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单词 conclude
释义 Word family  noun conclusion adjective concluding conclusive ≠ inconclusive verb conclude adverb conclusively ≠ inconclusively  con·clude /kənˈkluːd/ ●●○ W2 AWL verb  1  [transitive]DECIDE to decide that something is true after considering all the information you have 作出…结论,推断出 → conclusionconclude that The report concluded that the school should be closed immediately. 报告的结论是这所学校应该立刻关闭。conclude from something that Richardson concluded from his studies that equality between the sexes is still a long way off. 理查森从他的研究中得出结论,两性之间的平等仍有很长的路要走。n GrammarIn more formal English, you can say it is concluded that something is true: It was concluded that the treatment should be stopped.2  [transitive] formalFINISH DOING something to complete something you have been doing, especially for a long time 完成,结束〔尤指做了很长时间的事〕 When the investigation is concluded, the results will be sent to the US Attorney’s office. 等到调查结束后,结果会被送到联邦检察官办公室。 Francis, having concluded his business with James, left for Miami. 弗朗西斯完成了和詹姆斯的买卖后就去了迈阿密。► see thesaurus at finish3  [intransitive, transitive]FINISH DOING something to end something such as a meeting, book, event, or speech by doing or saying one final thing 结束,终止 〔会议、书、事情或演说〕conclude with Each chapter concludes with a short summary. 每一章节都以一个简短的总结作为结束。conclude by doing something She concluded by saying she was proud to be from Salford. 她结束时说,身为索尔福德人她感到很自豪。 To conclude, I’d like to express my thanks to my family. 最后,我要对我的家人表示感谢。 ‘So now, ’ she concluded, ‘I’m trying to bring some order to the garden.’ “所以现在,”她最后说道,“我在想办法把花园整理一下。”4  conclude an agreement/treaty/contract etc AGREEto finish arranging an agreement etc successfully 达成协议/缔结条约/签订合同等 That same year, France concluded a trading agreement with Spain. 同年,法国与西班牙达成了一项贸易协定。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusconclude• At the very least, city officials are wise to see how those lawsuits are concluded.• The British car industry has just concluded a deal with the Japanese government.• European governments are trying to conclude a treaty to ban certain atmospheric tests.• The sales convention will conclude as planned on Sunday.• I can only conclude by saying that I am sorry the situation has developed the way it has.• I'd like to conclude by thanking everyone who has worked so hard to make this conference possible.• Davis concludes from an analysis of traffic accidents that the speed limit should be lowered.• He concludes, not by committing himself to atheism but showing empathy with it.• This year, Muslims will conclude Ramadan with the usual festivities on April 15 or 16.• The team concluded that an updated system was required.• It was for this reason that he concluded that different cells receive different genes.• It seems reasonable to conclude that people's behaviour is influenced by what they see on TV.• The patient quickly concludes that tablets are the real treatment and the diet of secondary importance.• The jury listened carefully to the evidence and concluded that the man was guilty.• By July the research team had concluded the main part of its work.• The Giants conclude the three-game series tonight in Palm Springs.• The police have now concluded their investigations.• Bette concluded with a gasp and sank her teeth into her sandwich.• He concluded with an appeal to everyone to support the campaign.• The report concludes with references to increase in long term unemployment and slump in business optimism.conclude from something that• We could conclude from this that crust is a definite aspect of character; we all love bread with lots of character.• It was concluded from these studies that elimination diets induce a prolonged remission similar to that achieved by other methods of treatment.• It would be wrong to conclude from this that Gandhi is opposed to conversion from one religion to another.• We conclude from this study that H pylori eradication enhances gastric juice ascorbate secretion, and thus increases intragastric anti-oxidant protection.• He concludes from these that houses, mountains, and rivers can not exist unperceived.• Fischler and Bloom conclude from these results that in visual word recognition the effect of context is essentially inhibitory rather than facilitatory.• It would be wrong to conclude from this debate that science is too important to be left to politicians.• Taylor concluded from the smell that the substance was marijuana.• But we should not conclude from this that they are therefore intrinsically objectionable and unworkable.To conclude• Conclusions To conclude, a basic script recognition system has been demonstrated.• Conclusions To conclude on such a vast subject as this is not easy but I would like to make the following points.• Conclusion To conclude, the prospects for philosophy of religion look brighter than they have done for many moons.• Training To conclude this section it is necessary to point out a few things about the squad training sessions.From Longman Business Dictionaryconcludecon‧clude /kənˈkluːd/ verb1[intransitive] to decide that something is true after considering all the factsThe Stock Exchange concluded that the accounts could be regarded as suspect because they made no reference to such businesses.We can conclude from the statistics that there is still an imbalance between the opportunities for men and women.2conclude an agreement/treaty/deal etc to finish arranging an agreement, treaty, deal etcWe would like to conclude the deal by the end of the financial year.3[intransitive, transitive] when something concludes, or you conclude it, it endsBy five the interview had at last concluded and we left.Anxious to conclude the meeting, he added: “All the figures you need are in the business plan.”→ See Verb tableOrigin conclude (1200-1300) Latin concludere “to shut up, end, decide”, from com- ( → COM-) + claudere “to shut”con·clude verb →n GRAMMAR1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  decide Business the true that something considering is all to after Corpus




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