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单词 fellowship
释义  Related topics: Christianity, Educationfel·low·ship /ˈfeləʊʃɪp $ -loʊ-/ ●○○ noun  1  [uncountable]FRIEND a feeling of friendship resulting from shared interests or experiences 〔因共同的兴趣或经历而产生的〕友情,友谊 Regular outings contribute to a sense of fellowship among co-workers. 经常外出游玩可以增进同事之间的友谊。2. [countable]RRCGROUP OF PEOPLE a group of people who share an interest or belief, especially Christians who have religious ceremonies together 〔具有共同兴趣或信念的〕团体;〔基督教的〕团契3. [countable] British EnglishSE a job at a university which involves making a detailed study of a particular subject 〔大学里的〕研究员职位4  [countable] a) especially American EnglishSE money given to a student to allow them to continue their studies at an advanced level 〔为让学生深造而授予的〕奖学金 → scholarship Florian came to the United States on a Fulbright fellowship. 弗洛里安因获得富布赖特奖学金而得以来到美国。 b) American EnglishSE a group of officials who decide which students will receive this money 奖学金评选组 He received a gold medal from the Artists’ Fellowship in New York. 他获得纽约艺术家奖学金评选组颁发的一枚金牌。Examples from the Corpusfellowship• The Church is always a concrete fellowship.• There will also be an opportunity for fellowship and a cup of tea after the meeting.• Loyola had a faculty committee charged with preparing promising seniors for fellowship applications, and they contacted me.• Who can resist the message of warmth and good fellowship?• She has been awarded a Nieman Fellowship at Harvard University.• Remember that at this time the special eucharistic celebration of Christians took place during the course of a meal of fellowship.fel·low·ship nounChineseSyllable  feeling Corpus resulting a shared from interests friendship of




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