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单词 cocker spaniel
释义  Related topics: Animalscock·er span·iel /ˌkɒkə ˈspænjəl $ ˌkɑːkər-/ noun [countable]  HBAa dog with long ears and long silky fur 长耳猎犬,可卡犬Examples from the Corpuscocker spaniel• He would spirit me away, to a home on the Mainland complete with plush carpet and a cocker spaniel pup.• However, my cocker spaniel rates it top of the list for smell.• The cocker spaniel puppy stopped abruptly, then eyed the spinning leaf overhead.Origin cocker spaniel (1800-1900) cocking “bird-shooting”cock·er span·iel nounChineseSyllable  and silky long ears a Corpus with dog long




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