of investing.
141. The rewards to be had from investing the time and effort are pretty good, however.
142. Interest is paid gross to all customers investing £50[],000 or more for a fixed term of at least seven days.
143. There are a lot of investment approaches, but nearly all winning stock pickers thirst for information on investing and on companies.
144. The energy crisis has suddenly made governments show extraordinary interest in investing large sums in research into alternative energy sources.
145. In reality, many managers believe these issues can be addressed by merely investing in technology and training.
146. After a short while he identified a small bacon-curing business that he felt was worth investing in.
147. They used to believe that investing in big, publicly traded issues would keep their portfolios liquid even in a bear market.
148. Legislative acts that levied taxes and defined benefits have never contained any provisions for investing in assets to provide future benefits.
149. Thrifts were banned by law from investing in equities which were deemed to be too risky.
150. Indeed, Mr Burke is already working on one investing project and will undoubtedly be in demand.
151. And it is our experience that successful entrepreneurs quickly develop a finely tuned instinct for investing their time in high-profit opportunities.
152. Don't write out cheques to your adviser - always make them payable to the company you're investing in.
153. It was also a strong year for health care investing.
154. The strategy brings a degree of sanity to the chaos of investing in hot, albeit volatile stocks.
155. But some charities are prevented from investing all their funds in the ethical scheme.
156. By investing over $1.2 million, Levin and his partner are thinking big.
157. San Francisco continues to sit on a hot apartment investing market.
158. They use everyday consumers to illustrate successful principles of investing.
159. Accordingly, canals offered the only widespread opportunity of investing in £100 ordinary shares.
160. In the 1960s some firms started investing abroad in forms that linked together production, trade and finance.
161. It is the fear of frightening off investors that has stopped the government investing in water quality.
162. This trend went hand-in-hand with another, that of investing heavily in the making of high-technology weaponry for the Pentagon.
163. The followers of this cult are, nevertheless, looking to the future and investing considerable sums of money in it.
164. If you live in an area where burglary is common, it may be worth investing in an alarm system.
165. The difference is that, far from investing in our own industry, the Government of this country is slaughtering it.
166. All investing parties should use their influence to ensure that companies in which they have invested comply with the code. 5.
167. When investing in a new kitchen, most people still go for easy-on-the-eye neutral shades(), pure whites and sophisticated greys.
168. Instead, the company is investing in alternative object-based technology for System 7 and other environments.
169. Has Wall Street's alphabet soup given you investing indigestion?
170. There is a huge, unexploited opportunity in startup investing.
171. Shareholder advocacy is another form of socially responsible investing.
172. He was timid about investing money.
173. There are several obstacles for social security funds investing money market.
174. It then sends that information in machine-readable form to itsalgorithmic subscribers, which can parse it further, using the resulting datato inform their own investing decisions.
175. At the same time, while investing in a company that shows positive cash flow is desirable, there are also opportunities in companies that aren't yet cash-flow positive.
176. He threw a spanner into works by never investing this project.
177. But Sita says the rewards for investing in Africa match the risks and companies should "strike while the iron is hot."
178. Any entity with administrative monopoly powers shall be prohibited from applying for investing and dealing in international freight forwarding business.
179. The third goal — reducing waste — could be tackled by investing in storage and transport infrastructure and improving farmers' access to markets.
180. The present tax regime also pushed some domestic firms to transfer capital overseas before investing in China in a dodge to enjoy lower taxes.
181. Forty-seven percent of executives said they will be investing primarily in calendar year 2012 in analytical tools to improve company growth, expansion and planning.
182. The statement is divided into operating activities, investing activities, and financing activities.
183. Objective 4 Classify operating, investing, and financing activities in a cash flow statement.
184. Trading on rumors, hunches or fears is antithetical to investing.
185. Investing enterprises must make the taxpaying , industrial and commercial registration in Cangnan County.
186. If you have a flair for saving, managing and investing money, you have money management skills.
187. The investing in industries is of such characteristics as large capital input, slow recovery and enormous risk.
188. Folio Investing offers its own predesigned folios of ETFs and some created by outside providers.
189. They are chary of investing such an amount of money in the risky business.
190. To classify all the possible factors of the investing risks and establish an estimative system for financial risks.
191. Investor should adequately forecast the transformation of house market macro - future, to avoid unreasoning and gambling investing.
192. In our investing experiment that it was come with a puisne at Northwestern, she's now an assistent professor there people saw 3 options, two Stocks and a Bond.
193. Stock option is an indispensable instrument for investing and financing. But we do not have a real stock option market in China due to various restricts.
194. Yes, everyone hopes to make money by investing in stock market.
195. I remember explaining to my boss one day the mechanics of investing in rental properties and the potential it has for developing passive income and a consistent cash flow.
196. Because investing is as much an art as a science, investors need a margin of safety.
197. Depending on the frequency and amount of transactions you process, investing in a Bluetooth card reader or swiper/printer combo can really save you quite a bit of money.
198. From the unique perspective, the author of this thesis uses a practical case to analyze the investment and risk control of foreign investment company investing in China's no-performing finical asset.
199. Had the investors in El Monte Regional Center done due diligence on the project in which they were investing, they might have considered alternatives.
200. It is worth investing all one's money in property, if only get on the gravy train.
201. Paracolic sulci are lateral depressions of the peritoneum investing the cecum.
202. THERE is something comforting about investing in bricks and mortar.
203. The demand for investing body and financing body is the basic demand for the development of venture capital market.
204. Article 2 These Regulations shall apply to foreign businessmen investing in the prospecting and mining of mineral resources within the administrative area of Szechwan Province.
205. Following the present to public of Hua'an Fund as a brand-new variety, the open fund becomes a new increasing point in investing securities business of China.
206. Wake up to the smell of freshly brewed coffee by investing in a percolator with a programmable timer.
207. Cnooc has also been investing in other unconventional assets, with purchases of shale oil and gas elsewhere, and is developing deepwater drilling skills to open up new exploration possibilities.
208. Households must save to work off excess debts. Firms fearful of weak consumer spending are cautious about investing. Bank credit is scarce. All this stands in the way of a full-blooded recovery.
209. Pharmaceutical and biotech companies are investing heavily in both of these approaches.
210. When it comes to judiciousness in investing in stocks I don't think you need any outside amateur help.
211. But abdicate all responsibility for investing and monitoring their hard - earned savings.
212. That's actually a good thing: investing monthly (called dollar-cost averaging) helps you even out the natural ebb and flow of investments that happens throughout the year.
213. Financing company, investment company, investment bank and investment funds financing and investing for mid - small enterprises.
214. Investing time and earning sweat equity could be the path to your next job -- or even independence.
215. Inventory Investment, Investing Investment advice, Investment advisor Investment bank, Investment banking Investment grade Investment research.
216. "We think that the growth potential and productivity increase from investing in very small producers is very high, " added Kripke.
217. His father, Joseph P. Kennedy, was a financier and wheeler-dealer who made a fortune in investing, banking and liquor.
218. You should be chary of investing any money in such a risky venture.
219. With Linux and Xdmx, anyone with two display devices and two computers can enjoy the benefits of multihead setups without investing in new hardware.
220. How to persuade the investing public to trust fund managers again?
221. But few of us have the right to condemn as few of us can say we never gamble — even if it is only investing a few pence a week in the firm's football sweep or the church bazaar "lucky dip".
222. However, the idea is that by investing your time in self-improvement, you can save time in the long run, increase your output and improve the quality of your work.
223. James sees particular opportunities in credit investing. Blackstone's credit asset manager, GSO Capital, has about $20 billion of assets under management.
224. An important reason for investing in a good mattress cover is to protect your mattress.
225. Chinese banking should establish reasonable capital price, define the risk bearer of the depositors, and strengthening the supervision of the behavior of the foreign investing activities.
226. Sure-thing investing We invest our time, energy and money on buying and acquiring things while futilely trying to achieve the life we want.
227. The latter affects the present and future net revenue of investing firm.
228. Investing without research is like playing stud poker and at the cards.
229. They include distressed debt, activist investing, lending, and buy - outs.
230. Banks would be barred from owning and investing in private equity and hedge funds and would be forced to curtail many of their broker-dealer operations.
231. Some people in the West seem a bit hesitant about investing in China.
232. The cortico-thalamic axis of Crick and Koch is too narrow an explanation of complexity to warrant investing on it./investing.html
233. The transfer of control is studied quantitatively resulting in the range of control transfer from EN to VC at every investing stage.
234. Gates said NATO needs to change the way it operates - improving its budget process, investing in future capabilities and closing bases it no longer needs.
235. Local governments should refrain from recklessly pursuing GDP growth by investing in sectors that guzzle energy and spew out pollution.
236. Investing in sexy new stainless steel appliances may be a wise idea when it comes to cooking up a quick flip – be sure to add a coveted glass-front wine cooler.
237. Efficient market theory has spent decades trying to explain away data that show value investing strategies outperforming growth strategies in the stock market.
238. A fellow like Rick Guerin, who had no formal education in business, understands immediately the value approach to investing and he's applying it five minutes later.
239. Other U.S.-based companies investing in improving the world's freshwater resources include beverage maker Pepsi Cola and coffee company Starbucks, through its Ethos Water brand.
240. Investing in a variable annuity contract involves risk, including the possible loss of principal.
241. The United States is investing $700 million this year to improve Mexico's law enforcement capabilities as part of the Merida Initiative, created during the George W. Bush administration.
242. Third, index fund will introduce you to the ups and downs of stock investing.
243. A specialized coffee grower, who now owns four washing stations across the country, Nkubili began his career investing in a trucking company, before diversifying.
244. Unsurprisingly, this exuberance lured more investors to the market, investing on margin with borrowed money.
245. In an environment where reflation of asset values, and growth in profits, may slow, we are investing more selectively.
246. The sarcolemma, about 7.5 nm thick , is a unit - membrane like that investing other cells.
247. While investing in tax-free bonds issued in your own state offers an added boost, be forewarned.
248. As with most books on hedge funds, this one is a soft sell for hedge fund investing.
249. A positive rural financing and investing system might have effectively changed funds into productive capital so as to stimulate productivity.
250. Western businessmen are showing remarkable prudence in investing in the region.
251. We know you will find a mutual benefit of doing business and investing in Racine County,() Wisconsin.
252. Investors must also ponder the risks of investing in politically unsta?ble countries, as well as the uncertainties involving currency, interest rate, and economic fluctuations.
253. If the audit report of a company gives a qualified opinion or a disclaimer opinion, would it affect your confidence in investing in this company?
254. But when Google recently announced it was working on driverless, robotic cars; and investing in off-shore wind farms and human-powered monorail pods, analysts were once again scratching their heads.
255. I'm a Forex Broker manager working in a investing company.
256. For the last several years there has been a lot of talk on Sand Hill Road about investing in China.
257. The cash component of a venture capital financing is clearly useful. But, getting assistance in investing that cash into stellar talent is even more valuable.
258. Victor Li come and gone, and its expression in the groundbreaking ceremony of the confidence in investing in Shanghai.
259. Wu Da, the portfolio manager of the new Global Cyclical Industries Large Cap Equity, which is run by Changsheng Fund Management Co., is investing in the U.S., Japan and Australia.
260. The Investing Strategy decides the future development and competitiveness of a business enterprise; The outstanding capital and operating strategy can speed up the formation of such competitiveness.
261. The Group is mainly focusing on international trade and labor cooperation, overseas project operation and consultation on investing and financing.
262. Trading according to rigorous fundamental research can often mirror sustainable investing, which seeks to profit by taking into account social and environmental factors,[] he says.
263. The fund aims to provide long-term capital growth by investing primarily in European smaller companies.
264. Across the nation, parents are investing more money on the education of their child.
265. The remedies for these rights vivify it, investing impersonal "abstract right" and "dormant right" with vigor, to become "live right" and "active right. "
266. A conservative securities portfolio could even be given something of a boost by investing a percentage of the capital in warrants.
267. China has also cut export incentives, tightened rules on lending to property investors and restrained quotas for foreign banks investing in Chinese stocks and bonds.
268. So we're talking about investing in alternative energy projects that will help us achieve energy independence.
269. When investors generally expect that long - term monetary policy will deflate, they can positively shorten investing duration.
270. So far, Apple appears to be going with the latter by investing heavily in web-based technologies.
271. How do you bring all those heterogeneous hosts into effective teamwork, without investing too much of your own time in tedious configuration "burn-in"?
272. Joyce Greenberg, a retired financial adviser in Texas said her family had begun investing money with Madoff in the 1970s after being introduced by her stepbrother.
273. We can start by investing $10 billion to guarantee access to quality, affordable, early childhood education for every child in America.
274. In 1984 shareholders of City Investing Company voted to liquidate.
275. With your experience setting up Xdmx multihead displays for your Linux desktop, you can greatly increase your productivity without investing in new hardware.
276. The development of ABS is propitious to rise the capital abundance rates and break a new path for investing and financing.
277. Without investing in thinking through how to architect, design, and build loosely-coupled services, the promises of agility and effective reuse will not be fulfilled.
278. Unlike the minister or his speechwriter, I am involved in angel investing, so I know what a foolish error this was.
279. The verdict was 'let's take a shot at this,' said a person familiar with the matter, who noted that Mr. Buffett has liked investing in various railroads for several years.
280. Investing in bargain-priced securities provides a "margin of safety"—room for error, imprecision, bad luck, or the vicissitudes of the economy and stock market.
280. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
281. This would push down profits and could lower the companies'interest in investing in lifting output.
282. Additional, venture capital investor adds redemptive provision increasingly in investing a clause.
283. For example, investing in ICT infrastructure in remote regions will almost certainly generate little profit at first, but can bring greater financial returns in the longer term.




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更新时间:2025/2/1 1:57:50