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单词 chopper
释义  Related topics: Utensils, Air, Transportchop·per /ˈtʃɒpə $ ˈtʃɑːpər/ noun [countable]  1. British EnglishDFU a large knife that you use for cutting large pieces of meat 斩肉刀;屠刀2  informalTTA a helicopter 直升机 There was a police chopper waiting for us. 有一架警方的直升机在等着我们。3. TTa type of motorcycle on which the front wheel is further forward than the place where your hands rest 前轮伸出式摩托车4  choppers [plural] informalHBH teeth 牙齿 a row of huge white choppers 一排大白牙Examples from the Corpuschopper• Luckily, a chopper got through, and we were resupplied with am-munition.• There were seven cheerleaders to a chopper, and then two choppers more for all their bags.• Jez should top her with a chopper.• But the Orex choppers are empty of provisions, and the pilots are only on rescue detail.• Think Mary Lou Retton and her mouthful of polished choppers.• I caught a supply chopper out to my platoon, which was already in the field.• It put him off his stroke and the chopper slipped, cutting his finger.• The sooner Morgan boarded the chopper and pushed off the better.chop·per nounChineseSyllable  a large that you knife Corpus use




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