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单词 cling
释义  cling /klɪŋ/ ●●○ verb (past tense and past participle clung /klʌŋ/) [intransitive]  1  [always + adverb/preposition]HOLD to hold someone or something tightly, especially because you do not feel safe 〔尤指感觉不安全而〕紧紧抓住[抱住]cling to/on/at etc He wailed and clung to his mother. 他号啕大哭,紧紧抱住他的母亲。 Passengers clung desperately on to the lifeboats. 乘客们拼命地抓住救生艇。2  [always + adverb/preposition]STICK to stick to someone or something, or seem to surround them 缠着;黏着cling to/around etc His wet shirt clung to his body. 他的湿衬衫紧紧地贴在身上。 The smell of cigarette smoke clung to her clothes. 她衣服上有香烟的味道。3  NEARto stay close to someone all the time because you are too dependent on them or do not feel safe – used to show disapproval 依恋,依附〔含贬义〕 Some children tend to cling on their first day at school. 有些小孩在上学第一天往往会有恋家的情绪。4 cling on phrasal verb to continue trying to stay in power, in business etc 坚守;设法抓住〔权力等〕 Other businesses cling on and hope. 其他企业坚持着并且抱有希望。5 cling to something (also cling on to something) phrasal verb a) BELIEVEto continue to believe or do something, even though it may not be true or useful any longer 坚持,墨守〔某事物〕cling to the hope/belief/idea etc (that) He clung to the hope that she would be cured. 他一直抱着她会治愈的希望。b) to stay in a position of power or stay ahead, when this is difficult, or to try to do this 紧紧抓住〔权力等〕不放 an attempt to cling to power 试图抓住权力不放→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpuscling• She was lying on her side and Hugh was on his side also, clinging to her back, as though for protection.• She flung out her arms to steady herself, clinging to him.• Denial, too, seemed to be an effort to cling to hope.• His pink shirt clinging to the curve of his belly.• A customary error committed by aquarists is to cling to the opinion that the Aponogeton species do not require a rich soil.• Why cling to the rebel cross?cling to/on/at etc• Astrochele is commonly found clinging to gorgonians, corals, etc.• And these possibilities made her cling to her actual existence with pleasure.• I clung to her hand, offering her a mooring line in that churning sea of grief.• I clung to him as if I expected to be pulled away from him.• He clings to his uniform like a second skin.• She further offended doctors by clinging to patently wrong ideas.• His pink shirt clinging to the curve of his belly.• Its founders were clinging to the wreckage, not setting out on a brave new voyage.cling to/around etc• No heart, no soul, nothing to cling to.• A wild urge to cling to him like this for the rest of her life?• Marge clung to Janey and stared at the blank door in horror.• Lucy's sobs stilled a little and she clung to Jay.• Michael held out his arms to her and she shrank away from him, clinging to Roy.• An endless drizzle clung to the air like fog.• We have in prospect eight months of solitude, clinging to the edge of the world's coldest, remotest continent.• They clung to the surface of things.Origin cling Old English clingancling verbChinese  tightly, Corpus or hold someone to something




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