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单词 connection
释义 Word family  noun connection connectedness connector adjective connected ≠ disconnected ≠ unconnected verb connect ≠ disconnect  Related topics: Electrical, Transportcon·nec·tion /kəˈnekʃən/ ●●● S3 W2 noun  1  relationship 关系 [countable]CONNECTED WITH the way in which two facts, ideas, events etc are related to each other, and one is affected or caused by the other 〔两个事实、观点、事件等之间的〕联系,关联 SYN linkconnection between the causal connection between smoking and cancer 吸烟与癌症间的因果关系 There is a connection between pollution and the death of trees. 污染和树木枯死之间有关系。connection with Mr O'Hara had no known connection with terrorist activity. 从已知情况来看,奥哈拉先生与恐怖活动没有关系。connection to Williams apparently has no connection to the case. 威廉斯显然和此案没有关系。 Police have so far failed to establish a connection between the two murders. 到目前为止警方尚未确定两宗凶杀案之间有关联。 The evidence was there in the file but no one made the connection. 证据就在档案里,但没有人把它们联系起来。 Students often see little connection between school and the rest of their lives. 学生往往看不到上学和今后生活的联系。 He demonstrated the close connection between social conditions and health. 他证明了社会条件和健康之间的密切联系。2  joining 连接 [countable, uncountable]JOIN something TOGETHER when two or more things are joined together or when something is joined to a larger system or network 连接,接通 a digital telephone connection via satellite 通过卫星的数字电话连接 They’re offering free Internet connection. 他们提供免费的因特网连接。connection to The socket allows connection to a PC. 这个插口能和个人计算机连接。 There’s a £25 connection charge (=money you pay to be connected to a service such as telephones, electricity etc). 接通费是25英镑。3  in connection with something ABOUTconcerning or involving something 关于某事;与某事有关arrest/charge/question etc somebody in connection with a crime Two men have been arrested in connection with the attack. 两名男子因涉嫌此次袭击而被逮捕。 visits made to Spain in connection with her business 与她的生意有关的几次西班牙之行 his work in connection with refugees 他与难民有关的工作4  electrical wire 电线 [countable]TEE a wire or piece of metal joining two parts of a machine or electrical system 〔机器或电源的〕接头 an electrical connection 电源插头 There’s a loose connection (=wires which are not joined correctly). 有个接头松了。5  train/flight etc 火车/航班等 [countable]TT a train, bus, or plane which is arranged to leave at a time that allows passengers from an earlier train, bus, or plane to use it to continue their journey 联运火车[公共汽车,飞机等]connection to If this train gets delayed we’ll miss our connection to Paris. 如果这辆火车晚点,我们就会赶不上去巴黎的联运火车。6  road/railway etc 公路/铁路等 [countable]TT a road, railway etc that joins two places and allows people to travel between them 〔公路、铁路等连接两地的〕交通线 Cheshunt has good rail connections to London. 切森特有便利的铁路交通线通往伦敦。7  PEOPLE 人们connections [plural] a) KNOW somebodypeople who you know who can help you, especially because they are in positions of power 〔能够提供帮助的〕人际关系,人脉 connections in high places 在高层的人脉关系 We have good connections in the advertising industry. 我们在广告行业有很好的人脉关系。 b) FAMILYpeople who are related to you, but not very closely 〔较远的〕亲戚 He is English, but has Irish connections. 他是英格兰人,但是也有爱尔兰的亲戚。 the network of family connections in Italy 在意大利的家庭关系网n COLLOCATIONSverbshave a connection (with/to something)A lot of social problems have a direct connection to alcohol or drug use.see a connectionIt's easy to see a connection between stress and illness.make a connectionIn learning to read, children make a connection between a written sign and a known sound or word.establish a connection (=show that there is one)Scientists have attempted to establish a connection between these two a connectionThis is the first official investigation to find a connection.something suggests a connectionThere is nothing to suggest a connection between the hospital food and the illness.break a connection (=stop it existing)We must break the connection between money and politics.sever a connection (=break it)We cannot sever our connection with the past.adjectivesa direct connectionMany people see a direct connection between these events.a close/strong connectionthe close connection between maths and physicsan intimate connection (=a very close connection)There is an intimate connection between political liberty and economic freedom.a causal connection (=that causes or is caused by something else)Psychologists have established a causal connection between behaviour and rewards.a clear/obvious connectionThere is an obvious connection between this painting and his earlier works.a loose connection (also a tenuous connection formal) (=one that is not strong, close, or obvious)There seemed to be only a loose connection between the questions and the answers.Examples from the Corpusconnection• Students need to realize that there is a connection between education and their future.• Now for them to find out there was a connection between you and Mahoney means they find out what sort of connection.• People like him have severed all connection with the old rules.• Sheldon revealed the close connection between poverty and bad health.• Carefully check all the electrical connections.• Shirley used her connections in the country music industry to get a recording contract.• I felt an immediate connection with Luisa as soon as I met her.• There must be a loose connection somewhere - the phone isn't working.• There must be a loose connection somewhere that's stopping it from working.• When holding their baby, they experienced an overwhelming feeling of loving connection.• Whilst doing this Marvell can live in his own world which has no connection with anything external or real at all.• None the less we are twinned with a small town in Hampshire with which we have no real connection.• By the end of the decade, direct satellite connections for the Internet may be available.• I believe Joe's family has Spanish connections.• Intelligent people tend to have strong connections between the neurons in their brains.• Check the connections to make sure all the wires are in the correct places.• The two incidents might have something to do with each other, but I can't see the connection.• The attorney general's office did not say who they were or what connection they allegedly may have had with the escape.the close connection• This suggests again the close connection between property regulations and marriage patterns.• The returns on research expenditure and the close connection between research and increased yields are irrefutable.loose connection• He claimed it was merely a loose connection.• However, both arguments are spurious, for there is a very loose connection between tense and time.From Longman Business Dictionaryconnectioncon‧nec‧tion /kəˈnekʃən/ (also connexion British English) noun1[countable]TELECOMMUNICATIONS something that joins you to a system, for example the telephone network or the InternetDo you have a broadband connection?I keep getting an error message saying that someone has unplugged the phone connection.2[countable usually plural] someone you know who can help you or be useful to you in business or in your careerShe has a lot of business connections in the advertising industry.3TRAVEL [countable] a train, bus, plane etc that you need to catch after getting off another one, in order to continue your journeyI missed my connection and had to wait three hours for the next plane.4TRANSPORTTRAVEL connections [plural] roads, railways etc that people can use to go from a place to other placesThe city has good road and rail connections with other parts of Europe.5in connection with something/somebody formal concerning something or someoneSeveral people were arrested in connection with the affair.con·nec·tion noun →n COLLOCATIONS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable   Corpus are in etc which ideas, way Business the facts, two events




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