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单词 Seeking
1. "Are you actively seeking jobs?" she asked.
2. He is seeking something to eat in the cupboard.
3. These people are seeking/taking refuge from persecution.
4. Refugees were seeking political asylum in Britain.
5. They were seeking employment.
6. He is seeking advice on how to revive the stagnant economy.
7. The gallery is seeking to enlarge its holdings of Danish art.
8. He acts as a middleman for British companies seeking contracts in the Gulf.
9. The family is seeking an injunction against the book's publication.
10. She fled the country, and is now seeking asylum in Sweden.
11. Increasingly, corporate clients are seeking to outsource the management of their facilities.
12. The police are seeking independent confirmation of certain details of the story.
13. He was desperately seeking a way to see her again.
14. At the forthcoming elections, the government will be seeking a fresh mandate from the people.
15. Employers are seeking further clarification of the proposals.
16. He went to church, perhaps seeking divine inspiration.
17. Lawyers are seeking an out-of-court settlement.
18. I am seeking clarification of the regulations.
19. Haemophiliacs are seeking compensation for being given contaminated blood.
20. They are seeking the cooperation of senior medical staff.
21. Children are always seeking approval from their parents.
22. Local schools are seeking to reduce the dropout rate.
23. She is seeking more liberal visitation with her daughter.
24. Above all else she was seeking love.
25. Eventually(), we alighted on the idea of seeking sponsorship.
26. They are seeking to realize the maximum financial gain.
27. A man is not old as long as he is seeking something. A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams. 
28. I have no animosity against him, and he's clearly seeking to pick a quarrel with me.
29. A man is not old as long as he is seeking something.
30. A man is not old as long as he is seeking some-thing . A man is not old until Regrets take the place of dreams.
1. "Are you actively seeking jobs?" she asked.
2. He is seeking something to eat in the cupboard.
3. These people are seeking/taking refuge from persecution.
4. Refugees were seeking political asylum in Britain.
5. They were seeking employment.
6. He is seeking advice on how to revive the stagnant economy.
7. The gallery is seeking to enlarge its holdings of Danish art.
8. I have no animosity against him, and he's clearly seeking to pick a quarrel with me.
9. He acts as a middleman for British companies seeking contracts in the Gulf.
10. The family is seeking an injunction against the book's publication.
11. She fled the country, and is now seeking asylum in Sweden.
12. Increasingly, corporate clients are seeking to outsource the management of their facilities.
13. The police are seeking independent confirmation of certain details of the story.
14. He was desperately seeking a way to see her again.
15. At the forthcoming elections, the government will be seeking a fresh mandate from the people.
16. Employers are seeking further clarification of the proposals.
17. We are earnestly seeking after the truth.
18. They are now seeking endorsement for their ideas.
19. The police are still seeking the men involved in last week's robbery.
20. It is accepted that the superpowers are each seeking world wide domination.
21. The museum is seeking an expert opinion on the authenticity of the painting.
31. They are seeking to unkennel traitors.
32. He glanced at her, seeking reassurance.
33. The group is now seeking formal acceptance.
34. We are earnestly seeking after the truth.
35. She's seeking fame in the world of television.
36. They are seeking damages in a lawsuit.
37. The company is seeking a stock exchange listing .
38. Both nations are seeking closer links with the West.
39. People are seeking retribution for the latest terrorist outrages.
40. They are seeking to mislead us.
41. They are now seeking endorsement for their ideas.
42. People were desperately seeking shelter from the gunfire.
43. He acts as middleman for companies seeking contracts abroad.
44. She went outside seeking a few moments of repose.
45. His spirit was vitiated by pleasure seeking.
46. Barnes is seeking re-election .
47. With almost evangelical fervour,(Sentence dictionary) Marks warns against deliberately seeking a tan.
48. Thousands of people crossed the border, seeking refuge from the war.
49. The number of families seeking shelter rose by 17 percent.
50. They are seeking the most reasonable diet which will do good to their health.
51. My eyes range over the crowded room, seeking a familiar face.
52. The parents are seeking compensation for birth defects caused by the drug.
53. Ex-forces personnel could be the manna from heaven employers are seeking.
54. The UN is seeking a political solution rather than a military one.
55. She is seeking revenge for the murder of her husband.
56. The growing number of people seeking refuge in Thailand is beginning to concern Western aid agencies.
57. They are seeking more funds but the cupboard is bare.
58. A United States delegation is in Japan seeking finance for a major scientific project.
59. The number of people seeking asylum in the United Kingdom has risen sharply.
60. They are seeking a central, directive role in national energy policy.
61. Merchandisers were seeking ways to precondition the customers to buy their products.
62. They are seeking to build a faithful recreation of the original Elizabethan theatre.
63. Sensation - seeking newspapers tried to cash in on her misery.
64. We are currently seeking new ways of expanding our membership.
65. Management are seeking a show-down with the unions on the issue of illegal strikes.
66. Spain has recalled its Ambassador after a row over refugees seeking asylum at the embassy.
67. The police are still seeking the men involved in last week's robbery.
68. The United States has always acted as a magnet for people seeking fame and fortune.
69. The thought that any parent would manipulate their child into seeking fame just appalled me.
70. He peered into his glass, as if seeking inspiration there.
71. The next government will play an energetic role in seeking multilateral nuclear disarmament.
72. After seeking out the rude assistant she asked for the same dress.
73. There is much to be gained from seeking expert advice early.
74. The party is seeking to find a middle way between extreme right-wing and left-wing policies.
75. The country's president is seeking to mend relations with the United States.
76. It is accepted that the superpowers are each seeking world wide domination.
77. Oxford Brookes University is seeking a successor to its vice-chancellor who retires this Easter.
78. We're seeking a pay rise that's in line with inflation.
79. What advantages are you seeking from this change of job?
80. The museum is seeking an expert opinion on the authenticity of the painting.
81. The high price of the service could deter people from seeking advice.
82. The number of people seeking political asylum in Britain has risen dramatically.
83. Jones' lawyers are seeking an unreserved apology from the newspaper.
84. They are seeking permission to begin criminal proceedings against him for breaking the law on financing political parties.
85. He is seeking redress for what he alleges was an unfair demotion.
86. They were seeking an ultimate solution to the city's traffic problem.
87. Sophie was not consciously seeking a replacement after her father died.
88. The committee is seeking to deflect criticism by blaming me.
89. Hundreds of dissidents are seeking refuge/asylum in the US embassy.
90. The organization denies that it is seeking any readjustment of state borders.
91. I turned to bookshops and libraries seeking information and found none.
92. She is seeking nomination as a candidate in the elections.
93. I breathe deeply and rhythmically, seeking Buddhist calm.
94. The organization seeking that desert acreage?
95. Skippers bistro Off-beat but well worth seeking out.
96. Saatchi executives did not return calls seeking comment.
97. Before long workaday products were seeking brand images.
98. Weiss has failed to return calls seeking comment.
99. What you seek is seeking you. Rumi 
100. However, the advice about seeking professional help still applies.
101. He broached the idea of seeking direct government aid to a neighbor.
102. For any woman seeking power in the public arena, these questions would be unavoidable, doubly so for a feminist.
103. Petersburg Times, was loaned by companies seeking to market the technology to law enforcement agencies.
104. Prosecutors are seeking to have the 15-year-old defendant tried as an adult.
105. Learn to browse,(http:///seeking.html) seeking out unfamiliar authors and new books alike.
106. He walked through the night city like a man seeking a resting place in the catacombs.
107. First licensed by Bishop Lacey of Exeter in 1436 it was used for special intercession by barren women seeking fertility.
108. Sirotka has shoulder problems and the Blue Jays are seeking additional compensation.
109. The team is now seeking approval to carry out clinical trials at the Churchill Hospital in Oxford.
110. Prosecutors originally were seeking a 10-month term, with five months to be served in a community center.
111. It is time to stop seeking national safety behind parchment barriers such as the unverifiable and unenforceable 1972 Biological Weapons Convention.
112. Most still linger in county jails, awaiting the outcome of appeals or seeking jury trials.
113. The most commonly used survey methods are direct observation of user behaviour or direct seeking of user opinions.
114. The Service also operates as an agency which puts students seeking rented accommodation in touch with owners of vacant accommodation.
115. Our findings are based on a cohort of women seeking insemination treatment because their partners had a fertility problem.
116. Upon graduation in 1944, he moved back to Chicago, seeking work as an actor.
117. Shapiro did not return telephone calls seeking comment last week.
118. And he is a marginally better bowler than Hick even if he's still seeking his first Test wicket.
119. He had led the team that developed the Soviet Union's atomic bomb and had begun seeking peaceful applications of nuclear power.
120. A whole nation, all of civilized society, perhaps, seeking the blameless state of madness.
121. During the first Cold War years, the capitalist block was indeed seeking the downfall of the war-exhausted Soviet Union.
122. His seeking for single solutions coarsened his thinking and sank into abstraction.
123. There is nothing wrong in seeking an invitation to go and look around a neighbouring school to explore possibilities of working together.
124. This pattern of behaviour could be described as generally good with occasional bouts of attention seeking.
125. The Shawnees, abetted by southern Creeks, were seeking to stem the surge of expansion into their hinterlands.
126. It abandoned incomes policy in the private sector, seeking only to keep pay increases to public employees tightly under control.
127. Many urban homeless were seeking refuge in subway stations and bus depots.
128. This seems to be an accurate description of the initial decisions about seeking entry into higher education.
129. A pseudo pawn sacrifice seeking to deflect White's attention from the black king, but Kasparov is not to be deterred.
130. Finally, on 30 May 1990 the local authority issued a summons in the county court seeking payment of both amounts.
131. Individuals seeking first-day cancellations of the new stamps should purchase them at a post office and place them on addressed envelopes.
132. It is not only Catholic Christendom which has been guilty of seeking to domesticate the Holy Spirit in this way.
133. On average in a meeting, seeking clarification and giving clarification amount to 44 percent of all the spoken behaviours.
134. A genetic disorder led to her using a cane and seeking a hip replacement.
135. But most animals, seeking to avoid attack from predators,( ) use disguise in a quite different and more cautious way.
136. The burden of proof is on the person seeking to rely on the clause.
137. State legislators and officials joined the chorus of promoters seeking Reclamation projects....
138. She is seeking $ 700, 000 in compensatory and punitive damages.
139. The civil liberties group is seeking a preliminary injunction barring Republican Gov.
140. An affronted Legislature has changed the law so that Texas governments can no longer sue those seeking records.
141. Delta is negotiating commercial agreements with big health care companies around the world who are seeking to bind haemoglobin into formulations.
142. Unconsciously perhaps Jeanne was seeking to free herself from her narrow and oppressively respectable bourgeois family.
143. In seeking to build the broadest possible coalition, advocates for marriage rights advance the same kind of argument.
144. He is one of nine players given winter contracts designed to prevent them seeking employment elsewhere during the close season.
145. They may be petitioned by men to help with hunting animals, or by women seeking assistance with childbirth or illness.
146. It is an invaluable source of information to those attempting to prevent or seeking to abate odour problems.
147. Ash could accumulate on rooftops, causing them to collapse on people seeking shelter in the vicinity of the volcano.
148. The development of pub retailing has shown a corrective instinct for seeking to set a purpose built business in the right location.
149. Prosecutors are seeking the death penalty against Kaczynski, who faces additional charges in a New Jersey bombing death.
150. I am simply seeking clarification of the regulations for future reference.
151. If the Tories are seeking to portray Mr Brown as a spendthrift, they are almost certain to fail.
152. Women worried about the cosmetic effects of insect bites on the face make up a significant proportion of those seeking medical assistance.
153. He borrowed my cyrillic typewriter and wrote a long letter to Minister of Culture Demichev, seeking clarification of the position.
154. Simpson is being sued by the families of the victims, who are seeking compensation for their loss and punitive damages.
155. Police were also seeking a motive for an attempted pipe bomb attack on a house in Ballymoney, Co Antrim.
156. The book will be useful reading for anyone seeking to bridge the gap between data and theory in ecology.
157. Through a major media campaign it is seeking to obtain funds by raising public awareness of the museum's past history.
158. This agreement was the most substantive evidence yet that Gorbachev was now seeking to build a coalition of centre and left-wing forces.
159. Huy looked carefully at the girl's back, and found what he was seeking.
160. When seeking information, use a closed question for a yes/no answer.
161. How can you get what you want if you do not know what you are seeking? RVM 
162. True, they were seeking certain renewed observances, certain reforms and certain political changes.
163. Compassion is not just feeling with someone, but seeking to change the situation. Frequently people think compassion and love are merely sentimental. No! They are very demanding. If you are going to be compassionate, be prepared for action! Desmond Tutu 
164. She was always seeking him out for one of her little chats.
165. The Test and County Cricket Board were last night seeking urgent talks with major counties to consider an appeal.
166. He was seeking advice with regard to the Council's refusal to rehouse him in suitable ground floor accommodation.
167. Seeking clarification from one who should know(), we are told that Mr Smith is short on pessimism.
168. The fact that seeking clarification is so prevalent reminds us what a potentially confusing behaviour building can be.
169. Two months later, Valmark also filed for bankruptcy reorganization, seeking protection from creditors.
170. As an aside, if the bad-tasting red disks are strongly reinforced, avoiding pain can become more important than seeking pleasure.
171. She sped like a bird over sea and land seeking her daughter.
172. Wigg, in that conversation with me, was seeking my approval to continue his parliamentary quest for information.
173. There are billboards seeking the re-election to the state legislature of Marion Feinstein.
174. Seeking a second opinion is strongly advised to obtain an objective assessment.
175. She is not looking for the divided subject but seeking to understand why the unified subject we have is as it is.
176. Thompson is seeking Senate approval for a $ 6. 5 million budget to conduct wide-ranging hearings later this year.
177. But birthday boy Wright was waiting to break the deadlock with the goal he had been seeking all night.
178. Once in the terminal, consider seeking help at the in-house first-aid or medical clinic.
179. By breaking through regulatory barriers, it is seeking to enter the local telephone business.
180. This potential increase of reporting rape incidents became the main rationale for seeking anonymity for the victim.
181. BReid, who is a former deputy district attorney, did not return a phone call seeking comment.
182. After seeking advice from Norman, his playing partner, Garcia took a drop, moving away from the sign.
183. But because public health hangs in the balance, experts are already seeking changes in food policy.
184. Mr. King Is my right hon. Friend aware of the widespread concern at the large number of people seeking political asylum?
185. Ministers are seeking a compromise that would reassure rebel peers who rejected a bill abolishing the clause last week.
186. In the northern city of Greifswald, a kindergarten to be used to house refugees seeking asylum was burned down.
187. He also suggested seeking technical and military assistance from abroad to deal with such problems as drug trafficking.
188. His strategy of seeking an accommodation with Labour was bitterly opposed by many Liberals.
189. The end of wisdom is to dream high enough to lose the dream in the seeking of it. William Faulkner 
190. Possible add to Trader Joes: Hospitals are seeking safety in numbers, according to health policy analysts.
191. Courage means to keep working a relationship, to continue seeking solutions to difficult problems, and to stay focused during stressful periods. Denis Waitley 
192. Purchasers seeking clearance and other parties submitting information to the regulatory authorities face prosecution if they supply false or misleading information.
193. But if you are going round the bend and resist seeking any help you are deemed to be perfectly okay.
194. It would be a great shame if young people such as Hu were discouraged from seeking careers in public service.
195. Stop seeking out the storms and enjoy more fully the sunlight. Gordon B. Hinckley 
196. It proceeds by seeking active collaboration with four local inner-city schools.
197. Then as now,(Sentencedict) the soprano and tenor saxophonist has thrived by constantly seeking new adventures and doing the unexpected.
198. I spoke to James, Janet, and Pat on the phone every day, seeking comfort and advice.
199. Neither Whitacre nor his lawyers returned telephone calls seeking comment on the charges.
200. But I find them particularly disturbing when related to the death of a refugee seeking asylum in Britain.
201. Learning / Training Researchers are continually seeking better learning and training algorithms.
202. Nevertheless, it has become established as the only real alternative for organisations seeking to avoid or escape proprietary, single-vendor systems.
203. To get star billing in a movie without seeking it is like having your cake and eating it, too.
204. Since the passage of Proposition 209, those seeking such programs must resort to a statewide initiative to amend the California Constitution.
205. One is perfect for the first-time buyer or those seeking a second base, and the other is an ideal family home.
206. The Society are now seeking a skilled modeller to carry out this work and have undertaken to bear the costs involved.
207. City officials chose not to join other law enforcement agencies seeking a renewal of the exemption.
208. In posing such a possibility Bukharin was of course seeking to avoid it.
209. In the years that followed it expanded operations without seeking local approval, earning little goodwill in Guadalcazar.
210. This will be very important when, following a major casualty, the Policyholder is seeking immediate help from us.
211. That campaign is racist in intent and is against the interests of people who are seeking asylum from situations of great danger.
212. You can see so little as you blunder on that you are an easy target for any animal seeking fresh meat.
213. Black Mountain had been seeking a new campus almost from its founding.
214. Currently the best-known cases seeking money damages for failure to report child abuse and neglect have been filed against physicians and hospitals.
215. Down here are more of the older fellers, seeking comfort at the bar.
216. I believe firmly in the integrity of ingredients and the virtue of seeking the highest quality.
217. The fact that this singular, somewhat oppressive female was seeking out a religious man seemed absurd.
218. Absenteeism soared, with employees taking their full allotment of sick days and seeking treatment for stress-related ailments.
219. He ruled with justice and mercy, befriending the Moors rather than seeking to overpower them with his presence.
220. And that is what gay activists in more and more places are seeking.
221. We are urgently seeking clarification of the reports of further shootings on 15 November.
222. It started with skin, which it sells for burn victims and for which it is seeking approval for diabetic ulcer sufferers.
223. At the time of his death Campbell was unsuccessfully seeking backers for a jet-driven car to go through the sound barrier.
224. The department is accordingly a highly suitable base for postgraduate students seeking to pursue research or advanced study in comparative law.
225. The Sons filed the lawsuit about three weeks later, seeking $ 1, 000 for each alleged violation by the state.
226. Drop jealousy and love wells up. Jealousy means that I am the owner. It is an ego trip, and wherever there is ego there is poison, and the poison kills the very source of love. One has to become aware of just these few things and discard them and one's life becomes a lotus of love. And then there is no need to go in any search of god, god will come in search of you. This is my observation, that god always comes seeking the true seeker. Whenever the disciple is ready the master appears. Osho 
227. The trouble comes when the analytical mind is shut down by restimulation and the auditor is seeking the ally computation./seeking.html
228. A duty to provide accommodation at the inn without prior contract to any traveller seeking accommodation.
229. Eddie Browning says he's angry over long delays facing other prisoners seeking appeal hearings.
230. Detained Numbers of refugees seeking asylum in the United Kingdom are held in detention for long periods following their arrival.
231. Seeking what is true is not seeking what is desirable. Albert Camus 
232. Last September, seeking to strengthen his growing congregation and acknowledge its existence in the community at large, Rev.
233. When people are seeking asylum they shouldn't have to put up with this.
234. While Pottz tacked to and fro energetically seeking out the elusive peak, Richie dropped anchor and contemplated the horizon.
235. The Department of Trade is seeking further comments, which should be submitted as soon as possible.
236. Human rights organisations and campaigners seeking to clean up the arms trade welcomed the report as a step towards transparency.




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