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单词 conceptual
释义 Word family  noun concept conceptualization adjective conceptual verb conceptualize adverb conceptually  con·cep·tu·al /kənˈseptʃuəl/ ●○○ AWL adjective formal  IDEAdealing with ideas, or based on them 概念的 the conceptual framework of the play 该剧的概念框架 —conceptually adverbExamples from the Corpusconceptual• We must now turn our attention to this general conceptual background itself.• First, there are the methodological and conceptual criticisms.• Against the first objection, I hope to show in this chapter that the conceptual distinction is far from mere pedantry.• Figure 2.2 represents a model of the information-seeking activity in a library and provides a conceptual framework for observing user behaviour.• Some political scientists think it is an overused and seriously flawed conceptual framework for political analysis.• The mall's plans are still in the conceptual stage.• They must be intuitive, conceptual, synthesizing, and artistic.• Ironically, a formal process of strategic planning often does more to inhibit than to enhance innovative conceptual thinking ...• As a concept album, it's remarkably low on conceptual tosh.con·cep·tu·al adjectiveChineseSyllable  with based on or them ideas, dealing Corpus




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