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单词 hinge
释义  Related topics: Technology, Daily lifeldoce_156_ahinge1 /hɪndʒ/ noun [countable]  1. TBTDa piece of metal fastened to a door, lid etc that allows it to swing open and shut 〔门、盖子等上的〕铰链,合叶 →5  See picture of HINGE 铰链 →4  See picture of 见图 hingeExamples from the Corpushinge• The gate seemed strong and solid, with four big hinges set into the stone.• The punctured door was carried from its hinges and borne into the room.• She had locked the screen, he knew, to keep the wind from catching it and tearing it off its hinges.• Then unscrew all opening sash hinges of old windows.• The right panel dangled from its upper hinge, swaying slightly, its rusted hinge producing a soft, musical squeak.hinge2 verb  1 [transitive] to attach something using a hinge 给…装铰链n Grammar Hinge is usually passive.2 hinge on/upon something phrasal verb DEPEND/IT DEPENDSif a result hinges on something, it depends on it completely 取决于 His political future hinges on the outcome of this election. 他的政治前途取决于这次选举的结果。 The case against him hinged on Lewis’s evidence. 对他的指控是否成立,最终取决于刘易斯的证词。 —hinged a hinged lid 带铰链的盖子→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpushinge• Willis described the elements of the culture of the shop floor as being hinged around the execution of hard work.• They think all relationships hinge in the middle.• As promised, none of our recommendations hinge on huge capital investments.• When I opened the frame I found, as I expected, that the drawing had been hinged with masking tape.Origin hinge1 (1200-1300) Probably from an unrecorded Old English hencg, from hon; HANG1hinge1 nounhinge2 verb →n GRAMMAR1LDOCE OnlineChinese  fastened piece a etc that of Corpus a to door, metal lid




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