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单词 closely
释义 Word family  noun closeness adjective close verb close adverb close closely  close·ly /ˈkləʊsli $ ˈkloʊs-/ ●●● S3 W2 adverb  1  CAREFULvery carefully 仔细地,严密地 The detective watched him closely, waiting for a reply. 侦探紧盯着他看,等着他回答。closely controlled/guarded/monitored etc Political activity is closely controlled. 政治活动受到严密的控制。 Details of the program are a closely-guarded secret. 该项目的细节是严格保密的。2  to a very great degree 密切地,在很大程度上 I have been closely involved in the work of both committees. 供职这两个委员会让我事务缠身。 The successful applicant will be working closely with our international staff. 被录用者将与我们的国际员工紧密合作。 a creature that closely resembles a red monkey 很像红猴的一种动物3  closely related/connected/associated etc if two or more things are closely related etc, there is a strong connection between them 紧密相关的 closely related subjects such as physics, chemistry, and maths 像物理、化学和数学这类紧密相关的学科 Her development as a writer is closely connected with her religion. 她身为作家的成长过程和她信奉的宗教息息相关。4  NEARin a way that is close to other things in time or space 紧跟地,拥挤地 lightning, followed closely by thunder 闪电,紧跟着是雷鸣 We were so closely packed in the elevator I could hardly move. 电梯里人挨着人,我几乎动弹不得。Examples from the Corpusclosely• Far away, the curve hugs the axis very closely.• The men are often in the home, doing work closely associated with women in most societies.• I stooped down before the stone and peered closely at it.• Sequent, too, he suggests, is looking closely at problems with bus bandwidth and distributed computing.• Voters should closely examine all the issues.• The flash of lightning was closely followed by thunder.• When the town was closely invested, Marquez decided to seek favorable terms for himself.• In recent years Applied Linguistics at Edinburgh has been closely involved in the organisation of international seminars and conferences.• These two issues are closely linked, and it makes sense to consider them together.• Changes in Expectations from the Farm Responses given to this question were linked very closely to changes in family circumstances.• Watch the area closely to make sure it does not become infected.• Bush worked closely with Gorbachev to improve Soviet relations with the U.S.watched ... closely• I must have watched him as closely as I watched the play.• Woodward, the MI5 man, had watched him closely at Northolt.• That decision is being watched closely by investors.• He watched her closely for a long time but there was no further flicker of consciousness.• The text needs to be watched closely for all may not be as it seems at first.• She spied on him and watched closely over the friendships he formed, in order to prevent him from assuming power.• I watched closely the Britts and other successful men and women in this business.• Grant watched Angel One closely, waiting for the attack to be launched.closely involved• But again, I was closely involved.• David Poole is hopeful for the future of an art with which he has become so closely involved.• The librarian himself may well be closely involved, but the controlling function normally rests with head of acquisitions.• In recent years Applied Linguistics at Edinburgh has been closely involved in the organisation of international seminars and conferences.• He had been closely involved with Harriet over the horses.• Johannes Uyttenbogaert was closely involved with the Remonstrants, a liberal and political movement opposed to the extremes of Calvinism.• The language young children hear comes mostly from people who are closely involved with them.followed closely• But this example of corporate induced injury pales beside one which followed closely afterwards.• Traffic and noise, dirt and pollution and crime followed closely behind.• A bolt of lightning ripped it open, and the light was followed closely by a deep rumble of thunder.• She is followed closely by a little boy, who keeps ducking behind her whenever Yolanda smiles at him.• This is followed closely by discounted admission to racecourses and greyhound tracks.• Strathclyde was home to the largest number, followed closely by Lothian and Tayside.• The hot drop this summer is a gleaming Lexus, followed closely by the design of the city skyline.• The Bloc Quebecois got the nod as official opposition with 54 seats, and Reform followed closely with 52.close·ly adverbChineseSyllable  carefully very Corpus




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