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单词 compact disc
释义  Related topics: Recording, Computersˌcompact ˈdisc noun [countable, uncountable]  TCR (abbreviation CD) a small circular piece of hard plastic on which high-quality recorded sound or large quantities of information can be stored 激光唱片;〔计算机〕光碟,光盘 The new album is available on vinyl, cassette, or compact disc. 这张新专辑的塑胶唱片、录音带、激光唱片都可以买到。 →4  See picture of 见图 compact discExamples from the Corpuscompact disc• And a compact disc changer is available, dealer installed, for $ 650.• But this is not, thankfully, a compact disc with a theatrical agenda.• One often felt assaulted, as if the volume had been turned up on a cheap compact disc player.• Starting in 1993, the label plans to re-release all the Smiths albums on compact disc in chronological sequence.• They stole a television, compact disc player, an amplifier and some speakers, worth a total of £900.• Of the nine works on this compact disc, only five were composed for trombone.• Which all goes to show what can actually be achieved when an analogue master tape is lovingly transferred to compact disc.• It will also control lighting, curtains and the audio system with compact disc player.ˌcompact ˈdisc nounChineseSyllable  on small of circular piece Corpus plastic a hard




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