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单词 comparative
释义 Word family  noun comparison comparability the comparative adjective comparable ≠ incomparable comparative verb compare adverb comparatively comparably  Related topics: Grammarcom·par·a·tive1 /kəmˈpærətɪv/ ●○○ adjective  1  comparative comfort/freedom/wealth etc comfort, freedom, wealth etc that is quite good when compared to how comfortable, free, or rich etc something or someone else is 相对的舒适/自由/富裕等 SYN relative After a lifetime of poverty, his last few years were spent in comparative comfort. 他穷了一辈子,最后几年还算过得比较舒适。 She didn’t want to leave the comparative safety of the shelter. 她不愿离开相对来说还算安全的掩蔽处。2  comparative study/analysis etc COMPAREa study etc that involves comparing something to something else 比较研究/分析等 a comparative study of the US and British steel industries 对美国和英国钢铁工业的比较研究3  comparative beginner/newcomer etc COMPAREsomeone who is not really a beginner etc, but who seems to be one when compared to other people who have lived or worked somewhere for a long time 相对的初学者/新来者等 After living here five years, we’re still considered comparative newcomers. 我们在这里生活了五年,可是与别人相比我们仍被视为新来者。4  comparative figures/data comparative figures etc are similar to other figures, so that you can make a comparison 比较数据/资料 Comparative figures for last year clearly show how sales have declined. 去年的比较数据明确显示出销售的下降情况。5. SLG technical the comparative form of an adjective or adverb shows an increase in size, quality, degree etc when it is considered in relation to something else. For example, ‘bigger’ is the comparative form of ‘big’, and ‘more slowly’ is the comparative form of ‘slowly’. 比较级的〔指形容词或副词的比较级形式,如bigger是big的比较级,more slowly是slowly的比较级〕 → superlativeExamples from the Corpuscomparative• The former agent did a comparative analysis of the manifesto and five pages of letters and essays authored by Theodore.• Comparative figures Prior year comparative figures have been restated to conform to the current year's presentation where appropriate.• Therefore they shed light on the comparative institutional questions with which we are concerned.• For comparative purposes, the team also took a similar set of readings on human walkers.• Fresh fruit and vegetables have become a comparative rarity in the region.• He was ridden down before he could reach the comparative safety of his parsonage at Yateley.• During the bombings, families sheltered in the comparative safety of the underground rail stations.• Coming from a few rooms in Creek Lane, the Sisters may have wondered at the comparative spaciousness of their new surroundings.• The comparative weight of the evidence is, however, peculiarly the function of the trial judge who has heard the witnesses.• Finally, Chapter 8 examines the comparative work on democratic institutions and democratic performance.comparative2 noun  the comparative technicalSLG the form of an adjective or adverb that shows an increase in size, degree etc when something is considered in relation to something else. For example, ‘bigger’ is the comparative of ‘big’, and ‘more slowly’ is the comparative of ‘slowly’. 〔形容词或副词的〕比较级形式〔如bigger是big的比较级,more slowly是slowly的比较级〕 → the superlativeExamples from the Corpuscomparative• If anything, they served to intensify the boredom by providing a comparative.• The so-called secondary categories consist of almost equally linguistic concepts: negation and opposition, comparatives, modes, and so on.• Another section is devoted entirely to grammar drills, including the use of prepositions, comparatives, negatives and verb tenses.• Through tower building there is a development of vocabulary from the original big and small to more selective comparatives.• Again, this served to distort the·par·a·tive1 adjectivecomparative2 nounChineseSyllable  wealth is comfort, Corpus quite that etc good freedom,




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