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单词 Terminate
1 This train will terminate at Taunton.
2 You have no right to terminate the contract.
3 Either party has the right to terminate the agreement.
4 Either party can terminate the contract at any time.
5 Every summer a number of boys terminate their youthful career in a watery grave.
6 This train will terminate at the next stop - passengers who wish to continue should change trains.
7 After a lot of agonizing she decided to terminate the pregnancy.
8 The usual procedure adopted is to terminate with a fixed resistance in place of or.
9 The Company decided to terminate the project, along with the jobs of the design team.
10 The hearing would decide whether the state should terminate the rights of the biological parents and put the child up for adoption.
11 The order will terminate when the child ceases to be of compulsory school age or if a care order is made.
12 The customer also threatened to terminate his business relationship with the employer.
13 The company had the right to terminate his employment at any time.
14 Both fireballs terminate with high-altitude explosions that shake the ground and rattle windows, but do no damage.
15 Some parents will terminate contact with the therapist because they do not understand why certain questions are being asked.
16 For young women who choose to terminate their pregnancy, the decision is often not easy to implement.
17 Betraying a trust is a very quick and painful way to terminate a friendship. 
18 Instead it will continue until the particular set of indexes have been applied, and then terminate.
19 Under general treaty law and the law on State responsibility, States can amend or terminate treaties which provide rights for individuals.
20 As the most expensive section of the labour force, middle-aged workers have faced very severe pressures to terminate their employment.
21 A calculation is made of the percentage of non-arrivals, cancellations and guests that terminate their stay earlier than expected.
22 However, I have real concerns about the impact on our family if I terminate him.
23 It was also suggested that a proposal had been made to terminate Bloch's employment.
24 At the gross anatomical level the optic tract can be seen to terminate in a number of discrete relays in the brainstem.
25 Alternatively double click anywhere on the desktop to evoke the TaskManager and select the 1-2-3 task and click on the terminate button.
26 Similarly, breach of condition by the buyer allows the seller to treat the contract as repudiated and terminate it.
27 Melanie was furious, and desperate enough to go to any lengths to terminate the pregnancy.
28 How much notice is required on either side to terminate the tenancy agreement? 11.
29 Alternatively, the customer or supplier may look on the purported transfer as an opportunity to terminate or renegotiate the contract.
30 In general, teenagers from more affluent families are more likely than those from poorer families to terminate their pregnancies.
1 You have no right to terminate the contract.
2 Every summer a number of boys terminate their youthful career in a watery grave.
31 Graham Marshall followed with injuries to his rib cage which according to the internationalist following the game, will possibly terminate his career.
32 Miller and Schumer originally had introduced legislation to terminate the sugar program this year.
33 The court will probably wish to terminate the defendant's liability at a particular point.
34 The court in 1994 upheld some limits on how close protesters can get to women entering abortion clinics to terminate pregnancies.
35 The employment protection legislation operates to restrict the grounds on which an employer can terminate the contract of employment with impunity.
36 Thomas could terminate the contract and become a free agent.
37 Question, do you understand what it means to terminate the employment at will?
38 Ideally, the artist could terminate the agreement at any time.
39 However, both the license and the right to use the Program terminate automatically if you violate any part of this Agreement.
40 It is so obvious that they should all stay outside the ring road except for the bus station where they would all terminate.
41 You then approved the decision to terminate the Travel Office staff....
42 Creditors are all too frequently obliged to terminate the consumer credit agreement because the debtor is in default.
43 It is easier now to prevent pregnancy through contraception, and to terminate it through abortion.
44 It was significant that Tsongas decided to suspend rather than terminate his campaign, as it underlined the doubts which remained concerning Clinton.
45 The hirer had an option to purchase on paying all the instalments and could terminate the agreement at any time.
46 Subsequent stages of burning finally terminate with the star having an iron core.
47 Bosses are said to have decided to terminate his contract on December 31.
48 The member of staff must report, but need not terminate, the relationship.
49 Since 1989 conservatives on the court have given states more latitude to restrict the conditions under which women terminate pregnancies.
50 The landlord could also terminate the arrangements at short notice.
51 Terminate use of tracer calls and continue to monitor the circuits for desired information. 10.
52 Not all burdens on the right to decide whether to terminate a pregnancy will be undue.
53 As the administrative receiver is the agent of the company, his appointment does not terminate the company's contracts.
54 Secondly, the success rate of dilatation and curettage to terminate a pregnancy of under four weeks is poor.
55 A day that had begun with the parade affirmation had to terminate in the same style.
56 One plant closing or relocation is enough to terminate the employment future of an entire city.
57 Used to input a value to select an option, specify a parameter, terminate a pause etc.
58 When Acevedo refused to provide names, the city filed a motion to terminate her workers' compensation benefits.
59 Despite calls of if Rentokil won, Rank would terminate the contract, Rentokil went on to a 7-O victory.
60 Terminate input by end-of-file marker, not bycount.
61 Many adverbs terminate in - ly.
62 Terminate the argument list with the next-to-last argument.
63 Many adjectives terminate in - ful.
64 Most plural nouns terminate in's '.
65 The borrower can terminate an overdraft facility at will.
66 To terminate ( an action ) by discontinuance.
67 The bronchioles terminate in a capillary bed.
68 Many adverbs terminate in - 1 y.
69 Will the program, module, or subroutine eventually terminate?
70 An offer terminate on the death of the offeror.
71 Pedipalps terminate in eversible adhesive organs.
72 Temperature, pain, and itch sensation are transmitted by unmyelinated nerve fibers which terminate in the papillary dermis and around hair follicles.
73 The QUIT command stops the command line processor, but does not remove the associated back-end process; to do that, you need to issue the TERMINATE command.
74 Then, a simple data-stream truncation method is able to both terminate the coding in advance and approximate the optimal rate distortion.
75 I write this letter as formal notice to terminate my engagement with your company one month from today's date.
76 If the donor withholds performance, the donee may terminate the contractual relationship.
77 Party a will notify party b terminate agreement, this agreement by party b to notice from the lease term ends when both parties will not continue to happen, debt, but the original debts reserves.
78 Dangerous macro command is detected. You are advised to terminate this script.
79 The next major section of the HTTP servlet is to write the Terminate function, to be executed when the Terminate button is pushed.
80 The death of the offeree or offeror may terminate an offer.
81 This agreement may be terminated by either party for any material breach of the obligations set out in this agreement, by giving 28 days' notice to the other of its intention to terminate.
82 Conclusion Precordial thump could not terminate VF in the pig model of cardiac arrest.
83 The basalts were intruded by numerous silica dykes(/terminate.html), some of which terminate in the sedimentary layers.
84 The merit of all manual occupations seems to terminate in the inventor.
85 A linked list consists of a node structure that contains two members: the data it is holding and a pointer to another node structure (or NULL, to terminate the list).
86 HKEJ reserves the right to terminate this Membership or Subscription Agreement forthwith without notice should Member or Subscriber be in breach of this clause.
87 Although it is always hard to take the decision to terminate a mission, we have to accept that the satellite is running out of resources and a controlled switch-off is the best ending.
88 Restitution is the important content of restitution liability, which is formed due to the exercise of the right to terminate based on party's indication after termination of contract.
89 Without approval from the municipal government, an operation unit shall not suspend or terminate operation services.
90 The right and duties in the relationship between a foster child and his or her natural parents shall terminate with the establishment of this adoption.
91 Similarly, if you run the script of Listing 4, and press Ctrl-c in the terminal window where the script is running, the script will immediately terminate without shutting down the clock.
92 Once you succeed in getting the job into the foreground, you can either terminate (or kill) it, or take some other action, In this case, let's use Ctrl-c to terminate our 'clock.'
93 This train will terminate there. All passengers please alight at this terminus.
94 A person who is not capable of contracting or who has limited capacity to contract can neither establish nor terminate a residence without the consent of his legal representative.
95 Contract is an agreement between litigants to establish, modify and terminate the civil rights and duties.
96 SCS reserves the right to terminate TA's service privilege after the third unexcused absence.
97 Qantas planes should be back in the air by the end of the day after last night's Fair Work Australia ruling to terminate the industrial dispute that has crippled Australian air travel.
98 To opt-out of this list, simply terminate your own account.
99 After you issue the new syntax to drop an index, no one can reference the index, but concurrent DML operations can use the index until they terminate.
100 At any time during the call, the customer may click the "cancel" button to invoke the "cancelCall" or "endCall" operation to cancel or terminate the call identifier respectively.
101 Either step the debugger again, or terminate and restart debugging.
102 Java Telephony API: Allows Java programs to create and terminate outgoing calls, listen for and answer incoming calls, and detect changes in the call state.
103 A key on a computer terminal which, when pressed in conjunction with another key, is used to perform a control or manipulation function, ?e. g. , ? to terminate an editing operation.
104 If a party commits any material breach of this Contract or its representation and warranties hereunder, the other party shall have the right to terminate this Contract and claim damages.
105 You must, of course, execute the fuser command as root to be able to terminate processes that may be owned by other users, as shown in Listing 9.
106 The CARETAKER may terminate an employment contract without prior notice under any of the following circumstances.
107 To terminate a computational process in accordance with some rule, e. g. , to end the evaluation of a power series at a specified term.
108 The method is used for solving the issue that is the base station not receiving the terminal response cannot terminate the sending of paging broadcast message in the paging process.
109 If subscribers terminate the service or change to other service plans within the commitment period, Hong Kong Broadband Network Ltd. Will charge back $550 broadband installation fee.
110 Therefore Lithospermum can not be used in those who intend to conceive or do not need to terminate pregnancy.
111 Do u know the terminate - and - stay - resident program?
112 HP and Nokia are also said to be opposed to the terms of the auction that would terminate current licensing agreements.
113 Mid-term Termination of the Contract: Neither Party shall terminate this contract without reasonable cause prior to the agreed date of expiration.Sentencedict
114 Grace began now to be anxious to terminate the interview.
115 Both parties to the mortgage may secure anew the mortgage for the mortgaged real property. They may also settle the debts and credits in accordance with the law and terminate the mortgage contract.
116 The decision to suspend or terminate the anti-dumping investigation shall be published by MOFCOM.
117 Cannot perform a % ls operation inside a user transaction. Terminate the transaction and reissue the statement.
118 A sequence linear algorithm is constructed for solving the new model and also it is proved to terminate by finite iteration.
119 If the Buyer shall for any reason terminate this Contract in whole or in part, the notice of termination must be given in writing to the Seller.
120 The Company may terminate this contract of service by giving you ONE(1)week 's prior noticeinwriting.
121 The master and the target terminate the transaction and signal different termination condition by combining different signals at the same time.
122 To terminate the keyboard mode, type the command return then press the Return key.
123 At the bottom of this structure we embed constants into operators which terminate the nesting process.
124 Later in this tip you see how a process can trap signals and not terminate, but here you use the interrupt signal (SIGINT) to terminate the clock.
125 Death Insurance: Ping An shall pay the stipulated amount of insurance compensation if the Insured dies of any accidental injury or disease (including SARS). Insurance liabilities thus terminate.
126 Thesame observer was able to terminate vapor lock in 10 of 10 trials.
127 Preparing items for upload to the Roaming Access server. Press cancel to terminate the upload.
128 When this happens, the control region will terminate the servant region by default, to clean up the environment and prevent important system resources from being locked.
129 The daemon process is terminated either during normal plug-in termination (message in a named pipe to terminate) or if it is signaled that the parent process has terminated.
130 Without approval from the municipal government, an operation unIt'shall not suspend or terminate operation services.
131 The unmyelinated nerve fibers either terminate around the blood capillaries or approach near pituicytes.
132 You can explicitly terminate the process instance with a request for compensation using the Process Choreographer API (application program interface).
133 Truth is the function of the beliefs that start and terminate among them.
134 One way to handle premature death of the xclock process or the use of Ctrl-c to terminate the running script is to catch these signals and then use the kill command to kill the sleep command.
135 A statement of Ada language used to prematurely terminate a task when an exception occurs.
136 I would rather spend several hundred yuan to buy a new employment agreement rather than pay several thousand yuan to the company to terminate it.
137 The Party claiming Force Majeure shall also use all reasonable endeavours to terminate the Force Majeure.
138 If a spouse becomes self-supporting before the end of the court ordered support period the paying spouse can petition for the courts to terminate the alimony.
139 If the people's court rules to set aside the arbitration award, it shall rule to terminate the enforcement procedure.
140 The EXIT label WHEN condition statement can terminate a loop that has a label.
141 The President called Kennedy in and suggested he terminate his association with the glamorous movie star.
142 Use a synchronization object instead to signal the thread to terminate in Programming . NET Components.
143 Please mind the coming southbound train will terminate at Gong Yi Xi Qiao Station.
143 try its best to collect and build good sentences.
144 The study of obtaining the right to terminate a contract may start from two dimensions of expectations right and vested right.
145 He had never seen the instrument that was to terminate his life.
146 The first time you go changing things without discussion with me and get my specific agreement - I will terminate all work with you with-out payment!
147 Finally, Figure 5 captures conditions if you detach from Screen and terminate your remote login.
148 Dislocations can change the antiphase relationship of the two growing domains and thus can act as a trap to APB, making APB terminate at the dislocation.
149 A code extension character, used to terminate a sequence that has been introduced by the shift-out character, that makes effective the graphic characters of the standard character set.
150 R_(7a) approximate many features of R_(1-6) cells, which have a larger, cell body, rhabdomere and axon, terminate in the first optic neuropil (lamina).
151 Not withstanding any other provision in this agreement, the Employer may terminate this agreement summarily and without notice for serious misconduct on the part of the Employee.
152 Either party shall not terminate the contract without notice in advance.
153 Objective To explore the clinical effect of mifepristone combined with misoprostol to terminate the mid - term gestation.
154 The Underwriting Agreement contains provisions entitling the Joint Global Coordinators by notice in writing to terminate the Underwriting Agreement upon occurrence of certain events.
155 Terminate agreement in advance, charge 80 % of the unfulfilled rental rate.
156 He insisted I fomenting dissent, and he said he would have to terminate me.
157 The template is called with the log message and the terminate parameter set to Yes.
158 Please mind the coming eastbound train will terminate at Chang Ying Station.
159 The lower the terminate temperature, the higher the volume fraction of ferrite, the larger the size of grain, the lower the yield ratio, the better the ductility.
160 The EXIT label statement can terminate a loop that has a label.
161 To bring to an end by or as if by breaking up; terminate.
162 The disbandment of company is a kind of legal procedure to terminate the company as a legal person.
163 To terminate this duel, to amalgamate the pure idea with the humane reality, to cause right to penetrate pacifically into the fact and the fact into right, that is the task of sages.
164 A run of a Parallel process terminates when, and only when, all its component processes terminate.
165 The Closing Process Group includes the processes used to formally terminate all activities of a project or a project phase, hand off the completed product to others or close a cancelled project.
166 During transcription, palindromic termination sites form near the 3' end of the RNA and are required in prokaryotes to terminate RNA transcription.
167 Article 72 Commercial banks should terminate their operations upon a disbandment, dismantlement and bankruptcy.
168 Will every loop eventually terminate? Devise an informal proof or argument showing that each loop will terminate.
169 Immediately after this Imperial Tobacco intends to file Forms 15 and 15F with the SEC to deregister and terminate its reporting obligations under the Exchange Act.
170 In formal tenure, in case finding the Party made the false declaration and provided unreal information and is unable to hold the post, Party A can unconditionally terminate this contract.
171 On Solaris/AIX, you must specify the packet size (the default is 56 bytes), and the number of packets to send so that you do not have to manually terminate the process.
172 Of course, we can just terminate the contract with those who were employed last year.
173 If the Put Option is not exercised(http:///terminate.html), each of CYL and SJL shall have the right to terminate the EJV Contract and these Articles under Article 23.3.
174 Two recent deaths of women who had taken an abortion pill to terminate pregnancies stemmed from a bacterial infection, not from the pill itself, the Food and Drug Administration said Friday.
175 Agreements should be fair to both parties. This provision does not seem fair to the Licensor since only the Licensee has the right to terminate the Agreement.
176 If the book publisher refuses to reprint or republish the work when the stocks of the book are exhausted, the copyright owner shall have the right to terminate the contract.
177 The provider can also terminate PSTN numbers, and route incoming calls for those numbers back to the IP PBX over the SIP can also Trunk.
178 The parallel forEach construct has an optional feature -- a completionCondition that can be used to terminate the forEach construct before completing all parallel loop instances.
179 The parties may terminate a contract if they have so agreed.
180 Please mind the coming eastbound train will terminate at Sihui East Station.
181 Any party has no right to terminate this contract without another party's agreement.
182 However, in the case of sub-paragraph (e) or (f), the Employer may by notice terminate the Contract immediately.
183 If the publisher refuses to reprint or republish the work when the stock of the book is exhausted, the copyright owner shall have the right to terminate the contract.
184 Rigatoni is usually ridged and the tube's end does not terminate at an angle, like penne .
185 It is said that the General Motors is going to terminate your contract.
186 No lines of force originate or terminate in the space surrounding a charge.
187 If we are to have a meaningful expression, such a regress must terminate in a connection to the world—an ostensive definition, a demonstration, a word-to-world connection.




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