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单词 Be willing to
1. Be willing to do even mundane tasks.
2. I asked if she'd be willing to help.
3. No bank would be willing to underwrite such a loss.
4. All these plans presuppose that the bank will be willing to lend us the money.
5. The greatest thing is, at any moment, to be willing to give up who we are in order to become all that we can be.
6. Would you be willing to help me with my essay?
7. Few firms will be willing to gamble on new products.
8. You must be willing to reskill.
9. He's asking £5000, but he may be willing to come down to £4800.
10. She will be willing to lay out 2000 dollars for a washing machine.
11. We hope that the republics will be willing to ratify the treaty.
12. We are looking for people who would be willing to assist in the group's work.
13. Would you be willing to act as a witness to my signature when I sign my will?
14. You have to be willing to get to know yourself and your partner intimately.
15. Would you be willing to oblige us with some information?
16. But the likelihood is that people would be willing to pay if they were certain that their money was going to a good cause.
17. They might be willing to settle out of court .
18. Surely Beverly would be willing to help.
19. Maybe they'll be willing to settle out of court.
20. She'd be willing to put money on that.
21. Applicants must be willing to travel extensively.
22. The party faithful might be willing to put up with such dissonance among their candidates.
23. You may well, in the circumstances, be willing to take a step backwards rather than lose your job.
24. To be truly democratic, the subordinate must be willing to participate.
25. I had carefully crafted what I would be willing to say publicly about my life.
26. If you want something you've never had, you must be willing to do something you've never done.
26. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
27. I'd bet to take the happiness of this life, how do you be willing to let me lose.
28. If you want something you have never had, you must be willing to do something you have never done.
29. There are, of course, questions which she will not be willing to answer.
30. I can't imagine a circumstance in which I would be willing to steal.
1. Be willing to do even mundane tasks.
2. I asked if she'd be willing to help.
3. No bank would be willing to underwrite such a loss.
4. All these plans presuppose that the bank will be willing to lend us the money.
5. Would you be willing to help me with my essay?
6. Few firms will be willing to gamble on new products.
31. Charitable trusts, regional arts associations and individual patrons might be willing to sponsor a pilot scheme on these lines.
32. Most people would be willing to pay such a price to remove the anomalies involving the ability to pay.
33. The agreement with the private lawyers demands that they be willing to spend at least $ 10 million to litigate the case.
34. And he's furious: Male speaker Dentists won't be willing to put up with such a pay cut.
35. Downstream people must be willing to take risks based on their best possible estimate of the future.
36. Best claims to be willing to take groups out all year round, although the summer season is obviously more popular.
37. It is assumed that a tribunal will not be willing to make an order for reinstatement or re-engagement.
38. He had explained that he was going to see Eloise, in the hope she might be willing to sell him something.
39. President Clinton has said he may be willing to accept some kind of capital gains cut.
40. At best, the vendor may be willing to warrant that such forecasts and opinions are reasonable.
41. For the moment, then, Jerry Jones may be willing to offer an olive branch.
42. Had he understood that in her desperation to avert financial tragedy she might be willing to barter her body?
43. He had nobody back in Langley who would be willing to fight his corner.
44. You have to be willing to be in the forefront.
45. You have to be willing to change jobs frequently if you want to get to the top in business.
46. But hiring such people means that you have to pitch in and be willing to do the menial tasks yourself.
47. He wondered, too(), whether the man would be willing to unlock the handcuff that chafed away at his right wrist.
48. You just have to be willing to walk down a long hallway and know where to look.
49. I don't suppose you'd be willing to go get the napkins?
50. Clinton said Monday he would be willing to support legislation sponsored by Sen.
51. The critical step is for clinicians to be willing to enter the arena and to participate.
52. Be willing to take an unpopular stand and be the only one to benefit. 8. Trust your instincts.
53. Would they be willing to lose a little as well as win a little as the days added up to years?
54. It would have required a major financial investment, with some risk, that few companies would be willing to make.
55. The Washington Post, quoting unidentified sources, reported Tuesday that Johnson might be willing to admit he made a mistake.
56. It is by no means certain that the courts would always be willing to redefine the mens rea requirement in order to secure an acquittal.
57. And would they be willing to carry their placards outside polluting workplaces?
58. My father would be willing to move with me and this of course would allow me to sell my present house.
59. We can know that we have done our best and be willing to learn from our mistakes.
60. They said they would be willing to talk turkey at $125 per shipment.
61. Did he sense she may be willing to back off and leave him in peace?
62. The President might be willing to compromise on defense spending.
63. Authors, who may come from any walk of life, should be willing to be photographed.
64. You have to be willing to go in there and get your feet wet.
65. The engineering employers may be willing to reinstate the contract as a prelude to revising it.
66. Consumers may be willing to pay the asking price but not able to do so because of lack of income.
67. Male speaker Certainly I'd be willing to try it - but I always think it seems to be a little bit too pricey.
68. If not, a local shopkeeper may be willing to help.
69. Bond traders will not be willing to pay full price for a bond that has a low interest rate.
70. Some general practitioners may be willing to offer individual counselling or marital therapy themselves.
71. Full-timers carry medical and dental records and must be willing to rotate doctors.
72. Thanking her at the door, he asked who at the committee might know something and be willing to talk about it.
73. The Government is believed to be willing to accept the recommendation.
74. I am sure that fundholding general practitioners would be willing to participate in such studies.
75. Would I be willing to sacrifice family and friends for monetary gain?
76. You need to be willing to compromise on the price.
77. If more, then the consumer will be willing to pay for the admission ticket.
78. N., Nizar Hamdoon, said Monday that his country would be willing to discuss the proposal without setting conditions.
79. Keating did say he would be willing to raise money for a memorial to the 1921 riot victims.
80. Other depositors may be willing to deposit data for reasons of altruism.
81. She might be willing to babysit, but you won't know till you ask her.
82. Without those tax subsidies, buyers will not be willing to pay the same prices for homes.
83. We hope that the republics will be willing to ratify the treaty and implement its terms.
84. So in workouts, too, creditors may be willing to give up their seniority rights.
85. An investor presumably would be willing to pay $10 to buy Solarwind company, because this restaurant earns the normal 5 % return which justifies the fair market value of its net identifiable assets.
86. Would I be willing to call on them to fortify their morale?
87. Wish to not be willing to the individual accompanies you to sleep together?
88. The last question on Liverpudlian lips, then,[sentence dictionary] was how long Sterling would be willing to wait if he didn't get a chance to break into the first team in the next few seasons.
89. Will the wild ox be willing to serve you Or spend the night by your manger?
90. Under such circumstances an employer may be willing to reschedule the interview.
91. Mr Khama says that the government would be willing to intervene to keep diamond processing factories open.
92. As interest rates rise, investors will be willing to pay less money to own a bond that pays a given contract rate of interest.
93. At this point, a user will be willing to expend a little effort to learn more.
94. So there's no need to scramble to slash spending now now now; we can and should be willing to spend now if it will produce savings in the long run.
95. The supply curve shows the extra costs of producing successive units of the product because it indicates the lowest possible price at which some producer would be willing to supply each unit.
96. She says in addition to the public offer by Liberia to host an AFRICOM site, seven other countries have privately said they would be willing to do so.
97. Presiding apparitor Yang Zhiyuan and current board of directors already expressed Yahoo be willing to come to an agreement with the price of every 33 dollars that decline before.
98. The offer curve of a nation shows how much of its import commodity the nation demands for it to be willing to export the various amount of its export commodity.
99. A soccer star may be paid $50,000 a week to play for his team when he would be willing to turn out for only $10,000, so his economic rent is $40,000 a week.
100. Times are different now, who would be willing to be a concubine?
101. Really, it is very difficult that the woman of a rich laugh wants to hold sex appeal, but this is not cloggy we are attracted by her and be willing to get along with her.
102. Yesterday, local media quoted unnamed sources suggesting the BoJ might be willing to postpone raising rates.
103. Would you be willing to play him on a one - on - one basketball game?
104. Be willing to look at gaining knowledge as a child does, unembarrassed and optimistically. You may find that you can gain their same enthusiasm.
105. Roscosmos would be willing to build a new Soyuz space capsule solely for tourist flights to the space station, Mr. Davydov said, but only if an independent group helped fund the new capsule.
106. Leave nothing out and be willing to pursue any line of inquiry that will help you better understand each other's past.
107. Ministers and members must be willing to risk criticism in order to preach the Laodicean message.
108. Be willing to work day and night shift of 12 hour.
109. In line with diligently, enterprising consummates unceasingly reaches the strength to be willing to make a never rusty screw bolt!
110. And inorder to learn from mistakes you must be willing to pay for them.
111. They could even get involved in economic decisions: Would you be willing to give up power windows if it got you a lower price or a nicer radio?
112. We must also be willing to stare down the other great truth facing our collective moment.
113. If the G-20 countries believe more global governance is appropriate(), they should be willing to accept the "moral suasion" of public reviews that "name and shame."
114. Even if your BATNA clearly stinks, most people you negotiate with will be willing to give a little just to create some good will for the working relationship you are establishing.
115. Some CPL insurers may be willing to provide expanded contractual liability coverage by endorsement on either a case-by-case or blanket basis.
116. To build wealth,[ ] one needs to be willing to take risks. This doesn't mean uncalculated risks.
117. Since there are enough low-income Chinese who I think would be willing to collect the 2nd generation biofuels and transport them, this may prove effable.
118. While people sending money don't need PayPal accounts, people receiving moola do -- or, at least, they must be willing to create one.
119. We'd be willing to give you a 10 % down payment.
120. But 9 months in the past, we to investor card palpability China inspects be do what one says, so everybody gave us more credit now, be willing to pay more money to do China inspected partner.
121. They be curious about the Chinese lifestyle and culture and be willing to actively experience it.
122. But if overall productivity is improved, most managers should be willing to welcome the sandman.
123. Q: Would you be willing to relocate to another city?
124. For example, should a packager be willing to pay more for 30% pre-consumer content than for 30% post-consumer content?
125. To build wealth, one needs to be willing to take risks. This doesn't mean uncalculated risks. It means weighing all the options and taking calculated risks when appropriate.
126. To address this imbalance, developed countries must do more in this Round and must be willing to consider sufficient policy space for developing countries.
127. However there is the option of a swap involving Spaniard Fran Merida. Merida is out of contract in the summer, so Arsenal could be willing to trade.
128. However, they fail to recognize that today's patients may actually be willing to accept the risk of potential breach of privacy in exchange for expedience of communication.
129. If accord with these two conditions, be willing to provide platform grandly.
130. Xiaoxuan: Some people are really foolish, be willing to give life for the girlfriend, be being changed is me, be willing to show oneself hand only at most.
131. Get into the habit of asking for a letter of reference from someone who you have worked with who might be moving on and ask that person if they would be willing to serve as a verbal reference as well.
132. Others will turn to you for advice, and they'll be willing to help you when you need an extra hand.
133. Contrary, have those only regardless of trival matters person, condescending person, be willing to be a friend termless paid person, ability associate with arrives true friend.
134. He certainly would be willing to surround her with little offices of compromising kindness.
135. The Old English sheepdog (also called a bobtail) is a high-maintenace breed. You must be willing to brush this dog daily or neither you nor your pet will be very happy.
136. "The question really out there is 'who will be willing to buy peripheral paper like Portugal?',[]" said Michael Leister strategist at WestLB in Dusseldorf.




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