随便看 |
- be on the record as saying that
- be on the right track
- be on the right/wrong track
- be on the rocks
- be on the ropes
- be on the run
- be on the same/a different wavelength
- be on the same wavelength
- be on the scene
- be on the scrounge
- be on the sharp end
- be on the sharp end of
- be on the sharp end (of something)
- be on the sharp end of something
- be on the sharp end of sth
- be on the side of the angels
- be on the slippery slope
- be on the stump
- be on the take
- be on the telephone
- be on the track of
- be on the track of sb
- be on the track of somebody
- be on the track of somebody/something
- be on the track of something
- Payment by installments
- Human relationship
- Farm building
- Such-and-such
- Corrective actions
- Reference price
- Price ratio
- Cluster analysis
- Deformable
- Trouble-shoot
- 祸害词义,祸害组词,祸害造句
- 祸患常积于忽微,而智勇多困于所溺
- 祸患常积于忽微,而智勇多困于所溺。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 祸患止于危行言逊
- 祸福在君,不在天时
- 祸福无门,吉凶由己
- 祸福无门,唯人所召。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 祸福无门,唯人所招
- 祸福是气运,善恶是人事,理常相应,类亦相求。若执福善祸淫之说而使之不爽,而为善之心衰矣。大段气运只是偶然,故善获福、淫获祸者半,善获祸、淫获福者亦半,不善不淫而获祸获福者亦半。人事只是个当然,善者获福,吾非为福而修善;淫者获祸,吾非为祸而改淫。善获祸而淫获福,吾宁善而处祸,不肯淫而要福。是故君子论天道不言祸福,论人事不言利害。自吾性分当为之外,皆不庸心,其言祸福利害,为世教发也。
- 祸福者天司之,荣辱者君司之,毁誉者人司之,善恶者我司之。我只理会我司,别个都莫照管。
- 祸福转化》翻译与解读
- 祸福非从地中出,非从天上来,己自生之
- 祸至因贪念》原文|译文|赏析
- 祸莫大于不仇人而有仇人之辞色,耻莫大于不恩人而诈恩人之状态。
- 祸莫大于不体人之私而又苦之,仇莫深于不讳人之短而又讦之。
- Hairstyle句子
- Endlessly句子
- Piled句子
- Life jacket句子
- Aimlessly句子
- Slink句子
- Aimless句子
- Dismantling句子
- Conference room句子
- Deliverance句子
- Sign away句子
- Airy-fairy句子
- Post句子
- Jeering句子
- Sketch out句子