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单词 Voicemail
1. All mod cons, including stereo, video, fax and voicemail.
2. Some come with voice-mail features, and others allow you to talk over a phone line while connected to another computer.
3. Our voice-mail program has a unique feature that we recommend.
4. Auto-dialling and remote access is possible from touch-tone telephones and electronic mail and voice-mail functions may be incorporated at a later date.
5. An attitude construed as enthusiasm when conveyed face to face is indistinguishable from aggression in voice-mail mes-sages or faxes.
6. Put the same thought into your outgoing voicemail message.
7. Be proactive in reducing voicemail tag.
8. It goes straight to voicemail.
9. Unable to access alternative line to dial voicemail.
10. Please leave me a voicemail message.
11. If you miss the call, your voicemail will soak up the action.
12. Web access to voicemail - you can play your messages on your computer.
13. Intercepting voicemail messages is illegal under the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000.
14. Adds an answering machine or similar voicemail device to your network diagram.
15. Visual Voicemail lets you select and listen to messages in whatever order you want - just like email.
16. Email nofitication - Forward each copy of your voicemail to your email account as a wav file.
17. On your voicemail recording, clearly state when the person calling may expect a call back.
18. The service will also include call waiting, caller ID, three-way calling and voicemail integrated withe-mail, AOL said.
19. The WRP400 is interoperable with common telephony equipment such as voicemail, fax, and interactive voice response systems.
20. They likely used the low-tech approach of merely guessing someone's four-digit voicemail PIN number or password.
21. The attack's nuisance value is increased because mobile phone networks also send notifications of new voicemail by SMS, so an attacked phone may stop advising of new voice messages too, it warned.http:///voicemail.html
22. Shortly after the Egyptian turmoil began, Google established a call-in line on which Egyptians could leave a voicemail, which could then be turned into messages distributed on Twitter.
23. A: If I am still busy at work, leave a message on my voicemail.
24. You should be able to listen to your email, or read your voicemail.
25. The Oregonian later reported that an 18-year-old woman left a distraught voicemail for Wu, accusing him of an "aggressive" sexual encounter.
26. A reporter and a private investigator at News of the World had already been jailed in 2007 for hacking into voicemail messages left on mobile telephones.
27. Return all of the calls before you check your voicemail again.
28. Switching equipment makes possible the delivery of call-control features such as call hold and three-way calling, while also providing access to peripheral equipment and services, such as voicemail.
29. It's not optimized for other experiences, which is why voicemail and conference calls are tedious, and why checking flight status is worse than a root canal.
30. The Spanish almost always take a call and most turn off voicemail.
31. The SPA8000 is interoperable with common telephony equipment such as voicemail, fax, private branch exchange (PBX), and interactive voice response systems.




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