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单词 Teeth
1 Digging your grave with your own teeth
2 A man may dig his grave with his teeth
3 If you cannot bite, never show your teeth
4 The tongue ever turns to the aching teeth
5 The wolf may lose his teeth, but never his nature. 
6 His teeth gleamed under his moustache.
7 He punched me and knocked my teeth out.
8 She is having trouble with her teeth.
9 She clenched her teeth when she was operated on.
10 Her smile revealed a row of white, even teeth.
11 The monster roared and gnashed its teeth.
12 Fear or cold sometimes makes a person's teeth chatter.
13 These animals have razor-sharp teeth.
14 He shook me so hard that my teeth rattled.
15 He kept his pipe clamped between his teeth.
16 The children brush their teeth after every meal.
17 The cat sank its teeth into his finger.
18 Her baby teeth are starting to fall out.
19 Through clenched teeth she told him to leave.
20 Her teeth were rather yellow.
21 Too much sugar will rot your teeth.
22 The dentist could detect no decay in her teeth.
23 He gritted his teeth in silent fury.
24 Did you brush your teeth?
25 Smile while you still have teeth.
26 Teeth have a hard surface layer called enamel.
27 Have you brushed your teeth?
28 They look like the teeth of some fierce animal.
29 Too much candy is bad for your teeth.
30 Brush/Clean your teeth thoroughly morning and night.
1 His teeth gleamed under his moustache.
2 He punched me and knocked my teeth out.
3 She is having trouble with her teeth.
4 She clenched her teeth when she was operated on.
5 Her smile revealed a row of white, even teeth.
6 The monster roared and gnashed its teeth.
7 These animals have razor-sharp teeth.
8 He shook me so hard that my teeth rattled.
9 The children brush their teeth after every meal.
10 The cat sank its teeth into his finger.
11 Sugar makes your teeth decay.
12 Her baby teeth are starting to fall out.
13 Through clenched teeth she told him to leave.
14 Her teeth were rather yellow.
15 Too much sugar will rot your teeth.
16 He gritted his teeth in silent fury.
17 Did you brush your teeth?
18 Teeth have a hard surface layer called enamel.
19 Have you brushed your teeth?
20 They look like the teeth of some fierce animal.
21 Too much candy is bad for your teeth.
22 Brush/Clean your teeth thoroughly morning and night.
23 She answered through clenched teeth .
24 Make sure you brush your teeth.
25 Her laugh revealed her even teeth.
26 Too much sweet food is bad for your teeth.
27 The rodent's sharp teeth can inflict a nasty bite.
28 He always holds a pipe between the teeth.
29 Alex clenched her fists and gritted her teeth.
30 She wore a brace to correct her gappy teeth.
31 She answered through clenched teeth .
32 Make sure you brush your teeth.
33 Her laugh revealed her even teeth.
34 He suffered torments from his aching teeth.
35 Too much sweet food is bad for your teeth.
36 The rodent's sharp teeth can inflict a nasty bite.
37 He always holds a pipe between the teeth.
37 try its best to collect and build good sentences.
38 Alex clenched her fists and gritted her teeth.
39 She wore a brace to correct her gappy teeth.
40 One of her decayed teeth had dropped out.
41 Some of her teeth were very badly decayed.
42 I brush my teeth twice a.
43 The baby's first front teeth are just coming through.
44 I brush my teeth twice a day.
45 One of Jilly's front teeth overlaps the other.
46 I must ask the dentist to fit me with some new teeth.
47 Pipe smokers sometimes wear down the tips of their teeth where they grip their pipes.
48 Insert the special cleaning thread between your teeth and pull it gently up and down.
49 We were not in the least worried about the possibility that sweets could rot the teeth.
50 "I don't need a drink, " she muttered through clenched teeth.
51 The animal has teeth that grind its food into a pulp.
52 He gritted his teeth and plunged into the cold sea.
53 Life is short, so smile while you still have teeth.
54 This job is too easy. Why can't they give me something I can really get my teeth into?
55 Sugar decays your teeth.
56 My daughter has to wear a brace on her teeth.
57 Her teeth are so bad that she needs three extractions.
58 When he smiled he exposed a set of perfect white teeth.
59 The dentist could detect no sign of decay in her teeth.
60 He smiled suddenly, exposing a set of amazingly white teeth.
31 Candy will rot your teeth.
32 One of her decayed teeth had dropped out.
33 Some of her teeth were very badly decayed.
34 I brush my teeth twice a.
35 I brush my teeth twice a day.
36 One of Jilly's front teeth overlaps the other.
37 I must ask the dentist to fit me with some new teeth.
37 try its best to collect and build good sentences.
38 Pipe smokers sometimes wear down the tips of their teeth where they grip their pipes.
39 Insert the special cleaning thread between your teeth and pull it gently up and down.
40 We were not in the least worried about the possibility that sweets could rot the teeth.
41 "I don't need a drink, " she muttered through clenched teeth.
42 The animal has teeth that grind its food into a pulp.
43 He gritted his teeth and plunged into the cold sea.
44 This job is too easy. Why can't they give me something I can really get my teeth into?
45 My daughter has to wear a brace on her teeth.
46 Her teeth are so bad that she needs three extractions.
47 The dentist could detect no sign of decay in her teeth.
48 He smiled suddenly, exposing a set of amazingly white teeth.
49 Brian splashed water on his face, then brushed his teeth.
50 I have false teeth.
51 Bacteria sticks to food debris in the teeth, causing decay.
52 She has the job most of us would give our eye teeth for.
53 The married women of Shitamachi maintained the custom of blackening their teeth.
54 The dentist is treating my teeth.
55 On all sides, skyscrapers rose like jagged teeth.
56 Sugar can decay the teeth.
57 The man smiled, revealing perfect white teeth.
58 Helen's teeth protrude too far.
59 He picked up a leaflet about care of the teeth.
60 His teeth were stained with nicotine from years of smoking.
61 Brian splashed water on his face, then brushed his teeth.
62 I have false teeth.
63 Bacteria sticks to food debris in the teeth, causing decay.
64 She has the job most of us would give our eye teeth for.
65 Definition of best friend? They would let you KNOW when you had something in your teeth!
66 The married women of Shitamachi maintained the custom of blackening their teeth.
67 Sugar is the destroyer of healthy teeth.
68 When dogs fight(http://), they use their teeth.
69 Slowly, he released his breath through clenched teeth.
70 Fruit juices can be harmful to children's teeth.
71 Walsh bared his teeth in a grin.
72 She gritted her teeth against the pain.
73 The dentist is treating my teeth.
74 Their teeth are sharp enough the break the skin.
75 Thoroughly brush teeth and gums twice daily.
76 The dentist scaled and polished my teeth last week.
77 He escaped by the skin of his teeth.
78 The fish has strong jaws and sharp interlocking teeth.
79 When did he last brush his teeth, she wondered.
80 He's had his front teeth capped.
81 I've still got one of my baby teeth.
82 She had got something stuck between her teeth.
83 On all sides, skyscrapers rose like jagged teeth.
84 The officer's mouth opened, showing white, even teeth.
85 I lost three teeth in the fight.
86 The doctor was cleaning Tom's teeth.
87 Her teeth chattered as she dressed.
88 Hell's teeth, I promised I'd be back by two.
89 She was flossing her teeth at the time.
90 She grinds her teeth in her sleep.
61 Norma looked at the parcel and whistled softly through her teeth.
62 His teeth were a gleaming flash of white against his tan.
91 He came back minus a couple of front teeth.
92 The bandit bared his teeth in an insolent smile.
93 'Damn you,' he said through set teeth.
94 The dog buried its teeth in my leg.
95 We need an Environment Agency that really has teeth.
96 The dog sank its teeth into my leg .
97 I used to be self-conscious of my sticking-out teeth.
97 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
98 The dog sank its teeth into my arm.
99 Eating sweets is bad for your teeth.
100 The child grinds his teeth in his sleep.
101 They have pulled out patients' teeth unnecessarily.
102 He picked his teeth with a toothpick.
103 The dog dug its teeth in.
104 He had a pipe clenched between his teeth.
105 Sugary canned drinks rot your teeth.
106 The dentist pulled both teeth out.
107 Her scarlet lipstick emphasized the whiteness of her teeth.
108 She has to have two teeth pulled.
109 I might benefit from getting my teeth fixed.
110 Sugar can decay the teeth of the children.
111 She grinds her teeth when she is asleep.
112 Their teeth were chattering with cold.
113 I was so cold that my teeth were chattering.
114 Some people's teeth are highly sensitive to cold.
115 She smiled, showing all her strong white teeth.
116 She was so cold her teeth chattered.
117 Gary fell and chipped one of his front teeth.
118 "Come here now!" she growled through her teeth.
119 Some dinosaurs had only rudimentary teeth.
120 He had bad teeth, irregular and discolored.
121 He escaped defeat by the skin of his teeth.
122 The dentist used amalgam to fill my teeth.
123 It's bad form to pick one's teeth in public.
124 He is cutting his permanent teeth.
125 She has a small gap between her front teeth.
126 He laughed, revealing a line of white teeth.
127 She clenched her teeth and refused to move.
128 The witness was clearly lying through his teeth.
129 He had nice square white teeth.
130 One of his front teeth is missing.
131 The man smiled, revealing perfect white teeth.
132 Don't forget to brush your teeth.
133 The dog fastened its teeth in his leg.
134 The cat left teeth marks in my arm.
135 Their voices set your teeth on edge.
136 'No, that's alright,' she said through gritted teeth.
137 Helen's teeth protrude too far.
138 Ahmed picked the melon pips from his teeth.
139 You're very lucky to have perfect teeth.
140 I need to have two teeth filled .
141 Brush your teeth after each meal and floss daily.
142 His teeth clicked as he snapped at my ankle.
143 Two of her front teeth were missing.
144 A dentist often has to fill teeth.
145 She's having her wisdom teeth out.
146 He ground his teeth in frustration.
147 He had a cigar clamped between his teeth.
148 He had a large cigar clamped between his teeth.
149 Critics fear the bill will have its teeth drawn before it becomes law.
150 The dentist took out two of my teeth and asked me to come back again to have further treatment.
151 I felt as if all my teeth had been punched out.
152 The opposition argues that the new council will be unconstitutional and without teeth.
153 The sudden blow knocked two teeth out of his mouth.
154 I asked her to go and brush her teeth and she just sassed me back.
155 She shouted at me but I just gritted my teeth and said nothing.
156 The trilled ` r'is produced by vibrating the tongue against the upper teeth.
157 She bared her teeth in a semblance of a smile.
158 Choose an essay topic that you can really get your teeth into.
159 The young policeman gritted his teeth and walked slowly towards the armed criminal.
160 The villagers gnashed their teeth about the council's decision to build a car park.
161 My brother is fretful because he is cutting his teeth.
162 The word "dentist"denotes a doctor whose work is the care of teeth.
163 These otters are particularly vicious beasties( ), with very sharp teeth.
164 His smile exposed teeth that could stand a good scrubbing.
165 Does she need orthodontic treatment to have her teeth straightened?
166 He'll be gnashing his teeth when he hears that we lost the contract.
167 He escaped from the secret police by the skin of his teeth.
168 The law must be given more teeth if crime is to be properly controlled.
169 The new policy was adopted in the teeth of fierce criticism.
170 As one twelfth-century writer put it(), English wine could be drunk only with closed eyes and through clenched teeth.
171 There has been much gnashing of teeth about the proposal to close the hospital.
172 It is necessary to remove plaque by brushing one's teeth.
173 This role gave her something to get her teeth into.
174 The teeth on the gears mesh as they turn round.
175 I'm fed up to the back teeth with listening to you complaining.
176 The cat came in with a mouse in its teeth.
177 Babies who are getting new teeth like to have something hard to chew on.
178 Her new role as fashion supremo is something she can really get her teeth into.
179 All night she grinds her teeth together, keeping me awake.
180 He flung it in my teeth that I was a toady.
181 When will the police be given the necessary teeth to deal with young criminals?
182 It sets my teeth on edge when I hear him talking to his mother so rudely.
183 There is going to be hardship, but we have to grit our teeth and get on with it.
184 I'd give my eye teeth to be able to play the piano like that.
185 A high proportion of five-year-olds have teeth in poor condition.
186 I can't wait to get my teeth into the new course.
187 The dentist may decide that the wisdom teeth need to be extracted.
188 Many of the gangs are armed to the teeth .
189 The job losses are a kick in the teeth for the union.
190 The teeth in one wheel engage with those of another.
191 The children ran out of the water, teeth chattering .
192 The teeth of the cog should fit into these grooves.
193 It is a proven fact that fluoride strengthens growing teeth.
194 They took a plaster cast of the teeth for identification purposes.
195 The police hope to identify the body by the gold fillings in the teeth.
196 He gritted his teeth and pulled on the rope again.
197 She fell over the dog and broke her front teeth.
198 He flashed a smile, showing two rows of white(), regular teeth.
199 Permission for the development was granted in the teeth of opposition from local shopkeepers.
200 This committee can make recommendations but it has no real teeth.
201 Eric gritted his teeth and vouchsafed them a few more drops of brandy.
202 I didn't like having my teeth drilled but extractions were infinitely worse.
203 With a knife clenched in/between his teeth, he climbed up the tree to cut some coconuts.
204 The Prime Minister cut her political teeth on student debates.
205 If you know you're grinding your teeth, particularly at night, see your dentist.
206 "Get out of here, " she said through clenched teeth.
207 When I was a boy, I was forced to have a cold shower every morning. I hated it but I just had to grit my teeth and do it.
208 I had/was given gas when I got my wisdom teeth out.
209 Getting him to do his homework is like pulling teeth.
210 She was dismissed from her job, which was a real kick in the teeth after all the work she'd done.
211 We've been struggling for years and it's a real kick in the teeth to see a new band make it ahead of us.
212 Some foods can stain the teeth, as of course can smoking.
213 It started to rain harder, but we gritted our teeth and carried on.
214 I'm fed up to the back teeth with hearing about your problems.
215 Now you know what the job involves here's something to get your teeth into.
216 His teeth were stained with nicotine from years of smoking.
217 The sharp parts of a comb or a saw are called teeth.
218 There's something between my teeth and I can't dislodge it.
219 The teeth of the saw were clogged with saw dust.
220 There's no need to fling his recent failure in his teeth in that unkind way.
221 Ben gritted his teeth,(/teeth.html) hoping Sasha wouldn't notice his fear.
222 The road was built in the teeth of fierce opposition from the public.
223 I felt like I was being kicked in the teeth every day.
224 Both reporters cut their journalistic teeth on the same provincial newspaper.
225 You should have your teeth checked by a dentist at least twice a year.
226 His teeth have rotted away and were black at the edges.
227 Monica picked up her Biro and revolved it between her teeth.
228 I was battling my way along the promenade in the teeth of a force ten gale.
229 It used to be believed that sugar could decay the teeth.
230 She answered the phone with a cigarette between her teeth.
231 He clashed the spoon against his teeth as he ate.
232 He won, but only by the skin of his teeth.
233 Dentists advise you to have your teeth checked every six months.
234 She was a fifth-grader when she got braces to correct an overbite and a gap between her two front teeth.
235 It appears that the new legislation doesn't have any teeth, since there has been no improvement in working conditions.
236 His teeth were a gleaming flash of white against his tan.
237 This broken promise is a real kick in the teeth for our fans.
238 He asked me how old I was and, lying through my teeth, I said '29'.
239 They crossed the bay in the teeth of a howling gale.
240 We all have times when life kicks us in the teeth.
241 They crossed the Atlantic in the teeth of a force 10 wind.
242 The Government's decision is a real kick in the teeth for the unions.
243 The new law was passed in the teeth of strong opposition.
244 Janice would give her eye teeth for a house like that.
245 He held the rope in his teeth as he climbed the tree.
246 I told my dentist my teeth are going yellow. He told me to wear a brown tie. Rodney Dangerfield 
247 The difference between appreciation and flattery? That is simple. One is sincere and the other insincere. One comes from the heart out; the other from the teeth out. One is unselfish; the other selfish. One is universally admired; the other universally condemned. Dale Carnegie 
248 All the adversity I've had in my life, all my troubles and obstacles, have strengthened me... You may not realize it when it happens, but a kick in the teeth may be the best thing in the world for you. Walt Disney 
249 Firearms are second only to the Constitution in importance; they are the peoples' liberty's teeth. George Washington 




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